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Did you know that you can lose weight just by changing your morning routine? According to a recent research, your morning routine can make you lose weight. No matter what you missed your diet the day before, every morning offers a new beginning to meet your goals in diet and exercise. In addition, several investigations show that "morning people" are more likely than night owls to lose significant amounts of weight and not recover it.

If what you are looking for is to lose those extra kilos without so much effort, it would be ideal to know the 7 morning habits to achieve permanent weight loss. Morning habits to lose weight

7 morning habits to lose weight

1. Take the morning sun

The morning sunlight is full of blue light, which is best to help set the body's internal clocks or circadian rhythms. These internal synchronization devices need to be synchronized because they control the hormones that stimulate hunger and satiety, as well as metabolism.

It is believed that unsynchronized body clocks explain why shift workers and night owls are more likely to be overweight or obese. Therefore, try to sunbathe at least 20 minutes early in the morning.

Sunlight in the morning will help change your hormones to increase fat burning and r echazar hormones that stimulate hunger and appetite.

2. Stay active

There are reasons why it is often recommended to exercise in the morning. First, there are fewer distractions to attend the gym. In addition, a study published in the Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise found in a study conducted among 45 women that a vigorous walk of 45 minutes in the morning was associated with an increase in physical activity and a decreased desire to eat.

The second and biggest advantage is that morning workouts are one of the best ways to improve your mood. This can translate into a positive attitude to make changes in your diet and lifestyle that are necessary to lose weight. 7 morning habits to lose weight definitely

3. Eat protein

A breakfast with an optimal amount of protein can help increase satiety and decrease the hunger hormones, keeping you satisfied for several hours. In addition, protein helps increase metabolism much more than carbohydrates or fat.

For greater satisfaction and benefits for muscle development, try to get 25 to 30 grams of protein at breakfast. The protein choices for breakfast including eggs, natural Greek yogurt, nut butter and chicken or turkey sausage. Morning habits to lose weight

4. Weigh yourself frequently

Several studies in recent years have confirmed that frequent or daily weightings are beneficial for weight loss. A study published in The Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics reports that dieters who weighed daily lost approximately three times more weight and body fat compared to participants who weighed less often.

The best way to weigh you is immediately after getting up and going to the bathroom. Or weigh each day with the same amount of clothes to get more accurate results.

5. Sleep a little more

Sleeping more can help you lose weight. In a study published in Appetite, researchers increased participants' sleep time by an additional 90 minutes per night. It was found that, with more sleep hours, the appetite of the participants decreased by 14% and the cravings for junk food decreased by 62%.

On the other hand, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition discovered that when subjects were made to reduce their sleep from seven hours per night to four hours they ate, on average, about 300 more calories the next day.

So, how much should you sleep? Experts recommend developing an established sleep routine that allows you to get at least seven hours of inactivity every night. Sleep a little more to lose weight

6. Drink water

Before breakfast, he acquires the habit of drinking two glasses of water. Water will not only help you rehydrate after you have not drunk anything during the night, but it can also help you control the calories in your first meal. Several studies indicate that those who drink more water have a lower Body Mass Index (BMI) and gain less weight over time.

A study published in the journal Obesity found that overweight people lost 44% more weight by simply drinking two glasses of water about 30 minutes before each of their three main meals. And is that, despite being free of calories, water helps improve satiety. Drink water to lose weight definitely

7. Create your own snacks

Free food is a common benefit in many offices today, but by eating there you can buy too many calories and carbohydrates. Instead of relying on the unhealthy options commonly available in offices or vending machines, take time in the mornings to pack your own snacks.

Healthy options include everything high in fiber or protein, such as apple slices with nut butter, cottage cheese with fresh fruit, a bowl of Greek yogurt, freshly cut vegetables with hummus, or a cup of lentil soup.



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The testosterone is a hormone that usually relate almost exclusively to men. But while it is true that in men it is where their scope is most appreciated, women can also benefit from it.

Among the benefits of testosterone for general health, is promoting muscle development, fat loss or simply helping in common processes of general health.

The bad news is that it seems that we no longer produce as much testosterone as we did before. This is due to the sedentary habits and inadequate nutrition of modern life. Glucoberry

Therefore, choosing supplements that increase your testosterone is crucial.

The 7 most useful supplements to increase testosterone

1. D-Aspartic Acid

The D-aspartic acid is an amino acid that increases the count of follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone, which operated at the Leydig cell that is responsible for producing testosterone.

