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Preseason has always been Riot’s testing ground to introduce new meta-defining changes in League of Legends Account . However, unlike the last couple of preseasons, season 12 preseason will not have any significant changes; instead, Riot will improve the existing game system.

The main spotlight of the 2022 preseason is the introduction of the new Chemtech and Hextech drake. In addition to that, Riot is also adding a couple of new Mythic and Legendary items while changing some of the existing ones.

2022 LoL Preseason Changes | A Quick Rundown

Chemtech Drake — Slaying it will grant bonus damage against enemies with more current health than you (up to a 5% increase per stack). The Chemtech Dragon Soul will grant the entire team a “brief second life after they die.” Terrain-wise, gas zones will emerge in four jungle locations and will camouflage any champion that passes through. Fortunately, enemies will still be revealed by Control Wards, Scryer’s Blooms, and “all other things that reveal invisible units.”

Hextech Drake — Slaying it will grant bonus attack speed and ability haste (5% AS and 5 AH per stack, respectively). The Hextech Dragon Soul will grant the entire team a unique ability that’ll add a chain lighting slow to their basic attacks and abilities. As for Hextech terrain, pairs of Hex-gates will appear across the map and will allow champions to quickly travel from one location to its paired counterpart. These gates will require a brief channeling period.

Objective Bounties — These will only activate when a team is “sufficiently behind” and will be highlighted on the minimap for both teams. If the losing team happens to take an objective with an active bounty, every member of the team will receive the exact same amount of bounty gold. These bounties will be calculated based on the following four factors: XP lead, Gold lead, Dragon lead, and finally Turret lead. The base amounts of additional gold gained by taking any objective with an active bounty are as follows: Baron/Elder Dragon (500g); Dragon/Rift Herald (500g); Outer Turret (250g); Inner Turret (400g); Base Turret (400g). As the losing team falls even further behind, these bounties will increase by up to an additional 60%, giving the losing team a potential way of mounting a comeback.

Rift Scuttler — The first Rift Scuttler in the game will have 35% less HP and will grant 80% less XP. Additionally, it’ll be reduced in size to match its lower value. An interesting change, no doubt, and a much-needed one as well. The first Scuttler has been far too important in the early game, and by decreasing its importance, we’ll no doubt witness a wholly different meta game come 2022!


Crown of the Shattered Queen

70 Ability Power

250 Health

600 Mana

20 Ability Haste

You are Safeguarded, reducing incoming damage by 50%. Safeguard persists for 1.5 seconds after taking champion damage.

While Safeguarded, gain 10-40 Ability Power (by level)

(Regain Safeguard if you haven’t taken champion damage for 40 seconds).

Mythic Passive: 1% Move Speed & 50 Health

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Leveling a LoL Account has been a topic of discussions ever since the game first came out. Players are always looking for the quickest way to jump straight into Ranked games to show the competition they have what it takes.

In this article, we will break down the fastest ways to level 30 on League of Legends.

Why Do I Need to be Level 30?

The reason is a simple one; Level 30 is the threshold required to enter ranked play – the main reason to play for many players, particularly those leveling smurf accounts.

Furthermore, it is unlikely that players will have enough BE to purchase the 16 champions required for ranked play before they reach level 30. Level 30 accounts are not just required for solo-queue but are required for ranked teams too. If you want to play competitively in a team with friends, but aren’t the correct level, it’s just not happening. This might seem unfair, but it just gives us more reason to level our accounts as quickly as possible!

Experience Boosts (Duration)– If you really want to quickly reach level 30, you need to take advantage of duration experience boosts. Using duration experience boosts, you will receive bonus EXP during a set number of games, and it doesn’t matter if you lose or win. The best value boost will cost you 1020RP and lasts for 7 days. Depending on how long you play, you may need to pick up a couple of these to reach level 30.

Using experience boosts, you should be able to work your way to level 30 within a month, which is pretty good.

Boosting – If you don’t really have the time it takes to get to level 30, but you really want to be level 30 and have money to spare, you could always look into a boosting service. However, these boosting services aren’t cheap and can take the fun out of the game (it’s fun to level because you feel like you’re achieving something).

Experience Boosts (Wins) – Whenever you win a game, with experience boosts, you will be granted bonus exp. However, if you lose the game, you’re not going to receive anything. The best value boost is for a total of 40 wins and will set you back 2240RP. To reach level 30, you’ll need to pick up two of these.

If you get experience boosts (wins and duration), you can combine the two together, which is a good idea.

