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6+ Cr


10+ Cr




2 YRs

CANADA QUEBEC INVESTOR PROGRAM The Quebec Immigrant Investor Program (QIIP) remains the only opportunity for high net worth individuals wishing to secure permanent residence in Canada on the basis of a passive investment.

Introduced in 1986, the highly successful Quebec Immigrant Investor Program (QIIP) offers qualified high net worth individuals and families worldwide the opportunity to immigrate to Canada through the Province of Quebec. With the closure of Canada’s Federal Immigrant Investor program, the exclusive QIIP is the only Canada investor visa of its kind currently available to international business people, and it boasts similar investment standards as the former federal program.

Quebec selects the candidates who meet its Immigrant Investor Program criteria and grants them a Quebec Selection Certificate. This document allows investors and their immediate families to apply for a permanent residence visa with the federal government of Canada, to obtain this visa unconditionally and, ultimately, to have the right to apply for Canadian citizenship after meeting the residency requirements.

The province of Quebec offers an Immigrant Investor Program that aims to attract wealthy individuals and their families and is managed by the Ministry of Immigration, Francisation, and Integration. Quebec society is modern, pluralist and egalitarian. It has welcomed more than 50,000 new immigrants every year since 2004. While French is the official language of the province, English is widely spoken in major cities and the business community. Under the Immigrant Investor Program, the interest on investments made by immigrant investors is distributed by the government as non-repayable contributions to Québec businesses as well as for funding the Employment Integration Program for Immigrants and Visible Minorities (PRIIME).

If you are planning to live in Quebec, we encourage you to visit the Province to assess the viability of your furture business prospects. You may claim points based on any business-related visits to Quebec within the last year from the date of your application.

Qualifying Criteria

– Have alone, or with an accompanying spouse, minimum net assets worth CAD$2,000,000 gained legally, including donations given more than six months before an application is filed.

– Have qualifying management experience for at least two years during the five years preceding the submission of an immigration application.

– Have the intention to settle in Quebec, sign an investment agreement with an authorized financial intermediary and invest CAD$1,200,000 for 5 years at 0% interest (financing is available).

– Candidates who can demonstrate knowledge of French through a standardized test can submit an application at any time.

– Obtain, by the prescribed deadline, an attestation of learning about democratic values and the Québec values. The members of your family accompanying you (your spouse of 16 years of age or older and your dependent children of 18 years of age or older) must also obtain the attestation.

ATTENTION: Intake Paused November 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020

Successful applicants are required to make their investment with Investissement Québec for a period of five years, at the end of which the capital is returned without interest. The five year period begins upon issuance of the selection certificate before the applicant has even landed in Canada. Successful applicants are issued a selection certificate from Quebec for Canada immigration, which allows them to obtain Canadian permanent residence following health and criminality examinations by Federal immigration authorities.

Important: Legally Aquired Networth

In order to meet the minimum net worth requirement of $2 million, applicants must demonstrate the net value of their current assets, as well as their history of the acquisition of funds over the course of their careers with supporting documentation.

Net worth is established through bank statements, investor booklets, real estate evaluations, audited financial statements and other pertinent and up to date documentation. Candidates are required to declare all of their personal assets and liabilities; however, they are not required to produce evidence of assets beyond $2 million.

Applicants must also demonstrate that their net worth was acquired legally. This takes into account the individual’s past employment income, businesses, local market conditions, inheritances and donations. While it is often difficult to produce detailed documentation of the early stages of an applicant’s career, clear supporting documents will facilitate the application process

You must intend to reside in Quebec. It is your responsibility to prove a genuine intention to reside in Ontario as described in Section 87(2) (b) of the Immigration Refugee Protection Act, S C 2001, c27, Regulations which state that “a foreign national is a member of the nominee class if they intend to reside in the province that nominated them”.

Processing Time

The province of Quebec takes between 12 to 14 months to process the application. IRCC, prior known as CIC, takes 3 to 4 years to issue the permanent resident status depending on your country of origin or residence. Therefore, it can approximately 4 to 5 years for you to arrive in Canada. Delays can be minimized by presenting all relevant information accurately and strategically. The government never advises the time needed to process an application but it always mentions the time it took to process 80% of the applications in the last year.

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2.5+ CR.


4+ CR


2.5+ CR



Business Innovation and Investment Visa (Subclass 188) This visa is for people who have a successful business or investment career, and have a genuine and realistic commitment to be involved in investing or business in Australia.

The business innovation and investment visa is also the first step towards being granted a permanent Business Skills visa. You must pay a non-refundable visa charge when you lodge the Expression of Interest (EOI).

This visa includes five streams:

Business Innovation stream: for people with business skills who want to establish, develop and manage a new or existing business in Australia. Applicants must be nominated by a state or territory government. Investor stream: for people who want to make a designated investment of at least AUD$1.5million in an Australian state or territory and maintain business and investment activity in Australia. Applicants must be nominated by a state or territory government. Significant Investor stream: for people who are willing to invest at least AUD$5million into complying significant investments in Australia and want to maintain business and investment activity in Australia. Applicants can be nominated by a state or territory government or Austrade on behalf of the Australian government. Premium Investor stream: for people who are willing to invest at least AUD$15million into complying premium investments in Australia and want to maintain business and investment activity in Australia. Applicants must be nominated by Austrade on behalf of the Australian government. Entrepreneur stream: for people who have a funding agreement from a third party for at least AUD$200,000 to undertake a complying entrepreneur activity that is proposed to lead to either the commercialisation of a product or service in Australia or the development of a business in Australia. Applicants must be nominated by a state or territory government. Benefits of the Business Innovation and Investment Visa (Subclass188) With this visa you can travel in and out of Australia any number of times as long as the visa is valid, have your family accompany you to Australia (they will have access to work and study rights) and establish a pathway to permanent residence.

If you are in the Business Innovation stream, you can renew your visa for an additional two years, a renewal application must be lodged online and your state or territory government must confirm, in writing, that they continue to support you. These visa allow future applications for permanent residency under the Subclass 888 Visa subject to satisfying the criteria of the temporary visa program.

This permanent visa, known as the Business Talent Visa, is designed for high calibre business people who are owners or part owners of an overseas company and have a genuine and realistic commitment to participate in the management of a new or existing business in Australia.

You must be sponsored by a state or territory government. The 132 visa is for high calibre business people from overseas who are less than 55 years old, and their families.

