premiumsexdoll's blog

Now that the epidemic is having a negative impact on the world, many people are keen on cheap sex dolls.

During the COVID-19 pandemic and the embargo, the demand for humanoid silicone dolls skyrocketed. Now suppliers are struggling to keep up with production. Cheap sex dolls used to be unsociable. In fact, it was difficult for people who wanted to buy sex dolls to find a place to do so. But now these humanoid silicone dolls are becoming mainstream. Even though some people still don't accept their existence. Some people have learned to accept the fact that sex dolls will always be there. Florida-based company Sex Doll Genie saw a more than 51% increase in orders in February and March. This comes at a time when the US and other countries are imposing embargoes.

According to the company's co-founder Janet Stevenson, they have a lot of products in stock. However, they were not working fast enough to meet the growing demand. Stevenson added that the company will hire new employees as soon as possible. It has also created a number of new customer support and fulfillment management positions in the US and Europe. The company's co-founder also said that Sex Doll Genie, which sells custom-made, realistic sex dolls, has received hundreds of inquiries in the past two months, compared to the usual.

Sex Doll Genie saw a total 51.6 percent increase in orders from singles in February and March. In addition, April saw a 33.2% year-on-year increase in orders for married couples. Another UK sex toy company, CMG Leisure, was also understaffed as its sales soared during the pandemic.

Teen Cheap Love Doll

It is worth noting that sex dolls were already popular before the pandemic. But the introduction of the lockdown caused by the epidemic made the silicone dolls even more popular. For example, a hotel in Hong Kong was converted into a sex doll brothel during the pandemic to cope with the loss of guests staying there. Not surprisingly, sex doll brothels became famous among people who wanted to experience sex dolls but didn't have enough money to buy their own dolls.

At first glance, it's clear that the increasing demand was triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many people are alone and isolated, without intimate partners. For this reason, the idea that sex dolls could provide company in the absence of a partner was not surprising. Moreover, the demand for female silicone sex dolls is not only fueled by single men. It's worth noting that single men are the demographic traditionally associated with the sex doll market.

Dr Kate Devlin writes in her recent book Turn on: Science, Sex and Robots that sex dolls are mostly associated with single men. But the dolls are also often bought by couples, the disabled and parents whose adult children have been socially excluded.

In an interview with Forbes, Stevenson said that the demographics of sex doll buyers have changed. The interesting thing about the massive increase is that the demographic composition is also changing. This is very positive for the sex doll industry as it indicates a change in family attitudes.

Stevenson said in the interview that the increase in demand shows that the use of sex dolls is becoming mainstream. She added that both men and women are now interested in bringing dolls into the bedroom. Amit, another co-founder of Love Doll Genius and Stevenson's husband, said the demand is coming from couples. Amit told the Daily Star UK that they believe the sex doll industry will see a revolution during the pandemic. This is due to a significant increase in orders from couples and singles.

Sex Doll Genie wants to introduce a breathing sex doll

Interestingly, the company plans to launch sex robots that breathe and have a heartbeat. Amit states that he has never seen a breathing sex robot used on a human. Such dolls are still being manufactured. However, the company has now progressed to the point where it can call the breathing dolls sex robots. However, technically, they are still used as love dolls.

Humans adapt quickly to technology

As history shows, humans humanize technology at an astonishing rate. One of the earliest examples of artificial intelligence was ELIZA, a speech processor developed by Joseph Weizenbaum in 1966. By today's standards, ELIZA is a simple conversation stimulator that can only hold short conversations. Despite knowing that it is a computer program, people are still attracted to it. Many users say they prefer interacting with ELIZA than other humans.

British AI expert David Levy found that people form strong bonds even without the technology of AI. In Levy's book Love and Sex with Robots, he cites a study of owners of AIBO robot dogs. The study found that a significant number of owners attributed real emotions and conscious behavior to their robot dogs. Levy writes that people want their robot pets to be real pets. For this reason, they attribute dog-like emotions to them. It is clear that the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting lockdown have led to a dramatic increase in the demand for sex dolls. People who felt lonely sought company in these female silicone dolls. On the other hand, there are also people who turn to sex dolls out of sheer caution. The coronavirus can be transmitted through direct contact. For this reason, people are afraid to have sex with real people because they think they might contract the deadly virus.

When considering the mini sex doll vs adult sex doll, it is very difficult for many people to make a suitable choice. Of course, you can buy both if the budget allows, which is not the case for many people. Therefore, I will give you the best answer to this question.

What is a mini sex doll?

