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Event Styling Sydney Trends: Corporate Event Styling Vs Wedding Event Styling

Sydney sees its fair share of events of all types the whole year. Venue, food, logistics, and design or styling are critical elements of an event. An event designer is someone who handles the creative decisions regarding the event – from the type of flowers used in the decor to the entrance to the stage backdrops. The proper styling can mean the difference between a hit and a flop for an event. Whether it’s a romantic wedding, a glitzy gala dinner, a quirky fun wedding, or a sparkling awards ceremony, each event needs its own unique and appropriate styling to set the mood. 
Corporate event styling is completely different from wedding event styling. Let’s check out each one and see how they differ.
Corporate Event Styling
Corporate events are typically staged to launch products or services, motivate and reward employees, communicate company strategy, build trust in the brand among consumers, etc. Conventions, exhibitions, client entertaining, conferences, motivational and team-building events, fundraising galas, corporate hospitality, and receptions are the most commonly conducted corporate events.
As you can see, some corporate events are of a serious nature, while others can be pretty fun. The design and decor of the event depends to a great extent on its nature, the venue, and for whom it is intended. For conventions, seminars, and conferences, the ambiance has to be professional yet one that fosters participation and engagement. Seminars and conventions can be deemed successful only when they are interactive and the attendees participate actively. Corporate event planning is functional and has a logical flow that enables attendees to participate, go through the program, and exit safely; that is, they should be able to find parking areas and retrieve their cars without hassle.

Read more : Event styling Sydney trends