Who is eligible for a Business Talent Visa Permanent (Subclass 132)? Significant Business History Stream

You, your partner, or you and your partner combined must have all of the following:

Total net assets of at least AUD$400 000 as the ownership interest in one or more qualifying businesses for least two of the four fiscal years immediately before you are invited to apply and if the qualifying business(es) was a publicly listed company, a shareholding of at least 10 per cent of the total issued capital Net business and personal assets of at least AUD$1.5 million that are legally acquired and can be transferred to Australia within two years after the visa is granted A total annual turnover of at least AUD$3 million in one or more of your main businesses in at least two of the four fiscal years immediately before you are invited to apply Ownership of at least: (a) 51 per cent of a business with turnover of less than AUD$400,000 per year; or (b) 30 per cent of a business with turnover of more than AUD$400,000 per year, or © 10 per cent of a publicly listed company An overall successful business career No involvement in unacceptable business activities A genuine desire to own and maintain a management role in a business in Australia. You must also be younger than 55 years of age, although a state or territory can waive this requirement if your proposed business will be of exceptional economic benefit to the region where it will operate.

Venture Capital Entrepreneur Stream

You must have received at least AUD1 million in funding from an Australian venture capital firm.

The funding must be for the start-up, product commercialisation or business development of a promising high-value business idea.

The venture capital firm must be a member of the Australian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association Limited (AVCAL). AVCAL has information about the venture capital category of membership in its Venture Capital entrepreneur visa factsheet.

You must have entered into a formal agreement with the venture capital firm for the funding.

Benefits of the Business Talent Visa (Subclass 132) With this visa you can work in a new or existing business in Australia, travel in and out of Australia any number of times as long as the visa is valid, study in Australia, have your family accompany you to Australia (they will have access to work and study rights) and live in Australia as a permanent resident for five years (after 5 years, you will need to apply for a resident return visa).

Business Obligations Significant Business History stream

If you are in this stream, after entering Australia, you must:

Establish a qualifying business in Australia, or Participate in an existing qualifying business in Australia. In the business, you must:

Maintain substantial ownership Maintain direct and continuous involvement in the day-to-day management of the business Make decisions that affect the overall direction and performance of the business in a way that benefits the Australian economy. Venture Capital Entrepreneur stream

If you are in this stream, after entering Australia, you must meet the requirements of your venture capital agreement.

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The MPNP looks out for skilled workers who have chosen an occupation mentioned in the Manitoba in Demand Occupation List an are basically based on the labor needs, shortages and economic requirements of the Canadian province of Manitoba. Recent graduates, skilled workers, businesspeople and their families who possess the true intention to successfully settle and economically establish themselves as permanent residents.

If business is what you are looking for then the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program for Business (MPNPB) also known as the Business Investor Stream (BIS) permits the recruitment and nomination of qualified business investors and entrepreneurs around the world who have the intent and ability to purchase businesses in Manitoba.

The MPNP also conducts Expression of Interest Canada Express Entry Draw for candidates applying for nomination via its Express entry pathways.

Eligibility Requirement for Manitoba Occupation List

Here are the following criteria for proving occupational eligibility for Manitoba Immigration

You must have a past education, training, work experience and any applicable certification, license or registration (regulatory requirements) as well. As a prospective applicant you must have proficiency in English to qualify for Canada PR Visa via MPNP. NOC Requirements — needs to be fulfilled to assess whether or skills and potential are conducive for long term employment as well as growth in career, that in turn will assist in the development of the local labor market in Manitoba. Must provide detailed decryption of duties, skills, talents and work settings in the Canadian economy as mentioned in the National Occupation Classification 2011 (NOC). Manitoba in Demand Occupation List

Since Manitoba choses suitable skilled workers and professionals via MPNP meaning that these candidates must hold the skills and qualifications to be able to work in the labor market of the province. Manitoba in Demand Occupation List is an updated list of relevant high demand occupations as per the labor shortages and economic requirements of the Manitoba local labor market. This list is updated on a regular basis as per the changing labor demands.

  1. Business, Finance and Administration Occupations NOC

Occupation Title

Skill Level

Minimum CLB





Financial managers




Human resources managers




Other administrative services managers




Insurance, real estate and financial brokerage managers




Banking, credit and other investment managers




Advertising, marketing and public relations managers




Financial auditors and accountants




Financial and investment analysts




Other financial officers




Human resources professionals




Professional occupations in business management consulting




Professional occupations in advertising, marketing and public relations




Supervisors, finance and insurance office workers




Supervisors, supply chain, tracking and scheduling co-ordination occupations




Administrative officers




Human resources and recruitment officers




Property administrators




Administrative assistants




Legal administrative assistants




Court reporters, medical transcriptionists and related occupations




Accounting technicians and bookkeepers



  1. Natural and Applied Sciences and Related Occupations NOCOccupation TitleSkill LevelMinimum CLBS W OS W MI E S0211Engineering managers07•••0212Architecture* and science managers07•••0213Computer and information systems managers07•••2121Biologists and related scientistsA5•••2123Agricultural representatives, consultants and specialistsA5•••2131Civil engineersA7•••2132Mechanical engineersA7•••2133Electrical and electronics engineersA7•••2141Industrial and manufacturing engineersA7•••2147Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers)A7•••2151ArchitectsA7•••2154Land surveyors *A7•••2161Mathematicians, statisticians and actuariesA5•••2171Information systems analysts and consultantsA5•••2172Database analysts and data administratorsA5•••2173Software engineers and designersA5•••2174Computer programmers and interactive media developersA5•••2175Web designers and developersA5•••2211Chemical technologists and techniciansB5•••2212Geological and mineral technologists and techniciansB5•••2221Biological technologists and techniciansB5•••2222Agricultural and fish products inspectorsB5•••2231Civil engineering technologists and techniciansB5•••2232Mechanical engineering technologists and techniciansB5•••2233Industrial engineering and manufacturing technologists and techniciansB5•••2234Construction estimatorsB5•••2241Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and techniciansB5•••2242Electronic service technicians (household and business equipment)B5•••2244Aircraft instrument, electrical and avionics mechanics, technicians and inspectorsB5•••2253Drafting technologists and techniciansB5•••2271Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructorsB5•••2281Computer network techniciansB5•••2282User support techniciansB5•••

  2. Health Occupations NOCOccupation TitleSkill LevelMinimum CLBS W OS W MI E S0311Managers in Health CareA7••3131Pharmacists A7•••3132Dietitians and nutritionistsA7•••3141Audiologists and speech-language pathologists A7•••3142Physiotherapists A7•••3143Occupational therapists A7•••3211Medical laboratory technologists B7•••3212Medical laboratory technicians and pathologists’ assistantsB5•••3213Animal health technologists and veterinary techniciansB5•••3214Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists B7•••3215Medical radiation technologists B5•••3219Other medical technologists and technicians (except dental health)B5•••3222Dental hygienists and dental therapists *B7•••3236Massage therapistsB5•••