Several studies in humans and animals have shown optimistic results on the role of D-Aspartic acid, ensuring that it proposes improvements such as:

·        Greater presence of testosterone.

·        Better diffusion of testosterone in the body.

·        Better athletic performance

·        Increase in sperm count and improvement in its quality.

Nevertheless, these results seem to show that D-Aspartic acid is mainly useful for people with sexual deficiencies or low testosterone, but this does not mean that it is essential for people with normal testosterone levels.

2. Vitamin D

The Vitamin D is a fat - soluble vitamin that occurs naturally in contact with sunlight and serving as a steroid into its active form.

Despite being involved in so many processes, many people are currently deficient due to the closed door habits we wear.

Several studies have shown that increasing vitamin D levels also increases testosterone levels, with all the collateral benefits that this poses, such as better sperm production and other health benefits in general.

While supplements are usually a fast and safe route, changing habits in the daily routine that include more exercise and sun exposure is also useful for increasing vitamin D.

3. Tribulus terrestris

The Tribulus terrestris is an herb that has received various medical and spiritual uses for centuries. One explanation for this is the power it has to increase testosterone levels. Among some of its main benefits we have the following:

·        Increase in testosterone count.

·        Improvements on various sexual health conditions.

·        Other benefits on health in general.

Nevertheless, research indicates that tribulus terrestris works more as an aid for people with low testosterone levels and not so much for athletes with optimal physical qualities or normal testosterone levels. For the latter, there are no obvious enough benefits to suggest taking this supplement.

4. Fenugreek

The Fenugreek is another herb popularly associated with increased testosterone. It is thought to work by reducing the levels of the enzymes that convert testosterone to estrogen.

As an example of how it works, one study took 60 healthy men between 25 and 52 years of age. Half of them received fenugreek supplements for six weeks while the other half received a placebo capsule. At the end of the study, the fenugreek group demonstrated the following improvements:

·        Increase in libido: 80% of participants.

·        Improvements in sexual performance: 66%.

·        Higher energy levels: 81%.

·        More general welfare: 55%.

5. Ginger

The ginger is a product traditionally used as a spice in homes, but over the years has demonstrated health effects in different areas.

In summary, these are some of the benefits of ginger presented by various studies, in animals and humans:

·        Increase testosterone count, almost twice in some cases.

·        Greater presence of luteinizing hormone.

·        Reduction of inflammation

While these are relatively short studies, the evidence they have presented is promising, and in any case consuming ginger still poses many other additional health benefits .

6. Zinc

Like vitamin D, zinc is an element involved in the production of testosterone and many other body processes.

One study analyzed the relationship of zinc and testosterone through patients with zinc deficiency. As expected, supplementing them with zinc also raised their testosterone levels. It has also been found that zinc has benefits on sterility problems in men, on a small scale.

Despite these findings, little has been shown about the effects of zinc in people who do not have deficiencies in it or testosterone.

7. Ashwagandha

Theashwagandha is an ancient Indian herb known for its use as a medicinal plant, relaxing tea and energy drink, and have recently been awarded properties on testosterone levels.

Several studies have shown promising results in this regard, ensuring that consumption of ashwagandha improves testosterone levels while increasing sperm count and other aspects of fertility.

For individuals suffering from stress, the consumption of ashwagandha can also help reduce these symptoms and increase testosterone, possibly reducing the levels of another hormone called cortisol, related to stress.

Also, the consumption of ashwagandha improves physical performance and muscle recovery, so consuming it raises more than one benefit that we should consider.

The testosterone is a hormone that usually relate almost exclusively to men. But while it is true that in men it is where their scope is most appreciated, women can also benefit from it.

Among the benefits of testosterone for general health, is promoting muscle development, fat loss or simply helping in common processes of general health.

The bad news is that it seems that we no longer produce as much testosterone as we did before. This is due to the sedentary habits and inadequate nutrition of modern life. Glucoberry

Therefore, choosing supplements that increase your testosterone is crucial.

The 7 most useful supplements to increase testosterone

1. D-Aspartic Acid

The D-aspartic acid is an amino acid that increases the count of follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone, which operated at the Leydig cell that is responsible for producing testosterone.

Several studies in humans and animals have shown optimistic results on the role of D-Aspartic acid, ensuring that it proposes improvements such as:

·        Greater presence of testosterone.

·        Better diffusion of testosterone in the body.