Playing Normal Games – To reach level 30 quickly, you should stay away from those bot games and stick to the normal PVP games. On your way to the significant level 30, you’ll probably win half of those normal games, and with those bot games, you’ll win most of them. Without boosts, you’re looking at around 250 normal games to reach the required level 30. Without using experience boosts, that’s not very quick.

Experience boosts can be used in bot games, though, which can make leveling a tad faster. With using boosts in bot games, you’ll need around 150 hours of playtime in order to reach the desired level 30.

If you want to level up immediately, you should buy League of Legends Account . There are so many League of legends accounts sellers, and you have to be careful not to fall into a scam. has the best League of Legends accounts in the market and offers the best prices.

When it comes to determining what the fastest way to level League of Legends Account is, it all comes down to how fast you can earn experience points. Experience points are the value you earn from the game which determines how often you’ve completed games. By earning a certain amount of experience points, your summoner level increases and gives you rewards and access to more features in the game once you reach a certain level.

Win all of Your Games

The best tip for reaching level 30 fast on LoL is to win ALL of your games… or as many as possible. In order to do this, you want to be sure to go for the easier matches as much as possible. What this means is that you will be in matches against bots and players who are at the lowest levels because they don’t have any skill in the game and are easiest to beat. If you’re trying to level up fast, you will probably be prioritizing winning all of your matches over having a more fun and challenging experience. Inexperienced players can be incredibly bad because either they have never played the game before or they are just trying to figure it out and still don’t have a clue what’s going on.

The best way to avoid encountering losses, though, is to play against bots. In order to set this up, just pick the co-op vs. beginner bots mode and you’ll be ready to finish the game as soon as possible. In fact, this strategy is favored because it allows you to destroy the nexus in record time which means you can play more games and reach level 30 much faster than normal games. You don’t want to complete your matches too fast, however, so that you don’t miss out on XP. Make sure your matches are at least 9 minutes long. This is less than a third the time of a normal match (which is typically 30 minutes or longer) and a fantastic way to level up in record time!

Team up with your friends

If you have friends that are also looking to level up their smurf accounts to level 30 so that you can start playing ranked games together, you can team up. If you have enough friends to make a team of five, it is much better if you play as a team instead of bots. If your friends can’t make a full team, playing against bots is much better than playing with random people. When you are playing as a team, you can be able to complete your games in around ten minutes, which is much faster than when playing with random people. The only downside of using this method to level up faster in League of Legends is that your friends must be determined.

Experience Boost

Experience boost is the best way to reach level 30 in the league of legends fast without purchasing an unranked smurf account. For just 1020 RP you can purchase an experience boost, which is not that cheap but also not that costly.

Experience boost will give you some additional XP points for every game you win, But nothing if you lose for a 7 day period.

To reach level 30 in the league of legends you need to pick a couple of experience boost to boost up the progress. With an experience boost, you can reduce the leveling time by 40 to 50%, which means on paper you can reduce up to 15 days from a month with these experience boosts.

The other type of experience boost is duration boost. Duration boost allows you to get XP even if you lose the match. The only drawback is when you calculate the amount you spend on this experience boost, you will get to know they are not that worth to purchase.

On the other side of the coin, Smurf’s account will take you directly to level 30 with somewhat less money than experience boost. So, it will not be an ideal option to purchase an experience boost, and also it is not the league of legend’s fastest way to 30.

Play special maps

Unique modes like All Random All Urf take much less time to play out per game and give the same amount of experience as you would get for winning a Summoner's Rift match, that's why you must abuse Featured game modes and play them whenever possible

If you want to level up immediately, you should buy LoL Account . There are so many League of legends accounts sellers, and you have to be careful not to fall into a scam. has the best League of Legends accounts in the market and offers the best prices.

Are you new to League of Legends or just haven’t figured out which champion suits you? Is every champion you play too hard or too complex? Every role has their duties, allowing players to synergize their play and combine their efforts for victory. Well, we’ve composed a list of the best champions perfect for each champion to help you get started!

What are the roles in League of Legends?

The roles in League of Legends are the functions a given champion has on his team, and champions are usually better for a given role based on their stats, abilities, and playability. Roles are a unique feature that each lane of the game will have and that helps it stand out from the rest.

Usually, a team will need to fill all five roles to be balanced; even more, unbalanced teams are usually useless unless we talk about fantasy LoL.