  3. Occupations in Social Science, Education, Government Service and Religion NOCOccupation TitleSkill LevelMinimum CLBS W OS W MI E S0423Managers in social, community and correctional services05•••4112Lawyers and Quebec notaries A7•••4151Psychologists A7•••4152Social workersA7•••4153Family, marriage and other related counsellorsA5•••4161Natural and applied science policy researchers, consultants and program officersA5•••4163Business development officers and marketing researchers and consultantsA5•••4164Social policy researchers, consultants and program officersA5•••4165Health policy researchers, consultants and program officersA5•••4166Education policy researchers, consultants and program officersA5•••4167Recreation, sports and fitness policy researchers, consultants and program officersA5•••4168Program officers unique to governmentA5•••4211Paralegal and related occupationsB5•••4212Social and community service workersB5•••4214Early childhood educators and assistantsB7•••4215Instructors of persons with disabilitiesB5•••

  4. Occupations in Art, Culture, Recreation and Sport NOCOccupation TitleSkill LevelMinimum CLBS W OS W MI E S0513Recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors05•••5131Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupationsA5•••5225Audio and video recording techniciansB5•••5241Graphic designers and illustratorsB5•••5242Interior designers and interior decoratorsB5•••5243Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designersB5•••5254Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitnessB5•••

  5. Sales and Service Occupations NOCOccupation TitleSkill LevelMinimum CLBS W OS W MI E S0601Corporate sales managers05••0621Retail and wholesale trade managers05••0651Managers in customer and personal services, n.e.c.05••6221Technical sales specialists — wholesale tradeB5•••6222Retail and wholesale buyersB5•••6232Real estate agents and salespersonsB5•••6235Financial sales representativesB5•••6311Food service supervisorsB5•••6322CooksB5•••6332BakersB5•••

  6. Trades, Transport and Equipment Operators and Related Occupations NOCOccupation TitleSkill LevelMinimum CLBS W OS W MI E S0711Construction managers05•••0712Home building and renovation managers05•••0714Facility operation and maintenance managers05•••0731Managers in transportation05•••7231Machinists and machining and tooling inspectorsB5•••7232Tool and die makersB5•••7233Sheet metal workersB5•••7237Welders and related machine operatorsB5•••7241Electricians (except industrial and power system) B6•••7242Industrial electricians B6•••7244Electrical power line and cable workersB5•••7245Telecommunications line and cable workersB5•••7246Telecommunications installation and repair workersB5•••7251PlumbersB5•••7271CarpentersB5•••7282Concrete finishersB5•••7284Plasterers, drywall installers and finishers and lathersB5•••7294Painters and decorators (except interior decorators)B5•••7295Floor covering installersB5•••7311Construction millwrights and industrial mechanicsB5•••7312Heavy-duty equipment mechanicsB5•••7313Heating, refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics B6•••7315Aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectorsB5•••7316Machine fittersB5•••7321Automotive service technicians, truck and bus mechanics and mechanical repairersB5•••7322Motor vehicle body repairersB5•••7361Railway and yard locomotive engineersB5•••7362Railway conductors and brakemen/womenB5•••7371Crane operators B6•••

  7. Occupations Unique to Primary Industry NOCOccupation TitleSkill LevelMinimum CLBS W OS W MI E S0821Managers in agriculture05•••

  8. Occupations Unique to Processing, Manufacturing and Utilities NOCOccupation TitleSkill LevelMinimum CLBS W OS W MI E S0911Manufacturing managers05•••0912Utilities managers05•••9241Power engineers and power systems operatorsB5•••

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One of Europe’s oldest couantries, Portugal boasts a rich historical and architectural heritage. Luminosity, radiance and culture beam through the whitewashed villages and lush vineyards of this country positioned on the blissfully elegant shores of the Atlantic ocean.





WHY CHOOSE PORTUGAL? Portugal boasts a rich and diverse culture, Mediterranean climate, and a safe and stable setting ideal for raising families, conducting business or travelling. Investors find many opportunities in Portugal’s secure and fast-developing market, including the following:

Residence visa waiver for entering Portugal. Live and work in Portugal. Visa-free travel within the Schengen member states. Permanent residency or citizenship of Portugal after five years as a temporary resident. Inclusion of family members, such as spouse or partner, dependent children and dependent parents. QUALIFICATIONS Portugal’s Golden Resident Permit Program is offered in accordance with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Department of Consular Affairs and the Portuguese Trade and Investment Agency (AICEP).

Aimed at attracting foreign direct investments to the country, the program yields a residency permit in Portugal to non-EU investors who fulfill one of the investment options below and meet the following requirements:

Provide proof that investment funds originate from abroad. Hold no criminal record. The main applicant’s property is not frozen within the boundaries of the EU. Pay application and processing fees where applicable. Enter Portugal for the first time on a valid Schengen visa. Meet or exceed the minimum stay requirements. (Seven days for the first year, 14 days for subsequent two-year periods.) INVESTMENT OPTIONS

  1. Property Investment Options – In July 2015, through Act 63/2015 and Regulatory Decree 15-A/2015, the required investment options were revised and new ones added. Investors can now choose from the following:

Applicants may acquire property valued at €500,000 or more, or Applicants may acquire property valued at €350,000 or more for properties more than 30 years old or located in urban regeneration areas designated for refurbishing, or Acquisition of property fitting any of the above requirements with 20% reduction on the minimum amount of investment, if purchased on a low density population area (€400,000.00 or €280,000.00). Property Selection Arton handpicks prestigious projects to meet our clients’ expectations. By investing in fractions of pre-qualified projects applicants become co-owners of the entire project and qualify for Portugal’s Golden Visa. Our selected projects share some key benefits:

Guaranteed annual rental return, starting from the first year of operation; Easy and flexible exit strategy; 100% funds return guarantee after obtaining permanent residency or citizenship; 7 days accommodation per year. Sé Catedral Hotel (sold out) Located in the heart of Porto, close to the Douro River, this 50-room hotel rehabilitation consists of 38 fractions at €350,000 each. Request our project brochure.

Caldas de Canavezes Luxury Hotel and Spa (sold out) Located in a low-density area of the country, facing the Tâmega River, this luxury hotel and spa transformation consists of 45 fractions at €280,000 each. Request our project brochure.

Cascais Located in the center of Cascais, facing the ocean and Cidadela, this palatial house rehabilitation of a 20-suite boutique hotel consists of 22 fractions at €350,000 each. Request our project brochure.