·        Better athletic performance

·        Increase in sperm count and improvement in its quality.

Nevertheless, these results seem to show that D-Aspartic acid is mainly useful for people with sexual deficiencies or low testosterone, but this does not mean that it is essential for people with normal testosterone levels.

2. Vitamin D

The Vitamin D is a fat - soluble vitamin that occurs naturally in contact with sunlight and serving as a steroid into its active form.

Despite being involved in so many processes, many people are currently deficient due to the closed door habits we wear.

Several studies have shown that increasing vitamin D levels also increases testosterone levels, with all the collateral benefits that this poses, such as better sperm production and other health benefits in general.

While supplements are usually a fast and safe route, changing habits in the daily routine that include more exercise and sun exposure is also useful for increasing vitamin D.

3. Tribulus terrestris

The Tribulus terrestris is an herb that has received various medical and spiritual uses for centuries. One explanation for this is the power it has to increase testosterone levels. Among some of its main benefits we have the following:

·        Increase in testosterone count.

·        Improvements on various sexual health conditions.

·        Other benefits on health in general.

Nevertheless, research indicates that tribulus terrestris works more as an aid for people with low testosterone levels and not so much for athletes with optimal physical qualities or normal testosterone levels. For the latter, there are no obvious enough benefits to suggest taking this supplement.

4. Fenugreek

The Fenugreek is another herb popularly associated with increased testosterone. It is thought to work by reducing the levels of the enzymes that convert testosterone to estrogen.

As an example of how it works, one study took 60 healthy men between 25 and 52 years of age. Half of them received fenugreek supplements for six weeks while the other half received a placebo capsule. At the end of the study, the fenugreek group demonstrated the following improvements:

·        Increase in libido: 80% of participants.

·        Improvements in sexual performance: 66%.

·        Higher energy levels: 81%.

·        More general welfare: 55%.

5. Ginger

The ginger is a product traditionally used as a spice in homes, but over the years has demonstrated health effects in different areas.

In summary, these are some of the benefits of ginger presented by various studies, in animals and humans:

·        Increase testosterone count, almost twice in some cases.

·        Greater presence of luteinizing hormone.

·        Reduction of inflammation

While these are relatively short studies, the evidence they have presented is promising, and in any case consuming ginger still poses many other additional health benefits .

6. Zinc

Like vitamin D, zinc is an element involved in the production of testosterone and many other body processes.

One study analyzed the relationship of zinc and testosterone through patients with zinc deficiency. As expected, supplementing them with zinc also raised their testosterone levels. It has also been found that zinc has benefits on sterility problems in men, on a small scale.

Despite these findings, little has been shown about the effects of zinc in people who do not have deficiencies in it or testosterone.

7. Ashwagandha

Theashwagandha is an ancient Indian herb known for its use as a medicinal plant, relaxing tea and energy drink, and have recently been awarded properties on testosterone levels.

Several studies have shown promising results in this regard, ensuring that consumption of ashwagandha improves testosterone levels while increasing sperm count and other aspects of fertility.

For individuals suffering from stress, the consumption of ashwagandha can also help reduce these symptoms and increase testosterone, possibly reducing the levels of another hormone called cortisol, related to stress.

Also, the consumption of ashwagandha improves physical performance and muscle recovery, so consuming it raises more than one benefit that we should consider.

The testosterone is a hormone that usually relate almost exclusively to men. But while it is true that in men it is where their scope is most appreciated, women can also benefit from it.

Among the benefits of testosterone for general health, is promoting muscle development, fat loss or simply helping in common processes of general health.

The bad news is that it seems that we no longer produce as much testosterone as we did before. This is due to the sedentary habits and inadequate nutrition of modern life. Glucoberry

Therefore, choosing supplements that increase your testosterone is crucial.

The 7 most useful supplements to increase testosterone

1. D-Aspartic Acid

The D-aspartic acid is an amino acid that increases the count of follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone, which operated at the Leydig cell that is responsible for producing testosterone.

Several studies in humans and animals have shown optimistic results on the role of D-Aspartic acid, ensuring that it proposes improvements such as:

·        Greater presence of testosterone.

·        Better diffusion of testosterone in the body.

·        Better athletic performance

·        Increase in sperm count and improvement in its quality.

Nevertheless, these results seem to show that D-Aspartic acid is mainly useful for people with sexual deficiencies or low testosterone, but this does not mean that it is essential for people with normal testosterone levels.

