phishmerch's blog

Phish of the North Announces New Label and Pop-Up Merchandise

During the band's summer 1999 tour, the band's concert merchandise was confiscated. The plethora of fan-favorite items included the tiniest of wallets, a boxyt-shirt, and a hulking stuffed frog. The petty thieves even posed as unsuspecting fans. Thankfully, Phish have a history of catching thieves in the act. Now, you can buy your merch at the show or wait a few days for it to ship from the band's website. The Phish of the North has a new label called JEMP Records. Merchandise is being produced in a limited edition run. Among the goodies on offer is a limited-edition David Welker poster.

Phish's pop-up merch store will be open on Sunday from 11am-4pm. The band has also confirmed a few limited-edition pieces of swag. For those who aren't in the market for a brand new outfit, Phish has also announced the creation of a micro-label, dubbed JEMP (Just enough to make me want to play). Whether you're in the mood for a Phish memento or just in the market for some fresh gear, you'll be well-served.

The oh-so-famous Phish pranksters have also decided to open up the shop for a few hours on Sunday afternoon. The lucky winners will be treated to a smorgasbord of a selection of items from the band's past and present. For a limited time, you can also win a prize pack filled with a pair of tickets to the upcoming show and a free Phish t-shirt. A special "merch" ticket will also be awarded to the best klompkin posses. Those looking to score a pair of Phish t-shirts may also qualify for the Phish of the North's in-house fan rewards program, where you can earn a set of t-shirts and a free pair of tickets to the upcoming show.