  1. Capital Investment Applicants may invest a minimum of €350,000 in research activities. Applicants may invest a minimum of €250,000 in the arts or in the reconstruction or refurbishment of national heritage projects. Applicants may invest a minimum of €500,000 for shares in investment funds or venture capital. Applicants must create 10 or more jobs.

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Nova Scotia is one such maritime province in Canada that offers incredible life to its citizens that’s second to none. Located in the easternmost Canada, the province of Nova Scotia is surrounded by beautiful landscapes, lush green forests, coastlines, wild islands, sunny beaches, and a lot more. Known as Canada’s ocean playground, Nova Scotia is considered to be the most enjoyable places in Canada to live in due to its quality of life, low cost of living, work-life balance, incredible cities, and family friendly environment.

The growing popularity of Nova Scotia has encouraged a lot of skilled professionals around the globe to apply for Nova Scotia Nominee Program and thus make this place their new home.

Nova Scotia Provincial Nominee Program

The Nova Scotia Provincial Nominee Program aims at attracting skilled applicants who have the potential to contribute to the growth and development of Nova Scotia. Under the program, only those foreign nationals are selected who are interested in moving to Nova Scotia and have the right skills to address the local provincial needs. It’s an immigrant-friendly program featuring a comprehensive system that facilitates entry of candidates through multiple streams por pathways. This is something that has boosted the popularity of NSNP program among highly-qualified professionals.

How to Apply for NSNP?

Nova Scotia Demand: Express Entry is the most preferred way to apply for Nova Scotia immigration. The Express Entry stream is suitable for prospective applicants who wish to permanently settle in Nova Scotia. Applicants must also demonstrate their potential to quickly adjust to the province’s labor market needs. Under this pathway, applications are only accepted online, and does not require a sponsoring employer.

All the candidates are accepted from the federal express entry pool based on the following factors:

Age Education Years of experience Language proficiency Arranged employment in Nova Scotia Adaptability The PNP program for Nova Scotia comprises two categories- Category A and Category B.

The Category A requires a candidate to obtain a valid full-time job offer from an employer in Nova Scotia. The category is a bit challenging as most of the people can’t fetch a job while living outside the province.

On the other hand, Category B of does not require any job offer from the province, however, the candidates must demonstrate a valid experience in one of the province’s in-demand occupations. Candidates can easily apply for this category and get a Permanent Resident Canada. Apart from the above-mentioned, there are also some other categories for which NSNP accepts applications:

Nova Scotia Experience: Express Entry- Under this stream, the government of Nova Scotia uses an Express Entry system to select highly skilled applicants who have already worked in Nova Scotia for one year.

Nova Scotia Labour Market Priorities– The pathway makes it easier for the provincial government to select candidates whose profile is already in the Express Entry pool and are capable enough to meet the needs of labor market in the province.

Skilled Worker Stream– The NSNP under this stream selects applicants who already have received a letter of employment from an employer in Nova Scotia. Candidates who are interested in skilled, semi-skilled, or low-skilled occupations are eligible to apply for this visa pathway.

Entrepreneur Program– If you are a business owner and interested in moving to Nova Scotia, then this stream is for you. Under this stream, you may either start a new business or buy an already existing one in Nova Scotia.

International Graduate Entrepreneur Stream– The stream is for International students who have completed a full-time study in the last two years from a recognized University in Nova Scotia. Applicants applying under this stream must be committed to permanently settle in Nova Scotia.

Physician Stream– The stream welcomes internationally-trained general practitioners, family physicians, and specialist physicians with a designated offer letter from an employer in Nova Scotia. Free Profile Assessment and Visa Guidance

Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program

The province of Nova Scotia is one of four Atlantic provinces that work with the Government of Canada to invite skilled workers from different parts of world to fill jobs for which no local talent is available. Interested candidates may apply for this program while living either outside Canada or holding a temporary status at the time of filing the application. Also, it’s important to note that all applicants who want to apply for Canada PR visa through this program must secure a valid job from a designated Nova Scotian employer.

Who is Eligible for NSNP?

Every pathway under the Nova Scotia Nominee Program has its own eligibility criteria that determines a candidate’s ability to qualify for the nomination. However, there are certain things that are common with every visa stream. Some of the them are described below:

Your chosen occupation must be in-demand You must be aged between 18–49 years Must demonstrate relevant education or qualification that is at par with the Canadian education system. Must demonstrate proficient English-speaking levels through an approved language test. Must have at least one year of work experience in a relevant occupational field. Must be determined to reside and work in Nova Scotia. IELTS Requirements for Nova Scotia PNP

In order to migrate to Nova Scotia, all prospective immigrants must demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the English language, which is widely spoken in Nova Scotia. For this, it is mandatory for all applicants to take an approved IELTS test and score a minimum of CLB7 across all segments to increase their chances of getting nominated.

Rise Consultancy Edu guides applicants through its world-class IELTS coaching services to guarantee your selection.

What is the Processing Time for Nova Scotia PNP?

Although, the processing time for Nova Scotia is relatively faster than any other program. On an average, it takes around 3 to 6 months for an application to be evaluated by the immigration department in Nova Scotia.

However, there are several factors that might affect your chances of getting an earlier approval. This includes mistakes in your profile, submitting incomplete documents, low IELTS scores, etc. Candidates must understand that any profile which is not complete as per visa guidelines shall not be entertained by the authorities. Therefore, it makes much sense to carefully read all guidelines before submitting the profile.

Nova Scotia PNP Points Calculator 2020

The Provincial Nominee Program for Nova Scotia offers promising opportunities to skilled professionals who are passionate to fulfil their desire for Canada immigration. However, to successfully qualify under the program, one must score 67 points or more in the assessment grid that considers various selection factors such as, age, education, work experience, IELTS score, etc.

Apply for Nova Scotia PNP without job offer?

Lots of people have this question in their mind whether they can actually move to Nova Scotia without a job offer. The answer is yes. The province of Nova Scotia does have a different stream in place to invite skilled workers without a job offer, provided their occupation must fall under in-demand list in Categories ‘O’, ‘A’ or ‘B’ as per the National Occupations Classification (NOC).

Please take a look at the following list of occupation that are currently in demand in Nova Scotia:

Nova Scotia Occupation List

Thinking of migrating to Nova Scotia? Come to us and we will tell you how you can achieve your Canadian dream. Simply fill our free assessment form or get the details by calling us.

