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If your child is close to or above the age of 14 & you are considering asking for full custody, make sure you have thoroughly researched your state's child custody rules. Children over the age of 14 will be free to choose which parent they want to live with in several states. This is, of course, assuming there is no proof of child abuse by the child's preferred parent.


While many parents believe their child/children should be able to make their own decisions about what is best for them, not every court agrees. In California, for example, child custody rules say that a kid over the age of 14 can choose which parent he/she prefers to live with, provided the courts find the parent to be fit and in the best interest of the child.


While the court will allow a child to choose which parent he/she would rather reside with, the court will typically award parenting time to the parent the child does not live with. In this case, a parenting plan will be required. The custodial parent will have the right to make all decisions regarding emergencies, medical treatment, as well as all ordinary, day-to-day decisions.


The non-custodial parent will still be given access to all of the child's records and will be allowed to participate in decisions regarding religion and education. In other states, the child custody laws vary but almost always have some sort of clause for children over the age of 14.


For more in-depth information regarding child custody laws in your state, you may want to visit your state's official website and look at their various statutes concerning divorce and child custody. You can also contact an accomplished child custody attorney for a free initial consultation.


Our goal at Jos Family Law is to assist clients with family law issues that affect the essential areas of their life. Mr. Binoye Jos, an experienced family law attorney, can assist you with divorce, child custody, & other family law matters. Contact Mr. Binoye Jos, the finest Anaheim Divorce Attorney, at 1-714-733-7066 for assistance.

Child support is intended to aid the custodial parent with bills & expenditures associated with child care. Child support may be reduced in shared physical custody circumstances if both parents contribute to the expense of maintaining the child. Furthermore, if one of the parents' child custody percentage decreases, that parent might anticipate their child support payments to increase because they will not be bearing as much of the expense of raising the kid.


It isn't easy to provide an exact estimate or percentage by which parents can expect their payments to rise in certain scenarios. A judge will likely make a determination that is in the best interest of the child and fairness to both the custodial and non-custodial parent. Child support rules and laws may vary from state to state, making it difficult to estimate the percentage by which your payments may go up.


Child custody & support is based on several factors that may include the income of both parents, the timeshare that each parent spends with the child, available income tax deductions, mandatory payroll deductions, and the child care costs incurred by both parents. With so many different factors to consider, it is hard to determine how much more the non-custodial parent will pay if the percentage of time they spend with their children goes down.


In situations in which the parents spend an equal amount of time with the children, but one parent makes much - More than the other, the parent who makes more will pay the child's support. If the parent earning a higher income sees their custody percentage drop, they'll pay more. If they spend more time with their children, the payments may go down.


The opposite is true as well; if the parent earning less income sees their percentage go up, they will receive higher payments. If they see their percentage go down, they'll receive less. As payments are so variable and no two cases are identical, it is important to consider all of the variables and factors in your particular case.


Our objective at Jos Family Law is to help clients with family law difficulties that touch the most important aspects of their lives. Mr. Binoye Jos, a leading family law attorney, can help you with divorce, child custody, and other family law issues. Contact Mr. Binoye Jos, the finest Anaheim Divorce Attorney, at 1-714-733-7066 for assistance.

For determining child support payments, each state & jurisdiction has its own set of rules. They take into account an array of factors, including (but not limited to) the child's everyday requirements (food, housing, clothing). Furthermore, the quality of life kids enjoyed before the parents' divorce, & the income of the custodial & noncustodial parents, are considered.


However, the computations for the noncustodial parent might be excessive at times. It can often actually force the other parent to go further into debt. Unable to cover their own living expenses, forcing them to work part-time or overtime to make ends meet. In addition to the court-ordered child support payments, the noncustodial parent may even be ordered to pay half of the daycare, medical, and other expenses.


This they would have been responsible for if they had continued the marriage as it was. However, you could fight the ridiculous child support payments. To do that, you must file a child support modification request with the courts alleging that the court "failed" to make the right child support payments and did not recognize the amount expected to take care of the child.


It is crucial that you show that you are not avoiding your commitments to pay child support. But that you want to pay what is reasonable, without putting your own financial position in jeopardy and causing your own misery, as this could further put you behind on your already extreme child support payments.


By being reasonable with the court and citing the errors that were made in determining the payment amounts, you will more than likely have your case heard by the courts with concern and have your obligations reconsidered by a judge.


Our goal at Jos Family Law is to assist clients with family law issues that affect the most significant areas of their life. Mr. Binoye Jos, the top family law attorney, can assist you in navigating divorce, child custody, and other family law problems. Contact Mr. Binoye Jos, among the finest Orange County Child Custody Attorney, at 1-714-733-7066 for assistance.