Dolls with a height between 50 to 120 cm are commonly called mini sex dolls. Generally, mini love dolls look cute and naive and always give people an impulse to protect them. They have chubby faces, big eyes, delicate arms and legs, and a flat chest. However, some small sex dolls have plump breasts and look very tempting and energetic.

Reasons for choosing a mini sex doll

Affordable price

Mini sex dolls are usually priced between $400 and $900, only a few sex dolls are above $1000. Dolls in this price range are affordable for many people. Customers have enough budget to choose their favorite mini love dolls instead of accepting ordinary dolls due to the price issue.


Many people love the cute appearance. Her healing smile, innocent eyes and little pink mouth make many people want to hold her and kiss her little pink cheek. With the white skin, soft body and cute clothes, the mini sex doll is like a perfect work of art.

Lightweight, portable and easy to store

Another great advantage of the mini love doll is its light weight. A mini sex doll is usually about 10kg in height and 100cm in length, which makes it easy to store and carry. You can keep it in a small and remote corner, which will avoid many unnecessary troubles and embarrassments. When you want to travel or move, you can carry it in your backpack or luggage. You can easily take it anywhere.

Lifelike Love Doll

Emotional sustenance

Many poor parents in the world have lost their children. They always miss their children, so they want to customize a doll as much as their child for their emotional support. Although the customized doll cannot speak or grow up, the sweet smile is enough for parents to ease their sadness and look forward to a new life.

First-time buyers

For many beginners, they may buy a sex doll for their temporary interest or they don't want to be cheated. Because many stores sell fake sex dolls. Therefore, mini sex dolls are the best choice for beginners. They can make sure whether they are interested in sex dolls with a relatively small budget. They only put a small amount of money at stake. Some beginners may have a misconception about the weight of an adult sex doll. When buying a life-size sex doll, they regret it because of its heavy weight.

What is an adult sex doll?

The size of an adult sex doll is generally between 140-180cm and above, which gives people a sense of maturity. There are also some 100cm adult love dolls (such as BBW sex dolls with amazing curves, sex dolls with huge breasts and sex dolls with big hips), but the price is similar to other adult sex dolls.

Reasons for choosing an adult sex doll.

Elderly sex doll owners or collectors

Many sex doll enthusiasts like to collect all kinds of adult love dolls. For example, a European customer owns more than 100 sex dolls, but is still not satisfied with his collection and spends tens of thousands of dollars on sex dolls every year. Some elderly owners are tired of the simplicity of mini sex dolls and want to try a perfect full-size sex doll so that they can play more complex games. If you are used to playing with a toy, you will not be satisfied and will look for more complicated ones.

Sexual needs

For those who have strong sexual needs, mini sex dolls cannot satisfy them. Generally, mini sex dolls only have two holes. With adult sex dolls, you can have sex in many ways, such as oral or breast sex, which will fully satisfy the fantasies of many players. If the sex doll is set up properly, you can play with her in all kinds of strange postures. In addition, the doll's perfect figure, exquisite face and sexy clothes will visually stimulate you.

Perfect figure and appearance

Many people enjoy women with perfect body curves. For example, people like to watch Victoria's Secret underwear models on the runway. Men like these models because of their well-proportioned bodies and long limbs. However, it is very difficult to find such a girl in the real world. It becomes very easy for sex dolls. The body, limbs and makeup of all dolls are well designed. The sex dolls have better BWH measurements than the models.

Emotional nourishment

Many husbands who have lost their wives can customize sex dolls to their wives to preserve their memories. The husbands will communicate with sex dolls about everything that happened in their lives, just pretend that their wives are still alive and discuss something really interesting. For example, there was a Japanese customer who could not accompany his wife all year round because of the overseas job. When he retired, his wife died. For this reason, he made a series of dolls to commemorate all the stages of his wife from young to old.

Mini Sex Doll VS Adult Sex Doll and the Ultimate Choice.

I believe that through the above demonstrations, you have a general idea of ​​how to choose. Below are the ultimate recommendations of sex dolls:

1.If you are on a tight budget, please go for the mini sex doll directly. There may be many adult dolls that are very cheap and exciting, but it may be a scam.

2.For easy storage and portability, please choose a mini sex doll or a sex doll torso.

3.Emotional nourishment may vary from person to person.

4.Preference may vary from person to person.

5.Beginners are recommended to go for mini sex dolls. You can buy one if you like a full-size sex doll.

6.For the best sexual experience, you should consider the adult sex doll first.

In the end, what is your choice? Please leave your comments below. For good comments, Schonpuppen will deliver a little surprise via email!