2. Vitamin D

The Vitamin D is a fat - soluble vitamin that occurs naturally in contact with sunlight and serving as a steroid into its active form.

Despite being involved in so many processes, many people are currently deficient due to the closed door habits we wear.

Several studies have shown that increasing vitamin D levels also increases testosterone levels, with all the collateral benefits that this poses, such as better sperm production and other health benefits in general.

While supplements are usually a fast and safe route, changing habits in the daily routine that include more exercise and sun exposure is also useful for increasing vitamin D.

3. Tribulus terrestris

The Tribulus terrestris is an herb that has received various medical and spiritual uses for centuries. One explanation for this is the power it has to increase testosterone levels. Among some of its main benefits we have the following:

·        Increase in testosterone count.

·        Improvements on various sexual health conditions.

·        Other benefits on health in general.

Nevertheless, research indicates that tribulus terrestris works more as an aid for people with low testosterone levels and not so much for athletes with optimal physical qualities or normal testosterone levels. For the latter, there are no obvious enough benefits to suggest taking this supplement.

4. Fenugreek

The Fenugreek is another herb popularly associated with increased testosterone. It is thought to work by reducing the levels of the enzymes that convert testosterone to estrogen.

As an example of how it works, one study took 60 healthy men between 25 and 52 years of age. Half of them received fenugreek supplements for six weeks while the other half received a placebo capsule. At the end of the study, the fenugreek group demonstrated the following improvements:

·        Increase in libido: 80% of participants.

·        Improvements in sexual performance: 66%.

·        Higher energy levels: 81%.

·        More general welfare: 55%.

5. Ginger

The ginger is a product traditionally used as a spice in homes, but over the years has demonstrated health effects in different areas.

In summary, these are some of the benefits of ginger presented by various studies, in animals and humans:

·        Increase testosterone count, almost twice in some cases.

·        Greater presence of luteinizing hormone.

·        Reduction of inflammation

While these are relatively short studies, the evidence they have presented is promising, and in any case consuming ginger still poses many other additional health benefits .

6. Zinc

Like vitamin D, zinc is an element involved in the production of testosterone and many other body processes.

One study analyzed the relationship of zinc and testosterone through patients with zinc deficiency. As expected, supplementing them with zinc also raised their testosterone levels. It has also been found that zinc has benefits on sterility problems in men, on a small scale.

Despite these findings, little has been shown about the effects of zinc in people who do not have deficiencies in it or testosterone.

7. Ashwagandha

Theashwagandha is an ancient Indian herb known for its use as a medicinal plant, relaxing tea and energy drink, and have recently been awarded properties on testosterone levels.

Several studies have shown promising results in this regard, ensuring that consumption of ashwagandha improves testosterone levels while increasing sperm count and other aspects of fertility.

For individuals suffering from stress, the consumption of ashwagandha can also help reduce these symptoms and increase testosterone, possibly reducing the levels of another hormone called cortisol, related to stress.

Also, the consumption of ashwagandha improves physical performance and muscle recovery, so consuming it raises more than one benefit that we should consider.

The testosterone is a hormone that usually relate almost exclusively to men. But while it is true that in men it is where their scope is most appreciated, women can also benefit from it.

Among the benefits of testosterone for general health, is promoting muscle development, fat loss or simply helping in common processes of general health.

The bad news is that it seems that we no longer produce as much testosterone as we did before. This is due to the sedentary habits and inadequate nutrition of modern life. Glucoberry

Therefore, choosing supplements that increase your testosterone is crucial.

The 7 most useful supplements to increase testosterone

1. D-Aspartic Acid

The D-aspartic acid is an amino acid that increases the count of follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone, which operated at the Leydig cell that is responsible for producing testosterone.

Several studies in humans and animals have shown optimistic results on the role of D-Aspartic acid, ensuring that it proposes improvements such as:

·        Greater presence of testosterone.

·        Better diffusion of testosterone in the body.

·        Better athletic performance

·        Increase in sperm count and improvement in its quality.

Nevertheless, these results seem to show that D-Aspartic acid is mainly useful for people with sexual deficiencies or low testosterone, but this does not mean that it is essential for people with normal testosterone levels.

2. Vitamin D

The Vitamin D is a fat - soluble vitamin that occurs naturally in contact with sunlight and serving as a steroid into its active form.

Despite being involved in so many processes, many people are currently deficient due to the closed door habits we wear.