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75+ Lac


2+ Cr





MANITOBA — AT A GLANCE The beautiful Canadian Province of Manitoba, located in central part of the country, is one of the three Prairie Provinces in the nation, and home to over 1,200,000 people. The largest city in the province is the capital, Winnipeg, with a population exceeding 730,000. The second largest city is Brandon, with a population of around 56,000. Manitoba has received increasing numbers of immigrants in recent years, and it has set goals of encouraging 10,000 immigrants to settle within its borders annually.

Manitoba Economy & Employment

Mining, manufacturing, agriculture these are one of the principle industries of the province even as traditionally, farming has been a major occupation for Manitobans. The rich farmlands in the Southern Manitoba produce wheat, barley, oats, sunflower, flax and canola crops, as well as dairy and livestock farms. From this agricultural base, a considerable food processing industry has emerged. Apart from this, Manitoba is home to considerable manufacturing, aerospace and transportation industries.

Winnipeg, the capital, has a sizable financial and insurance industry, as well as government administration and services. The unemployment rate in the province is presently 5.4% well below the Canadian average of 7.0%. The economy is expected to continue its recent growth. While this should provide robust job creation, the Government of Manitoba also provides different programmes to help immigrants settle and find jobs in the province. Among these are free English as an Additional Language (EAL) classes, job preparation programmes, etc.

Manitoba Standard of Living Low cost of living is one of the most appealing aspects of the province and this enables one to enjoy a very comfortable life here. Housing, energy, insurance and post-secondary education in Manitoba are all among the least expensive in the country. With a lower share of income dedicated to these costs, the Manitobans have more money left over to spend on other things. One such example is a cottage/vacation home, as Manitobans have the highest rate of vacation home ownership in Canada.

The Manitobans are hooked on to Golf and play it a lot. Such a high craze for this sport cannot be found anywhere else in the nation. Manitoba has a mandatory minimum wage in Canada at 10.70 Canadian Dollars. The province also has the fourth-lowest marginal personal income tax rate in the country. Not to be underestimated, the friendly nature of the local people also contributes to the quality of life in the province.

A very special thing about the residents is that they are very generous and volunteer at a higher rate than any other Canadian province. They also give the highest proportion of their incomes to charity. This generosity helps to create supportive communities that can help new Canadians get off to a good start in the province.

Manitoba Residential Housing

Housing is not very expensive here and it’s a key draw factor about residing in the region. The province’s residential housing market is very competitive, and affordable housing is readily available. The average house price in Manitoba is 269,000 Canadian Dollars the fourth lowest average of any province in the country. The average percentage of household income taken up by ownership costs varies between 15–30%. Another benefit of the housing market is that without too much urban sprawl, one does not have to go too far outside the cities to find a good place to live. Winnipeg has the shortest average distance to commute to work of any Canadian city over 500,000 people, with an average under just six kilometres. Shorter commute means more time available to spend at home with family or taking part in other activities.

MANITOBA PROVINCIAL NOMINEE PROGRAMME Much like other Canadian provinces and territories, Manitoba, too, has its own provincial nominee programme, called the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Programme (MPNP). It is basically an excellent administration managed immigration scheme that chooses those candidates for migration who manage to establish that they have both the capability and the desire to move and settle themselves, along with their families, in the province.


The province has recently made numerous important changes to its PNP. The formation of an in-demand occupations list, and a new corridor allied with the nation’s Express Entry system are just two of the main improvements made to the MPNP.

A component of an extensive rearrangement and restoration of the MPNP, the steps are in keeping with the province’s declared commitment to provide the new entrants with new and better trails to the prized Permanent Residence (PR) status in the province and the nation.

The improvements comprise the restructuring of three present and running immigration categories, namely, the MPNP-B Business Immigration Stream, Skilled Worker in Manitoba Stream, and Skilled Worker Overseas Stream and the making of a completely new International Education Stream.

A. BUSINESS INVESTOR STREAM (BIS) Let’s start with the Business Investor Stream (BIS) first!

The improved Business Investor Stream (BIS) will substitute the current PNP-B business immigration category. The BIS will enable the Canadian province to sign-up and nominate those qualified foreign business investors and entrepreneurs, who are determined and possess the ability to either start or purchase businesses in the province, inside the first 24 months of landing in Canada with a Temporary Work Permit. As per the new arrangements, there won’t any longer be the requirement–on the part of the applicants–to present a deposit of 100,000 Canadian Dollars to the Manitoba Administration.

The BIS will give preference to those candidates who launch a venture/mission inside the first 12 months of their landing in the province, particularly those keen to set-up their venture/mission outside the capital, Winnipeg.

The key motive behind the improvements seems to be generating work opportunities for the residents. Perhaps this is why the changes would guarantee that every business nominee makes investments in the ventures/firms that produce employment opportunities for the province, and makes handy contributions to its economy.

The BIS will have two pathways:

Entrepreneur Pathway Meant for the candidates, eager to kick-start a firm/venture in the province, the candidates under the scheme would receive a Temporary Work Permit, and in place of proffering a good-faith deposit of 100,000 Canadian Dollars, they would ink a business performance deal. This will be done to either buy a present enterprise in the province or come up with a fresh entity.

Not less than three years of full time work experience during the preceding 5 years, either as an active business owner or working in a senior management role of a successful business, is required. Business proprietors are given higher points, vis-à-vis high-ranking managers. To make the cut for points, it is mandatory that the business owners possess not less than 33.3 % proprietorship. The new terms & conditions are listed to become effective in the first quarter of the next year.

Investment Requirements

The bare minimum investment will be 250,000 Canadian Dollars for the ventures/firms located in the Manitoba Capital Region. In case a venture/firm is based outside of the territorial limits of the Manitoba Capital Region, the bare minimum investment will be 150,000 Canadian Dollars. Making Business Investment in an entitled firm/venture as described by the MPNP is also mandatory. The planned firm/venture must either generate or continue not less than 1 job for either a local Canadian Citizen or a Permanent Resident in Manitoba (this does not include the proprietors of the firm/venture and/or their close family members). Farm Investor Pathway Meant for those planning to set-up and run a farm operation in the rural areas of the province, under the pathway, the applicants will firstly get a Temporary Work Permit. Not less than three years of farm business management or farm proprietorship and operation experience well supported by provable certificates/papers is required. They will get nomination for Permanent Residence (PR) when they successfully set-up a firm/venture, which fulfills the different terms & conditions of a Business Performance Agreement.