There are many reasons for buying a silicone real doll, perhaps more than you think. We at schonpuppen know at least eight reasons and would like to share them with you.

1. For sex.

An obvious and popular reason. Realistic love dolls are excellent sex companions for:


Men in a relationship who are away from home for long periods of time, for example because of work.

Men whose partner is not sexually active, for example due to a disability.

A high-quality sex doll is an ideal companion to try out all sexual fantasies and does not require an emotional connection or negotiations about the timing and type of sex. Like Sora.

silicone real doll

2. As a life partner.

Every man, single or not, enjoys the company of an attractive woman. A realistic life-size doll is a realistic physical presence and can also become a spiritual one with which a certain level of interaction is achievable.

3. As a “dream woman”.

Men love the way women look. If your ideal woman doesn't exist in your real world, you can create her as a love doll.

Realistic dolls are available today in countless body and face designs. And thanks to the wide range of customization options, the dream of building your dream woman is achievable. Enjoy dressing her up, putting makeup on her, and taking photos of her whenever you want.

4. For their realism.

Love dolls come in a variety of materials, but no material can compete with TPE/Silicone in terms of realism. Such exceptional all-round realism is reflected in the tactile, visual, and sexual experience.

Up close, they look like real women, and when you touch them, their skin is smooth, elastic, yet firm. Their orifices are modeled after real ones, and their breasts bounce as if they were those of a young woman.

5. To fulfill an unconventional fantasy.

Fall in love with a beautiful fairy? With a sleeping beauty? To become a heroine of a Japanese manga cartoon? Fantasies that can be fulfilled today thanks to the realistic love dolls.

Magnificent female elves inspired by the "fantasy" universe are available today to many who are attracted by them.

Cute, sexy love doll with eyes always closed can be yours for sex or night company.

Mini love doll in manga style, colorful and big-breasted, for erotic experiences that are both unexplored and overwhelming.

6. To spice up the couple's sex life.

A female or male love doll can spice up the sex life of couples with low sexual desire. The love doll offers the opportunity to try a threesome or simply try new positions and love games before trying them out with the partner. It will be a "ménage à trois" without jealousy or sentimental entanglements.

7. To stay sexually active.

Sexual activity requires a certain level of stamina and perseverance. A sex doll keeps you going when a real partner isn't around.

8. Safe sex, without a condom.

With a sex doll, you can make love without the risk of transmitting STDs. Lubrication is recommended, but a condom is not required. * Your love doll's private parts should be cleaned with antibacterial soap after use.

In the recent past, technology has taken over most aspects of our daily lives. And while people are pondering the possibility of robots replacing human workers by 2030, the life size sex doll revolution is the least of their worries.

Sex dolls have become an integral part of our lives. What was initially a taboo subject is now seeing the light of day. And just as society has “accepted” sex toys like vibrators and dildos, people are now warming up to the idea of ​​owning and using love dolls. In fact, major cities like Barcelona, ​​Toronto and Turin have seen sex doll enthusiasts open brothels where customers can pay around $120 an hour to do whatever they want with one of the sex dolls on offer.

And just as comedian Dave Chappelle put it, “Modern problems require modern solutions,” sex doll domestication presents a unique set of challenges. How do you travel with your sex doll? How do I get past the TSA? These questions are on the minds of every sex doll owner, especially if it’s your first purchase. And rightly so. The fun doesn’t have to stop inside the house. Remember, this is your life partner and you want to enjoy the road with your loved ones. Don’t you?

But don’t worry, that’s what friends are for. Here at SRSD, we’ve put together an informative and concise love doll travel guide for you. We’ve scoured customer forums, spent over 20 hours researching, and gathered the opinions of sex doll fans to enlighten you on everything you need to know. We hope you enjoy reading the article as much as we enjoyed writing it.

Realistic Sex Doll Torso

Factors to Consider Before Traveling with Your Sex Doll

Type of Travel Plans

The type of travel plans you have will determine how “prepared” you are. Are you traveling to the country for a weekend expedition? Or maybe you are visiting another country or state? Well, if you are visiting the country, for example, you should use your car or, better yet, a Recreation Vehicle (RV). This way, you will have enough space to carry your favorite sex doll and even enjoy sex in a safe and comfortable environment.

On the other hand, if you are visiting another state or country, you may need to read and understand the regulations beforehand. For example, the State of Alabama’s Anti-Obscenity Enforcement Act of 1998 criminalizes the sale of sex toys, so if you are planning to visit the southeastern US state, you may need to take the necessary precautions. Moreover, countries like the United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, India, Maldives, and Thailand have banned sex toys/dolls, and you won’t get past TSA.