Several studies have shown that increasing vitamin D levels also increases testosterone levels, with all the collateral benefits that this poses, such as better sperm production and other health benefits in general.

While supplements are usually a fast and safe route, changing habits in the daily routine that include more exercise and sun exposure is also useful for increasing vitamin D.

3. Tribulus terrestris

The Tribulus terrestris is an herb that has received various medical and spiritual uses for centuries. One explanation for this is the power it has to increase testosterone levels. Among some of its main benefits we have the following:

·        Increase in testosterone count.

·        Improvements on various sexual health conditions.

·        Other benefits on health in general.

Nevertheless, research indicates that tribulus terrestris works more as an aid for people with low testosterone levels and not so much for athletes with optimal physical qualities or normal testosterone levels. For the latter, there are no obvious enough benefits to suggest taking this supplement.

4. Fenugreek

The Fenugreek is another herb popularly associated with increased testosterone. It is thought to work by reducing the levels of the enzymes that convert testosterone to estrogen.

As an example of how it works, one study took 60 healthy men between 25 and 52 years of age. Half of them received fenugreek supplements for six weeks while the other half received a placebo capsule. At the end of the study, the fenugreek group demonstrated the following improvements:

·        Increase in libido: 80% of participants.

·        Improvements in sexual performance: 66%.

·        Higher energy levels: 81%.

·        More general welfare: 55%.

5. Ginger

The ginger is a product traditionally used as a spice in homes, but over the years has demonstrated health effects in different areas.

In summary, these are some of the benefits of ginger presented by various studies, in animals and humans:

·        Increase testosterone count, almost twice in some cases.

·        Greater presence of luteinizing hormone.

·        Reduction of inflammation

While these are relatively short studies, the evidence they have presented is promising, and in any case consuming ginger still poses many other additional health benefits .

6. Zinc

Like vitamin D, zinc is an element involved in the production of testosterone and many other body processes.

One study analyzed the relationship of zinc and testosterone through patients with zinc deficiency. As expected, supplementing them with zinc also raised their testosterone levels. It has also been found that zinc has benefits on sterility problems in men, on a small scale.

Despite these findings, little has been shown about the effects of zinc in people who do not have deficiencies in it or testosterone.

7. Ashwagandha

Theashwagandha is an ancient Indian herb known for its use as a medicinal plant, relaxing tea and energy drink, and have recently been awarded properties on testosterone levels.

Several studies have shown promising results in this regard, ensuring that consumption of ashwagandha improves testosterone levels while increasing sperm count and other aspects of fertility.

For individuals suffering from stress, the consumption of ashwagandha can also help reduce these symptoms and increase testosterone, possibly reducing the levels of another hormone called cortisol, related to stress.

Also, the consumption of ashwagandha improves physical performance and muscle recovery, so consuming it raises more than one benefit that we should consider.

With ketosis your body changes its source of energy, from burning glucose to burning fat. But how do you know if you are in ketosis or not? You can measure the ketones in urine with some test strips, but if you do not have the test strips on hand you can get an idea with the following symptoms:

Signs and symptoms that you are in ketosis:

The following signs and symptoms may occur when you are in ketosis:

1. Bad breath:

Once complete ketosis has been reached, this is one of the most characteristic signs. And in fact it can be considered one of the most common side effects.

In addition, many people who have experienced this type of diet as well as the Atkins Diet mention that the breath acquires a fruity aroma. All this is due to the high level of ketones acetone leaves the body through urine and breathing.

And although it can be a very uncomfortable sign. On the other hand it confirms that the state of ketosis has been reached, so you can have alternative solutions such as brushing your teeth several times a day, or use chewing gum without sugar.

The best thing is that this sign is not permanent, but will disappear shortly after following the diet.

 2. Ketones in the blood:

The increase of ketones in the blood is given by the reduction in blood sugar levels and what results in this. And as the days of being on this diet advance, more fat and ketones are being burned.

So if you want to make sure and / or know if you are in ketosis, the most accurate and reliable method is using a specialized meter. It measures the levels of ketone bodies by calculating beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) in your blood. Since this is one of the main ketones present in the bloodstream.

To know these levels, only a small puncture is required to draw blood on a finger. And the test kits you can get in no more than 40 dollars, among other expenses. What if it leaves you with doubts, you can go to a doctor for a better advice on this test.

3. Ketones in the breath and urine:

Another way to measure the levels of ketones in the body is by means of a breath analyzer.