Investment Requirements

An investment of not less than 150,000 Canadian Dollars is required. You must also set-up a farming business in the rural areas of the province. It is mandatory that the farm business investments are ineligible physical assets as described by the MPNP. You need to have a farm business plan even as it’s a vital component of the petition. Investments in a farm business run and managed mainly for the objects of getting either passive investment income or hypothetical objects are not qualified. B. MANITOBA SKILLED WORKER IMMIGRATION STEREAM

It has two streams, namely, the Skilled Workers Overseas Stream, and the Skilled Workers in Manitoba Stream both of these run under the MPNP Expression of Interest (EoI) System. Under the same, qualified applicants complete some questions online only to get a total, on the basis of the answers they offer. Those who get the highest scores obtain invites to present a petition to the MPNP. There are not any restrictions on the figure of the aspirants who may present an EoI and no deadline.

Important: The eligibility requirements for the two classes continue to remain in effect as of now.

The Process The (EOI) system of the province has a three-step process.

Number 1: Probable applicants make an EoI in moving to Manitoba via answering a chain of questions and making a profile online. The profiles of eligible applicants are assigned a total on the basis of the answers given only to be put in the Pool for Manitoba EOI with other qualified aspirants. Applicants are given a position on the basis of the unique MPNP Ranking Points system and proffered a total out of a maximum of 1,000 points up-for-grabs. Number 2: Those who get the highest scores can be sent an invite to apply to the programme. When a person is drawn from the EOI pool, he or she gets a Letter of Advice to Apply (LAA). Post getting a LAA, applicants will have just 60 days left to present a complete and correct petition to Manitoba. Number 3: Post receiving a nomination from Manitoba, a person presents his or her complete paperwork to the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and submits an application for Permanent Residence in the country. SKILLED WORKERS OVERSEAS STREAM

A key change is the launch of a new in-demand occupations list that will be utilized to prioritize the EOI, for the object of sending invites to the petitions, from the new Skilled Worker Overseas category. What is an EOI? In order to submit an application to the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Programme for Business (MPNP- B), it is required that a potential applicant puts forward an EOI and gets a counsel from the MPNP-B to submit an application. While an EOI is not an application, there are no charges whatsoever for the submission of an EOI. An EOI specifies that you are keen to be mulled over for a Nomination Application to the MPNP-B.

Under the new arrangement, it will be further divided into two corridors, namely, the Manitoba Express Entry Pathway, and the Human Capital Pathway.

Manitoba Express Entry Pathway This pathway may start entertaining petitions in January 2018. Those who may have the necessary qualifications under a MPNP category, and who also fulfill the different requirements for Express Entry, and have a dynamic Express Entry profile can apply under it. In all likelihood, the first draw to be carried-out, via the pathway would occur somewhere in the beginning of next year, 2018.

The applicants for Express Entry who obtain a provincial nomination, via an Express Entry-aligned stream, also called an enhanced nomination or stream could get 600 extra Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) points. An Invitation to Apply (ITA) for the prized PR at a federal Express Entry draw may also come their way.

Human Capital Pathway

It is basically tailored for the international skilled worker candidates who have the necessary abilities and training as necessitated by the In-demand Occupations list, and who illustrate a good possibility for setting themselves up in their chosen vocations as soon as possible, post landing in the province. Besides other requirements, family links or previous post-secondary or employment experience in the province, during the preceding 5 years, are required to make the cut for the class.


Under the class, petitions are admitted from the skilled temporary overseas manpower and international student graduates who are presently doing a job in the province and have a permanent work with their Manitoba recruiter /firm. Unlike the other links to the province in the MPNP, Skilled Workers in Manitoba are not subject to a points-based evaluation to decide their eligibility or otherwise. It is mandatory that the applicants fulfill the minimum requirements to be entered into the pool for EoI where they will be given a position on the basis of many factors.

Under the latest arrangement, the Skilled Workers in Manitoba Stream will also be subdivided into two pathways, namely, the Manitoba Work Experience Pathway, and Employer Direct Recruitment Pathway.

Manitoba Work Experience Pathway It is meant for those presently working in the province armed with temporary work permits, and whose jobs do not find mention on the In-demand Occupations list. The candidates could be International Students who are out-of-province graduates, and the International Students who are Manitoba graduates involved with jobs not mentioned on the province’s published in-demand occupations list.


It is mandatory that the candidates validate both the capacity and determination to live in the province. It is also required that the candidates is living and/or working in the province at the time of petition. Having a long-term, permanent employment offer that fulfills the province’s employment & salary standards for the profession is also required. It is also necessary that the applicant’s recruiter has a duly listed money-making firm/venture that has been running in the province for not less than three years immediately preceding the petition.

Other requirements include the candidate’s working conditions being at part with those of Canadian Citizens/Permanent Residents of the nation and his position being not home-based, freelance, provisional, seasonal, or commission-based.

Employer Direct Recruitment Pathway It is meant for the international candidates having employment offers from the pre-sanctioned recruiters/job-providers of the province. A Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) agent and a qualified recruiter will take the interviews of the candidates outside of Canada even while those, who make the grade, will get an ITA, via the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP).


It is compulsory that every aspirant fulfills the different eligibility conditions for the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP).

Not less than 3 years during the past 5 years of employment experience pertinent to the profession being recruited, or other pertinent experience acknowledged by the recruiter; OR applicable experience accepted by the recruiter in case more than 3 years. Long-term, full-time job offer that meets the province’s employment & salary standards for the occupation is also what the visa pathway seeks from the candidates.

It is also required that the recruiter has a registered money-making firm/venture that has been running in the province for not less than 3 years immediately preceding the petition. It is necessary that the candidate’s working conditions are consistent to those of Canadian Citizens/Permanent Residents of the nation. Besides, his position must not be any of these, namely, home-based, freelance, temporary, seasonal, or commission-based.


It’s duly tailored to offer quicker pathways to provincial nomination to those international students who graduate in the province, and whose abilities meet the specific requirements of the region’s recruiters/job-providers.

To become effective in April 2018, the new class will have the graduates in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) schemes who are concluding their internships that well support business innovation in their chosen domains of study on the radar. The USP of the programme: under it, the various international student graduates from the different establishments of the province who have discovered a long-term employment opportunity in an in-demand line-of-work won’t anymore have to do a job, for a period of six months, prior to they submit an application for the MPNP.


Fox International Immigration can help & guide you make the grade under the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Programme. This well-known and highly trusted visa consultancy enjoys high respect and repute in the immigration industry even while you can rest assured that we deliver what we make a pledge for. We strongly believe in raw honestly and commitment to the cause of our esteemed clients even while our actions are driven by this philosophy.

Right from Pre-evaluation to Post-Landing Help & Support we will be with you at each and every step of the process.