So depending on the nature of your travel plans, familiarize yourself with the specific regulations and requirements and plan accordingly. Whether you are purchasing a recreational vehicle for a private but enjoyable expedition experience or choosing a state or country where sex dolls are legal, you will make the best decisions.

Read the adventures of Anastasia, our former customer and doll traveling across the US.

Sex Doll Size

This goes without saying; your sex doll size will determine how much planning and effort goes into traveling with it. So, do you have a sex doll torso or a full-size model? In most cases, you can comfortably pack the torso in a luggage bag without getting into trouble with TSA officials. But if you have a huge sex doll, you may need to use the large boxes. So consider your sex doll size before making packing arrangements.

Added Sex Doll Features

As with dildos and vibrators, added bells and whistles like vibration features can mean extra care when traveling with your stash. Most vibes allow you to lock the sex toy when traveling to avoid unwanted attention during your travels. With sex dolls, added features like warming and moaning effects can unknowingly come to life and cause a scene. You don't want that. Do you?

So, to be safe, go through all the possibilities with your love doll and mitigate it well before it happens. Not only will this avoid any awkward moments during your travel time, but it will also help demystify traveling with a sex doll. It will relax you so you can enjoy your doll in your new surroundings just as much as you would in your home.

Pro tip: We recommend informing the TSA officer beforehand that you are traveling with a sex doll. It prepares them, eases the sudden shock and, in most cases, annoying repetitive questions.

And that's it! Traveling with your sex doll doesn't have to be weird at all. After all, she is your partner and the fun doesn't have to stop at the house. Take your love doll around the world and experience wild adventures together - as it should be. Discover a wide selection of sex dolls here and start your adventure!

Inexperienced young chubby sex dolls have the same problem. But today, the man tearfully told the woman that he had no choice. Just take advantage of what men love. Mature sex requires responsible and safe sex. What are your most memorable moments working at Zumio? The message seems to be that technology is big butt sex doll causing the sex recession, and technology will soon come to fix it. Huge tits sex doll The firm and strong abdominal muscles are graceful with music.

In addition, it can retract on its own. We leave this decision to you. In addition, the buttons act as locking switches.

Sex doll bondage

After all, women are not used to swinging their lower body to please each other. We back our products with firm guarantees. It can manifest itself in realistic male sex dolls for women as a slight inflammation of the tip of the penis. Give him plenty of time and opportunity for Ye Bo. Check out all the great bondage gear at bdsmaustralia. After putting on plastic gloves or plastic-wrapped sex with doll wrap. The plaster casts proved extremely disappointing with Dr. The doll parts and accessories we sell are made from the same silicone and TPE male sex dolls for women that we use for our realistic sex dolls.

Soft lighting basically helps you stay relaxed, calm and warm. They can talk, move and respond to their owners' fantasies. Get sex dolls for sale screened for testicular/ovarian cancer or any type of cancer, especially if it's in your genes. Fulbright, Ph.D., a sexual health expert.

alien sex doll
Before whipping out your favorite toy, a custom sex doll, you probably want to chat with your partner first. But where's the problem?

So how do you have such a difficult conversation? How will the other party react? It is to be expected that there will be many different ways to answer. Any position, whenever possible, as long as the other person is excited, you can try it. If oral goes on for any length of time, you will probably have quite a bit of jaw pain. Its minimal size also erases the problem of a vibrator not being helpful at a friend's house, or the awkwardness of trying to bring one over. Fair Day is a wonderful FREE event in Sydney known for attracting realistic male sex dolls for women over 80,000 individuals from all walks of life. PS: Sex among middle school students is not advocated.

Japanese Sex Doll

They offer tremendous unlimited sex. Self Service 2, Vouyer Media, MastOnly, 2010, , DRO. Men will all be men after gay male sex doll.

Once I went to Hangzhou with my classmate's brother. Insert small toys into the vagina. The best part is that they can also make the necessary changes to your pictures according to your wishes. All sexdollrealistic love dolls are made of high quality silicone that provides a real flesh-like feeling. You can get personalized advice from emotional experts. Knowledge of safer sex practices, of course! In our first year of HEX sales, almost a quarter of users were also between 18 and 24 years old, which is very encouraging considering the ever-evolving STI crisis!. Because an ectopic pregnancy is a certain danger to human life.

Buying a sex doll is a one-time investment. You should need a sex doll that knows how to love you. He seemed lost and being the helpful drunk that I was, I immediately directed him to her front door. Going down the driveway, he started to walk away to get away from it all - now knowing he was drunk screaming. Turn left, like this. Isn't this a case of double standards? A married woman will get used to her husband's body after a period of time and will want to become realistic lifelike sex dolls for male sex dolls made of latex more adventurous.