As mentioned, it is a very common sign that being in ketosis, as ketones increase, they will leave the body through urine and breath.

By measuring and / or knowing the levels of ketones in the body gives a better idea that if they are elevated means that it is in ketosis which leads to the diet are working.

Just as the use of a monitor or meter to know the level of ketones in the blood can be accurate, the use of a breath analyzer is less compared to it.

Another way to know these levels is using special test strips of ketones or indicators that help measure the presence of ketones in the urine. And they also measure the excretion of these. However this technique although it can be a little more economical. It may not be very reliable. If you are interested you can buy them by clicking here.

So, if you want to know exactly the level of ketosis, it is advisable to go with a health professional. And receive the orientation of the best technique and / or meter.

4. Reduction of appetite and hunger:

Another sign of being in ketosis, and that many people have reported is that while it is taking the diet, appetite is significantly reduced, and although research is still being done on this, to know more details.

The relationship with this can be attributed to the fact that ketones can affect the brain in order to reduce appetite. In addition, in the diet there is an increase in the intake of fats and proteins, which leads to a whole change and biological adaptations.

So in this, it's just a matter of observing well if you feel full and you do not need to be eating so often, it's probably because you're in ketosis.

5. Increase in energy:

Although it is often suggested the opposite of that when diets are very low in carbohydrates suffers from lack of concentration, lack of energy, fatigue resulting from "the low carbohydrate flu."

It has been found that a long-term ketogenic diet, there may be an increase in energy, and concentration. This is because when starting a low carb diet, the body must necessarily adapt to burning fat as fuel, instead of carbohydrates.

Ketones are a very powerful fuel source for the brain. And burn them instead of sugar. And although this, it can be related to the increase of energy, this can take some days or weeks to be able to work correctly.

Even some proven studies claim that this type of diet can help improve brain function. And because it also relates that being in ketosis can have better control and stability in sugar levels.

In addition, it has been seen that following this diet can be a therapeutic support in cases of Alzheimer's.

What can increase the focus and brain function, leading to better memory, concentration and energy.

6. Fatigue:

One of the most characteristic symptoms of being in ketosis is fatigue, or extreme tiredness. Since, remember the initial change or introduction to a diet such as ketogenic can be a real challenge for the body.

The change or changes to which it is submitted lead to many of the functions are altered and then regularized with the passage of days. For this reason, the advice and guidance of an expert is recommended.

In any diet where an essential macronutrient is restricted will bring with it certain side effects that include weakness and fatigue. And sometimes, this can cause people to give up the diet before they have entered into complete ketosis and this may take time after 7 to 30 days.

There are many ways to reduce fatigue, one of which is the use of electrolyte supplements. Or others that the doctor can indicate. This is because at the beginning with the accelerated loss of water there is an elimination of electrolytes.

This fatigue will not always be present, only while the body adapts to the various changes.

7. Decrease in performance:

Just as fatigue can be experienced within the state of ketosis. By eliminating carbohydrate intake can lead to general fatigue, so there can be a significant reduction in physical performance.

This is clearly manifested when performing exercise, since there is a reduction in the reserves of glycogen in your muscles and as is already known there lies the main fuel for all forms of high intensity exercise.

And although each organism is different and many can experience for several days the lack of performance and energy to perform some physical activity, after several weeks person carrying the ketogenic diet claim that the performance returns to normal.

Since some of the benefits of this diet in providing a greater ability to burn more fat during the performance of the exercise.

Although there are studies that support that a ketogenic diet can be beneficial in fat burning when exercising, it is unlikely that it maximizes the performance of elite athletes. But if it can be enough for the normal practice of intense exercise.

8. Digestive alterations:

As we have stressed a ketogenic diet involves several changes for the body. What takes a few days for him to adapt to this, and how you can experience bad breath, fatigue, lack of physical performance, etc.

You can also experience diarrhea, indigestion, constipation, among other alterations. But most of these problems are normalized with the days. But you have to be watching these changes so pay attention to the consumption of foods that can worsen these symptoms.

Make sure that within your diet you consume a lot of green vegetables, low in carbohydrates. But because of its rich content of fiber, water, it will help you to have good digestion.

If more doubts arise, and / or discomforts consult it with your doctor.

9. Insomnia:

Another of the signs that one is in ketosis, are alterations in sleep. And it can represent a big problem for many people who are just starting to take this ketogenic diet.