Pre-evaluation — Each and every permit process requires you to fulfill the given eligibility prerequisites even as these typically cover your age, educational skills, financial status, experience & related background facts/data. Our visa experts thoroughly examine your profile against the given selection conditions of your preferred immigration hotspot. This pre-evaluation/profile assessment is done without any charge. Manitoba PNP-B Consultation — Our highly experienced and well qualified visa professionals engage their clients directly, to positively address their particular requirements. Hence, there is no fixed, and fit-all, approach to every visa & immigration case. Post a systematic examination of your specific situation & circumstance, customized solutions, that will increase the possibility of acceptance from the EOI pool, are recommended. Documentation — Offering incomplete information or papers may lead to long delays, or, at certain times, even outright permit refusals. We, at fox international, have an illustrious team of competent experts, who look into the credentials requirements which could be applicable in the particular visa arrangement of your destination. Right from the filling of the visa & immigration forms to including the mandatory supporting papers/documents, we do every needed thing for you. Business Plan — Having a good business plan helps, and it can play a decisive role in tilting the permit case in your favor when you present your case, through Business & Investor schemes. Whether you are inspired with Canada or UK or Australia or European business Programmes or the different Canadian Provincial Nominee Programmes–such as the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program–you can rest assured that we, at Fox International, have highly experienced and qualified global business experts & immigration specialists, to guide you accordingly. These professionals know well the conditions which a business plan has to fulfill. We specialize in getting ready successful and impressive business plans which are bound to get a green signal from the concerned organizations. Post-Landing Help & Support — Adaptation and adjustment into a new land may be some sort of a challenge-more so when you do not know anybody out there. But if you are our client-you do not need to worry! Even as we could not actually be present at your chosen immigration place, we are always there for you via our quality post-landing services even as these assist you settle nicely and comfortably. Able, Experienced Team — We have a wide network of offices and branches across major cities in India well entrenched with dedicated and experience staff. Besides domestic sources, we have knowledgeable and well versed professionals and international associates who are authorized to act as your representatives, lawyers and are well equipped with the in-depth intricacies of the relevant immigration laws pertaining to the various overseas hotspots, including Canada, almost in all hemispheres of the globe.

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75+ Lac


2+ Cr





MANITOBA — AT A GLANCE The beautiful Canadian Province of Manitoba, located in central part of the country, is one of the three Prairie Provinces in the nation, and home to over 1,200,000 people. The largest city in the province is the capital, Winnipeg, with a population exceeding 730,000. The second largest city is Brandon, with a population of around 56,000. Manitoba has received increasing numbers of immigrants in recent years, and it has set goals of encouraging 10,000 immigrants to settle within its borders annually.

Manitoba Economy & Employment

Mining, manufacturing, agriculture these are one of the principle industries of the province even as traditionally, farming has been a major occupation for Manitobans. The rich farmlands in the Southern Manitoba produce wheat, barley, oats, sunflower, flax and canola crops, as well as dairy and livestock farms. From this agricultural base, a considerable food processing industry has emerged. Apart from this, Manitoba is home to considerable manufacturing, aerospace and transportation industries.

Winnipeg, the capital, has a sizable financial and insurance industry, as well as government administration and services. The unemployment rate in the province is presently 5.4% well below the Canadian average of 7.0%. The economy is expected to continue its recent growth. While this should provide robust job creation, the Government of Manitoba also provides different programmes to help immigrants settle and find jobs in the province. Among these are free English as an Additional Language (EAL) classes, job preparation programmes, etc.

Manitoba Standard of Living Low cost of living is one of the most appealing aspects of the province and this enables one to enjoy a very comfortable life here. Housing, energy, insurance and post-secondary education in Manitoba are all among the least expensive in the country. With a lower share of income dedicated to these costs, the Manitobans have more money left over to spend on other things. One such example is a cottage/vacation home, as Manitobans have the highest rate of vacation home ownership in Canada.

The Manitobans are hooked on to Golf and play it a lot. Such a high craze for this sport cannot be found anywhere else in the nation. Manitoba has a mandatory minimum wage in Canada at 10.70 Canadian Dollars. The province also has the fourth-lowest marginal personal income tax rate in the country. Not to be underestimated, the friendly nature of the local people also contributes to the quality of life in the province.

A very special thing about the residents is that they are very generous and volunteer at a higher rate than any other Canadian province. They also give the highest proportion of their incomes to charity. This generosity helps to create supportive communities that can help new Canadians get off to a good start in the province.

Manitoba Residential Housing

Housing is not very expensive here and it’s a key draw factor about residing in the region. The province’s residential housing market is very competitive, and affordable housing is readily available. The average house price in Manitoba is 269,000 Canadian Dollars the fourth lowest average of any province in the country. The average percentage of household income taken up by ownership costs varies between 15–30%. Another benefit of the housing market is that without too much urban sprawl, one does not have to go too far outside the cities to find a good place to live. Winnipeg has the shortest average distance to commute to work of any Canadian city over 500,000 people, with an average under just six kilometres. Shorter commute means more time available to spend at home with family or taking part in other activities.

MANITOBA PROVINCIAL NOMINEE PROGRAMME Much like other Canadian provinces and territories, Manitoba, too, has its own provincial nominee programme, called the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Programme (MPNP). It is basically an excellent administration managed immigration scheme that chooses those candidates for migration who manage to establish that they have both the capability and the desire to move and settle themselves, along with their families, in the province.


The province has recently made numerous important changes to its PNP. The formation of an in-demand occupations list, and a new corridor allied with the nation’s Express Entry system are just two of the main improvements made to the MPNP.

A component of an extensive rearrangement and restoration of the MPNP, the steps are in keeping with the province’s declared commitment to provide the new entrants with new and better trails to the prized Permanent Residence (PR) status in the province and the nation.

The improvements comprise the restructuring of three present and running immigration categories, namely, the MPNP-B Business Immigration Stream, Skilled Worker in Manitoba Stream, and Skilled Worker Overseas Stream and the making of a completely new International Education Stream.

A. BUSINESS INVESTOR STREAM (BIS) Let’s start with the Business Investor Stream (BIS) first!

The improved Business Investor Stream (BIS) will substitute the current PNP-B business immigration category. The BIS will enable the Canadian province to sign-up and nominate those qualified foreign business investors and entrepreneurs, who are determined and possess the ability to either start or purchase businesses in the province, inside the first 24 months of landing in Canada with a Temporary Work Permit. As per the new arrangements, there won’t any longer be the requirement–on the part of the applicants–to present a deposit of 100,000 Canadian Dollars to the Manitoba Administration.

The BIS will give preference to those candidates who launch a venture/mission inside the first 12 months of their landing in the province, particularly those keen to set-up their venture/mission outside the capital, Winnipeg.

