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Divorces, especially when children are involved, may be unpleasant and stressful. Parents are mostly concerned about gaining custody of their children. However, they must keep in mind that child custody is not about accomplishing something but rather about pursuing the best possibilities for the child. Unfortunately, the child's attention is diverted multiple times, and the concept of triumph is emphasized for parents.


When it comes to child custody, you must always keep your child in mind. Which location is the perfect fit for your child? Who will be able to give the most loving environment? So, what about education? Where can the youngster get the most help with their educational development? Who will be a better role model? Which home is healthiest for the child?


Therefore in the modern judiciary system, the goal is to let both parents have equal custody over the child. If both parents can prove that he or she is fit, then this would be the case. Sometimes it may be best for the child to live most of their time at one house and spend weekends at the other parent's.


Often, it seems that this again breaks down to the win or loses mentality, where one parent feels they have "won" because the child lives with them. In the end, to be a loving parent, you have to stop thinking about winning or losing and start thinking exclusively about what is best for your child.


Do not lose time in the obscurity of losing custody of your kids or having the least visitation rights by not grasping child custody laws. Consult Mr. Binoye Jos at Jos Family Law for the best advice; Find the right custody arrangement & guarantee success with the top Orange County Child Custody Attorney. For a free initial consultation, call 1-714~733-7066 today.

Uncontested divorces are generally cheaper and less of a hassle, making them very popular options for couples who are pursuing a divorce. However, one of the most aggressively contested issues in a divorce is child custody, although both parties must agree on an arrangement when an uncontested divorce is pursued. Otherwise, the divorce turns from an uncontested one into a contested one.


Lawyers still need to be consulted during the divorce process when the other spouse does not contest it, but generally, both parties must agree on all issues outlined in the divorce agreement, including child custody, child support, visitation rights as well as asset division, and other legal matters. The moment that any of these items cannot be agreed upon, the divorce turns contested, in which case the Court may ultimately determine the terms of the agreement and child custody.


Whether to pursue a 50/50 child custody arrangement or a 60/40 arrangement, or any other division of time spent with the child is largely up to the parents in an uncontested divorce. Cases of joint physical custody typically involve an arrangement that has both parents spending relatively equal amounts of time with the child.


In cases of sole physical custody, the child may live with one parent, but that does not mean the non-custodial parent is not able to see the child. Visitation rights (holidays, weekends, etc.) are still involved in many cases of sole physical custody. Joint legal custody, which means both parents may make decisions involving the child's health care, religion, education, etc.


When determining the child custody arrangement while pursuing an uncontested divorce, it is important that both parties be fair with the other. Whether physical or legal, joint custody should only be an option if both parents provide a safe, nurturing environment for the child.


If this is the case with both parents, finding a way to divide the time equally will be helpful in the pursuit of a non-disputed divorce. The parents may also opt for sole physical custody in which one parent sees the child on weekends and holidays while still pursuing an uncontested divorce as long as both parties agree to the arrangement.


Do not waste time in the uncertainty of losing custody of your kids or having the least visitation rights by not grasping child custody laws. Consult Mr. Binoye Jos at Jos Family Law for the best advice; Find the right custody arrangement & guarantee success with the top Anaheim Divorce Attorney. For a free initial consultation, call 1-714~733-7066 today.

Common-Law Divorce, also known as Public Record Divorce, occurs if both partners have been in a relationship without legal marriage and have been living together as partners for a certain number of years. In such cases, the law interprets them as married couples. Therefore if they choose to break up, a legal divorce is required and must be completed.


The common law divorce method is recognized in many states. California does not recognize common law marriage but will enable divorce proceedings for couples who have a common-law marriage recognized by another state. So, sure, it is possible to obtain a Common Law Divorce in California.


While marriage is a bit more complicated than other marriages through this common law process, there are not many differences in law when it comes to common law divorces. This is why it is just as necessary to have the best divorce lawyer when you decide to split.


Competent Divorce Lawyers will assist you in all aspects of the divorce and ensure that it is settled as peacefully and rapidly as possible. In this type of matter, child custody, child support, and division of assets are vital because the couples are regarded as married couples by the states.


One of the most efficient-convenient methods when it comes to common law divorce that an experienced Divorce Lawyer can assist in is to try meditation. The Divorce Lawyers can hold mediation sessions and make sure that the couple comes to an agreement that is fair to both sides.


If you find yourself in the tricky circumstance of divorcing your spouse, attention to detail and a willingness to fight for your rights are critical in getting started on a meaningful path toward your future. If you need an accomplished, dedicated, & inspiring lawyer to represent you, please call 1-714~733-7066, the law office of Jos Family Law, the top Santa Ana Divorce Attorney, today.

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