And this goes with insomnia and / or waking up a lot during the night. This especially when carbohydrates are reduced for the first time. Since as you know there is a great restriction or practically the intake of this nutrient is null.

But, after an adaptation of the diet. Many people claim that they sleep much better than before having taken the diet. And remember if insomnia occurs it is common during the early stages of ketosis. But it improves or disappears after a few weeks.

10. Weight loss:

Undoubtedly, the most expected symptom that happens when you are in ketosis, since it is diet when applied properly, has very positive results. And as many studies have shown this, weight loss can be experienced both in the short and long term by following a ketogenic diet.

Many people experience this weight loss from the first week, which can be due to the loss of water, followed by the loss of body fat, and thus remain in a deficit of calories.

This weight loss is initial and constant, due to the restriction of carbohydrates.

How to know if you are in ketosis?

This list groups the main signs and symptoms that will make you confirm or identify that you are in ketosis.

If you have followed the indicated guidelines and this diet is carried correctly, and you remain constant, you will have the assurance that you are in some type of ketosis. And remember for a precise and clear evaluation, you must go to a health professional.

Who will also support you with any questions that arise, and it is recommended that you monitor the ketogenic diet in all its stages.

If you notice that you are losing weight and that above all there are health benefits, then there is no need to worry about the symptoms, but make sure you know what this diet is about, the side effects it causes, as well as how long it lasts and for who is indicated.

How long does it take to enter a state of ketosis?

When a ketogenic diet is started, with the adequate reduction of carbohydrates to a maximum of 10% of the total calories, the body enters ketosis between 3 to 5 days.

Although the weight loss can begin to see after the tenth day.

What is being in a state of ketosis?

Ketosis is a metabolic state of the body, where fats are used to obtain energy due to the suppression of calories by carbohydrate restriction or in some other pathological metabolic conditions.

When starting the consumption or elimination of fats, ketone bodies are generated that facilitate the fractionation of fats for their use as energy in substitution to glucose.

What is the process of ketosis?

Ketosis is a metabolic process that originates by drastically reducing the intake of carbohydrates, in order to facilitate the oxidation of fats and obtaining energy from them. The process has as its final point the production of ketone bodies, hence its name.

In pathological conditions of absence of insulin as is the case of type 1 diabetics, the production of ketone bodies is favored.

Although in the case of a person without diabetes, the formation of ketone bodies generates other effects and is not as pronounced as ketosis in diabetics that causes severe changes in the blood pH and electrolyte regulation processes, water and metabolism that merit urgent care.

How are ketone bodies formed?

Ketone bodies are formed mainly in the liver. They occur when glucose supplies to the cells persistently decrease and liver and muscle glycogen stores are consumed.

What are the 3 types of ketone bodies?

They are formed from fatty acids and their oxidation gives rise to 3 types of ketone bodies:

·        Acetoacetate

·        Acetone

·        Betahydroxybutyrate

Inflammation of the veins or tissues in the anorectal area is known as external hemorrhoid or piles. There are many potential causes, ranging from genetics to pregnancy to the attempts made by constipation.

When there is too much pressure in this part of town, hemorrhoid are to blame, and sometimes other symptoms pop up as well. Normal home remedies that will swiftly reduce inflammation can help us relieve pain and discomfort in addition to the pills and ointments that are used to treat them. We show you the easy and effective way to do it.

It is excellent for removing hemorrhoidand is incredibly effective at cleaning the intestines. Five garlic cloves must be boiled for ten minutes, then crushed and allowed to cool. You must create a sort of mass with the puree to apply it to the anus' external part, though you can alternatively insert it into the rectum (like a suppository) with the aid of some lubricant or coconut oil, and let it to work all night. Then you will get rid of it by having a bowel movement. Up to three times a week are permitted.

The pulp or gel of the aloe vera, which is derived from the leaves, must first be extracted. Apply it to the anus to soothe pain and restore it when you have it. A full leaf must be severed from the stem and split in half to allow the gel to be extracted with a spoon; avoid using a metal spoon as this will change the nature of the gel. Use your fingers to apply the gel, and then thoroughly wash your hands.

They are excellent in fast reducing haemorrhoid irritation. Use a fresh cotton cloth for this or boil an existing one to sterilise it. After that, place it in the freezer and soak it in cold water to prolong its freshness. After that, leave it on the inflammation for 10 minutes or so. We advise you to put a piece of cloth between the compress and the anus because the cold can burn the area's sensitive skin.