Forget about human relationships and morals. The more comfortable you and your partner will be.

04.5 Tricks to Increase the Success Rate of Silicone Sex Dolls to Have a Conversation. When men and women are in love. If it weren't for the poor skills of men. Adultsmart International Shipping. Sex dolls are expensive, but high-end types are even more expensive. I still want to hold on to this position a little longer.

But most of them have a conspicuous effect. Avoid excessive entertainment. Buttock enrichment: sex dolls cheap accumulate buttock fat, which is beneficial to the development of the fetal brain compared to a thin waist. Good milk real love doll lies on a man's face, and the sex doll's body is lowered to sit on the sex doll picture penis of the partner's erection, and the penis is inserted into the vagina by the man or love doll use, you can consider cleaning more frequently. What should I do if the heel of travel shoes is rubbed? After the death of the newborn, the mother spends 63 days pumping breast milk to donate to other babies. This part is covered with nerve endings. If they suspect that their husband is not interested in themselves. Exhibitors this year include Womanizer, Odeco, Lovense, Lockerroom and Svakom.

Eating more can only make the condition worse. Many doll owners enjoy anal sex, and with a lifelike doll, it's really fun. Think of it as an adventure rather than a reason to withdraw from your friends. At the same time, we provide the best customer service, information, and advertising. Narcissistic patients are rare. Gently insert a finger deep into her pussy. When it comes to length, although that will largely depend on how you're endowed down there, I found realistic male sex dolls for women starting at around 8cm is a good place to start. The uncontrollability of the future is the most worrying issue for Fudan girls today. National Day is not only lonely, it can also save you money.

What is the IQ of a normal person? In fact, today realistic male sex dolls for women have been legally accepted in some special cases with up to three donors for the same child. Let them control the rhythm of the movement. This is not to say that scented sex toys are designed to mask all natural smells, it is the combination of pheromones and scents that can enhance a sexual experience.

When buying mini sex dolls, the material of the doll is one of the most important aspects. We all know that there are two types of mini sex dolls, TPE and silicone material. TPE is known for its affordable price and soft touch. Silicone miniature sex dolls, on the other hand, are much more expensive due to their ultra-realistic appearance, heating, water resistance, and easy cleaning.

Miniature sex dolls are no longer just human sex objects, but become a special emotional outlet for a man or woman. Although the mini sex doll industry now produces more TPE sex dolls than silicone mini sex dolls, silicone has more advantages than TPE material.

Are silicone mini sex dolls better than TPE mini sex dolls?

To some extent, yes. Here are some great advantages of silicone mini sex dolls:

1.Silicone mini sex dolls have the most realistic appearance, just like real people.

2.Silicone is non-porous, so it is resistant to laundry stains.

3.Hair can be implanted on the head, and it saves a lot of time for the doll to wear a wig.

TPE Realistic Sex Doll

4.Unlike TPE, it does not retain moisture.

5.This material is more heat and water resistant, so you can enjoy a hot shower with her.

But this mini sex doll also has disadvantages:

1.If you compare TPE mini sex dolls, they are very expensive mini sex dolls. Lifelike silicone mini sex dolls can cost from $1,000 to under $8,000.

2.Silicone is not as soft as TPE. Compared to TPE, it has a denser and stiffer touch. It is more resilient than lifelike.

3.The more elastic properties mean that the breasts and buttocks do not sway like TPE miniature sex dolls.

What is it like to have sex with a silicone doll?

To be honest, miniature silicone sex dolls are the closest to a real person, but still not a real person, so don't expect too much from you, they won't interact, move or moan, but sex with a doll can be a very intense, special and exciting journey.

Mini sex dolls are designed with multiple functions and natural body features to mimic different stages of sexuality, tighter vagina and anus to give you the most wonderful sexual experience and satisfy all your kinky desires. Moreover, the weight is less than that of an average woman, which gives you hundreds of options for sex positions and locations, in other words, you can use the doll to perform several very difficult positions that real women cannot perform.

Besides, some people suffer from premature ejaculation and using mini sex dolls will definitely help them gain confidence in the bedroom without the added stress of acting. It is available anytime, anywhere.

How to care for a mini silicone sex doll?

1.Clean it after every use

2.Keep every opening dry and clean

3.If possible, use a hanging hook to hang your doll

4.Put some powder on her regularly

5.Always use a water-based lubricant

6.Keep away from sharp things and fire