The main roles in League of Legends are:






This being said, in the world of League of Legends, each champion will have a role with unique skills that will help count the enemies if the right choice is made.

Top or Baron Lane

Top or Baron Lane Champions are typically those who are designated as Fighters or Tanks who can manage a lane by themselves. Generally, Champions that are played in the Top Lane are decent to excellent when it comes to dueling the opposing laner. This includes Champions like Garen, Darius, Fiora, and Camille.

Garen and Darius are capable Fighters who can also be classified as Tanks since they can soak and deal damage pretty well. Meanwhile, Fiora and Camille fall more in the Fighters and Assassins classes since they are exceptional when it comes to taking out single targets.

Top Laners generally reach higher levels during matches first since they are typically by themselves in lane. This is essential since they need to farm to get Experience and Gold for their items. Once they get their necessary equipment, their role in the team is to initiate fights and be the frontline if they are Tanks. They may also single out high-priority Champions on the enemy team to thin out their ranks if they are using Fighters or Assassins.

Mid Laner

Mid lane is always the role that are many League players’ favorite. However, to be able to become a Godlike Mid laner like Faker, it would somewhat depend on your personality.

Mid Lane players tend to be really creative, patience, and hard-working. Being creative as a mid laner equals to making creative plays and successful roamings. Similar to the role of an ADC, Mid laners also have to be just as patient.

Some mid champions are weaker than others before level 2, 3, or 6. If you play those champions, being patient during early game or until you have a level/gank advantage is one of the most important things to do as a mid laner.

The Jungle

The Jungle is arguably the most confusing role because there are a lot of things that players need to learn before they can even attempt to try it out. This isn’t a role that total beginners are recommended to be diving head-first into. They are basically in charge of funneling gold and buffs to the rest of the team by securing objectives around the map. They also facilitate the state of lanes by performing “Ganks” to secure kills or at least diffuse dangerous situations for their teammates.

The Jungle Overview

Lane: Jungle Area

Learning Difficulty: Extremely Hard

Responsibilities: Securing Neutral Objectives, Ganking, Funneling Buffs

Champion Types: Tanks, Bruisers, Battlemages, and Assassins

Players to Watch: Selfmade, Jankos, Canyon, Blaber

Jungle Responsibilities

The Jungler is in charge of a lot of things around the map. There most crucial task is securing neutral objectives such as the Elemental Drakes and Rift Heralds. They should know how to perform ganks properly or expect a response gank so that they can give an advantage to their own team. Failing to secure objectives or whiffing ganks may lead your team to spiral towards a game loss. Junglers should also learn various jungle routes to effectively travel around the map with the least amount of downtime.

Jungle Champions

Jungle champions may seem flexible but not every champion from every category can be an effective jungler. The most important quality of a jungle champion is that they should be able to clear waves quickly, otherwise the enemy jungler will move faster than them and achieve more things around the map. Jungle champions should also be effective gankers by having crowd control or movement speed increasing abilities.

Attack Damage (AD) Carry:

The AD carry will play in the bottom lane. Their main objective is to cause as much damage as possible through hard-hitting basic attacks. However, their low-health always makes them a high priority target for the enemy.

Beginner’s pick: Caitlyn

Caitlyn is a marksman who sits back, deals damage and tries to stay alive. She does not necessarily require much help from her team to be successful and her Yordle Snap Trap (W) ability lets her set traps on the map which briefly ties enemies in place. Smart trap placement can protect allies from being blindsided and cut off parts of the battlefield for the enemy.


Players of the Support role most of the time help the ADC. It is probably the ultimate role which determines the result of the battle. One of the main goals is to have a crowd-control that might be game-changing for the whole team. Thanks to Support, ADC is protected while trying to attack the main target and Jungler gets more vision for collecting gold. Support players are kind of an airbag module that ensures that the battle for the team goes smoothly and with no trouble.

In this guide we covered popular roles in League of Legends, including the role you want to main! Whether it’s Top, Jungle, Mid, Bot, or Support, you can queue up for your next game on the rift, confident that you understand the core concepts behind your role. There is still a long way ahead of you towards competitive play, get into LoL account and enjoy the game. You can Buy League of Legends Account from to turn a profit.

In recent years, major online games have developed the ability to build a game that allows games to play against other players of similar skill level. The League system is exactly that, a ranking system to find other players of a similar skill level to play with or against. Riot have opted to use a ranking system where players can see their progress through divisions symbolised by a badge. Each division has its own badge so it's easily identified which division your character is currently within.

What are Ranks in League of Legends Called?

The nine tiers in ranked League of Legends span from Iron to Challenger. Each has four divisions within them with four being the lowest and one the highest. Once you hit 100 LP in division one of your tier, you will then be given the chance to move up to division four in the tier above by winning the majority of your games in a short promotion series.

The majority of the global playerbase find themselves in Silver or Gold, showing just how hard it is to progress in competitive LoL.

To start pushing to Platinum and beyond, you’ve got to become properly dedicated and hone your skills. Specialising in a small number of heroes and frequently checking patch notes for meta-changing nerfs and buffs are a good starting block to elevating your LoL game.

Ranked Splits

Each season is divided into three splits. In each split, you can collect split points by winning games. If you collect 250 split points in one split, your ranked armor will visually change. This way, you can upgrade your ranked armor up to three times per season:

You receive between 20 and 30 split points for each win, depending on whether you played your main role or won off-role (autofilled).

Promo Helper

The promo helper is supposed to help you with promotion series of leagues that you already achieved before this season, but were then relegated. For example, if you were already Gold IV, but then relegated to Silver I, you will receive up to two free wins for your next Gold IV promotion series. With that, you only have to win one or two more games to rank up.

The promo helper will also help you if you have just lost the promotion series to a new league. As soon as you get back into the promo, you will also receive up to two free wins.

In general, the promo helper is only available in Iron, Bronze and Silver league. You then have to play the promotion series from Gold I to Platinum IV without it.

League of Legends Tiers

The nine tiers, or ranks, in League of Legends include: Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, GrandMaster, and Challenger. The majority of current LoL players find themselves in the introductory tiers of Iron, Bronze, Silver, and Gold for quite a while, which is a testament to how difficult it can be to rank higher in the game as well as the level of competitiveness you may encounter from other players.


Each league is made up of 4 divisions, except the Master and Challenger leagues. Therefore, the Silver league can be divided into Silver 4, Silver 3, Silver 2, and Silver 1.

League Points (LP)

League Points are used to establish the League of Legends rank. For example, if someone is in Diamond 3 with 18 LP, then to reach the Diamond 2 division, he must therefore reach 100 LP.

Match Making Rating (MMR)

Generally speaking, you gain 20 points for a win and lose 20 points for a loss. Sometimes you win/lose a little more or a little less. Everything has to do with Match Making Rate, Riot Games’ “hidden leader board.” This rank is very important in the eyes of the players.

The LoL ranking system might be a little confusing for a beginner, so having these facts covered is a good place to start. There is still a long way ahead of you towards competitive play, get into LoL account and enjoy the game. You can Buy LoL Account from or sell lol account to turn a profit.

Leveling a League of Legends account has been a topic of discussions ever since the game first came out. Players are always looking for the quickest way to jump straight into Ranked games to show the competition they have what it takes.

In this article, we will break down the fastest ways to level up on League of Legends.

Win games

It goes without saying that winning matches in League of Legends will net you more EXP than losing them. This means that to level up you’ve got to aim for the win. With this in mind it’s best to party up with a like-minded friend for extra coordination!

Play beginner bots modeOur personal favorite way of leveling is to get a group of friends together and tackle some beginner bot games. The trick to finishing these games quickly is by taking Tristana, Jinx, Caitlyn, or any other champions that have fast attack speed and a lot of auto-attack damage. One mastery you will need to bring is Lethal Tempo and the second one is the Demolish mastery to allow you to push through those towers with ease. Go straight to mid and start to push the wave, and hit the tower every chance you get!


The most well-known map is Summoner’s Rift which is used for all professional games. If you have watched League of Legends on any platform, it is very likely this is the only map you may be familiar with. However, there is a lesser-known map known as Twisted Treeline, which was created for teams of three. While you may be itching to escape AI games and test your mettle against real opponents, playing AI games on Twisted Treeline specifically, is the fastest way to level an account from scratch.

With only three opponents and two other teammates to worry about, not only is the map less stressful compared to Summoner’s Rift, it is a lot easier to destroy the nexus given how much smaller it is as well. It should be noted that while AI games give nerfed EXP at levels 10 and 20 respectively, they still remain the preferred method given how much variance can be found in blind pick games against real opponents.


If you’re trying to level up quickly and you have a bit of money to invest in the cause, buying an XP Boost can help get you there fast! Riot offers boosts that can be purchased in their store and can help speed up the process of leveling your account. A boost temporarily increases the amount of IP or XP gained at the end of each match or within a certain time limit. Boosts can reduce your leveling time by over 50%! The 7-day XP Boost costs 520 RP so it’s pretty affordable and is actually the best value per dollar out of all the others. Once you have the XP Boost you need, you’ll have to play (and win!) as many games as possible each day.

So… consider that you’re going to play the quickest games (bot games) and combine them with experience boosts (both per win and duration boosts). Now you’re itching to find out just how long it would take you to reach level 30, right? The answer is pretty simple. Look to invest about 100 hours of playtime. So, if you are playing for only 6-8 hours a day, you’ll need to buy two 7-day XP Boosts to reach level 30. Playing 100 hours would require just over 4 continuous days of playing which is virtually impossible. That’s not all though – you’ll need 2 win boosts (50 wins each) to get you to your goal as quickly as possible.

Pick the right champion

Picking the right champion can help increase your chances of winning and leveling up. Consider choosing a champion that is strong in the current meta.

Garen is the best champion for beginners due to its ability to passively gain lost health. It forgives mistakes and allows you to stay in the front line for long. Apart from Garen, you can also try Dr. Mudo, Nasus, Malphite, Rammus, Skarner, Amumu, Udyr, Annie, Jax, and Singed.

You don’t have to stick to one champion as you level up. Every champion is different and has different abilities. Trying several champions when playing against bots can help you get the one

To become better and help your team win, you need to play as much as you can. It is only through practice that you will become a real champion that your team can depend on to win a match. Did you want to level up fast in League of Legends or Buy LoL Account , click

Climbing the solo queue ladder in League Accounts can feel like an uphill battle at times, especially if you play in the marksman position where you rely a lot on your support, another player where you have no control over. That is why choosing your champion with care is essential to gain some LP (League Points). These five champions will help you in your solo queue games and hopefully get you to the rank you want!

PantheonSince his rework in Patch 10.25, Pantheon has been intended to be played in solo lane, rather than a Support. He also an S-tier champion in the top lane in the current patch. He receives buffs in multiple fronts of his kit and small nerf, such as his Shield Vault (W) is no longer blocking turret shot. His kit also works well with items such as Eclipse or Goredrinker.

Kha-ZixIf hunting for kills is your type of playstyle, then Kha’Zix should definitely be on your radar for the solo queue. Undoubtedly a strong jungler, his true power lies in the ability to roam around the map assassinating champions who are out of position or casually sitting alone in lane.

Once you reach level six and acquire Void Assault, you can turn invisible to better sneak up on opponents when looking for ganks. Just make sure your allies don’t overplay their hand and make it look obvious that you’re waiting in the wings to pounce. You have some strong crowd control skills to slow opponents with the Voidreaver’s Unseen Threat passive, plus the long-range Void Spike attack. You also have Leap to jump to targets if they try to flee from you.

EkkoAn immensely strong pick in the Jungle right now, playing Ekko has basically no downsides. He delivers strong ganks thanks to his great mobility, he's got great jungle clear, and he can burst enemy champions in seconds with a devastating combo. Oh, and he's a slippery champion too. With his rewind ability, he can slip in and out of fights with ease.

Ekko doesn't mess around if he's going for a gank. Timewinder starts things off, with a nice bit of damage and the potential to slow. This goes well with Parallel Convergence, as well as Phase Dive which will simultaneously zone the enemy, deal damage, and close the gap. Then it's a case of Chronobreaking to execute, or to escape if things go pear shaped.

When looking for ganks, it’s useful if you have other champions in lane that can assist with additional lockdown skills, as the slow from Timewinder is fine but usually not enough to guarantee kills. Nevertheless, Ekko’s strengths as a Jungler are currently unrivalled.


Jhin is arguably the best AD Carry in the meta right now. Players may opt for lethality build or even go with Galeforce that empowers his crit. With items like The Collector or Infinity Edge in his inventory, Jhin deals massive damage thanks to his crit and lethality stack.

LeonaLeona and Lulu are currently at the top of the list of best supports. But Leona is slightly easier to execute. While both champions will need to pay extra attention to timing, Leona can never be useless because she can act as a frontline with solid CCs in her kit. She may also build utility items that can empower her ADC partner.

We hope this guide will help you in the future climb. Guide on Climb in season 11 or Buy League of Legends Account , there is no better feeling in the world of League of Legends players than having a high win ratio lol account in Diamond or Master elo, and here is a link to get further information