The key motive behind the improvements seems to be generating work opportunities for the residents. Perhaps this is why the changes would guarantee that every business nominee makes investments in the ventures/firms that produce employment opportunities for the province, and makes handy contributions to its economy.

The BIS will have two pathways:

Entrepreneur Pathway Meant for the candidates, eager to kick-start a firm/venture in the province, the candidates under the scheme would receive a Temporary Work Permit, and in place of proffering a good-faith deposit of 100,000 Canadian Dollars, they would ink a business performance deal. This will be done to either buy a present enterprise in the province or come up with a fresh entity.

Not less than three years of full time work experience during the preceding 5 years, either as an active business owner or working in a senior management role of a successful business, is required. Business proprietors are given higher points, vis-à-vis high-ranking managers. To make the cut for points, it is mandatory that the business owners possess not less than 33.3 % proprietorship. The new terms & conditions are listed to become effective in the first quarter of the next year.

Investment Requirements

The bare minimum investment will be 250,000 Canadian Dollars for the ventures/firms located in the Manitoba Capital Region. In case a venture/firm is based outside of the territorial limits of the Manitoba Capital Region, the bare minimum investment will be 150,000 Canadian Dollars. Making Business Investment in an entitled firm/venture as described by the MPNP is also mandatory. The planned firm/venture must either generate or continue not less than 1 job for either a local Canadian Citizen or a Permanent Resident in Manitoba (this does not include the proprietors of the firm/venture and/or their close family members). Farm Investor Pathway Meant for those planning to set-up and run a farm operation in the rural areas of the province, under the pathway, the applicants will firstly get a Temporary Work Permit. Not less than three years of farm business management or farm proprietorship and operation experience well supported by provable certificates/papers is required. They will get nomination for Permanent Residence (PR) when they successfully set-up a firm/venture, which fulfills the different terms & conditions of a Business Performance Agreement.

Investment Requirements

An investment of not less than 150,000 Canadian Dollars is required. You must also set-up a farming business in the rural areas of the province. It is mandatory that the farm business investments are ineligible physical assets as described by the MPNP. You need to have a farm business plan even as it’s a vital component of the petition. Investments in a farm business run and managed mainly for the objects of getting either passive investment income or hypothetical objects are not qualified. B. MANITOBA SKILLED WORKER IMMIGRATION STEREAM

It has two streams, namely, the Skilled Workers Overseas Stream, and the Skilled Workers in Manitoba Stream both of these run under the MPNP Expression of Interest (EoI) System. Under the same, qualified applicants complete some questions online only to get a total, on the basis of the answers they offer. Those who get the highest scores obtain invites to present a petition to the MPNP. There are not any restrictions on the figure of the aspirants who may present an EoI and no deadline.

Important: The eligibility requirements for the two classes continue to remain in effect as of now.

The Process The (EOI) system of the province has a three-step process.

Number 1: Probable applicants make an EoI in moving to Manitoba via answering a chain of questions and making a profile online. The profiles of eligible applicants are assigned a total on the basis of the answers given only to be put in the Pool for Manitoba EOI with other qualified aspirants. Applicants are given a position on the basis of the unique MPNP Ranking Points system and proffered a total out of a maximum of 1,000 points up-for-grabs. Number 2: Those who get the highest scores can be sent an invite to apply to the programme. When a person is drawn from the EOI pool, he or she gets a Letter of Advice to Apply (LAA). Post getting a LAA, applicants will have just 60 days left to present a complete and correct petition to Manitoba. Number 3: Post receiving a nomination from Manitoba, a person presents his or her complete paperwork to the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and submits an application for Permanent Residence in the country. SKILLED WORKERS OVERSEAS STREAM

A key change is the launch of a new in-demand occupations list that will be utilized to prioritize the EOI, for the object of sending invites to the petitions, from the new Skilled Worker Overseas category. What is an EOI? In order to submit an application to the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Programme for Business (MPNP- B), it is required that a potential applicant puts forward an EOI and gets a counsel from the MPNP-B to submit an application. While an EOI is not an application, there are no charges whatsoever for the submission of an EOI. An EOI specifies that you are keen to be mulled over for a Nomination Application to the MPNP-B.

Under the new arrangement, it will be further divided into two corridors, namely, the Manitoba Express Entry Pathway, and the Human Capital Pathway.

Manitoba Express Entry Pathway This pathway may start entertaining petitions in January 2018. Those who may have the necessary qualifications under a MPNP category, and who also fulfill the different requirements for Express Entry, and have a dynamic Express Entry profile can apply under it. In all likelihood, the first draw to be carried-out, via the pathway would occur somewhere in the beginning of next year, 2018.

The applicants for Express Entry who obtain a provincial nomination, via an Express Entry-aligned stream, also called an enhanced nomination or stream could get 600 extra Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) points. An Invitation to Apply (ITA) for the prized PR at a federal Express Entry draw may also come their way.

Human Capital Pathway

It is basically tailored for the international skilled worker candidates who have the necessary abilities and training as necessitated by the In-demand Occupations list, and who illustrate a good possibility for setting themselves up in their chosen vocations as soon as possible, post landing in the province. Besides other requirements, family links or previous post-secondary or employment experience in the province, during the preceding 5 years, are required to make the cut for the class.


Under the class, petitions are admitted from the skilled temporary overseas manpower and international student graduates who are presently doing a job in the province and have a permanent work with their Manitoba recruiter /firm. Unlike the other links to the province in the MPNP, Skilled Workers in Manitoba are not subject to a points-based evaluation to decide their eligibility or otherwise. It is mandatory that the applicants fulfill the minimum requirements to be entered into the pool for EoI where they will be given a position on the basis of many factors.

Under the latest arrangement, the Skilled Workers in Manitoba Stream will also be subdivided into two pathways, namely, the Manitoba Work Experience Pathway, and Employer Direct Recruitment Pathway.

Manitoba Work Experience Pathway It is meant for those presently working in the province armed with temporary work permits, and whose jobs do not find mention on the In-demand Occupations list. The candidates could be International Students who are out-of-province graduates, and the International Students who are Manitoba graduates involved with jobs not mentioned on the province’s published in-demand occupations list.


It is mandatory that the candidates validate both the capacity and determination to live in the province. It is also required that the candidates is living and/or working in the province at the time of petition. Having a long-term, permanent employment offer that fulfills the province’s employment & salary standards for the profession is also required. It is also necessary that the applicant’s recruiter has a duly listed money-making firm/venture that has been running in the province for not less than three years immediately preceding the petition.

Other requirements include the candidate’s working conditions being at part with those of Canadian Citizens/Permanent Residents of the nation and his position being not home-based, freelance, provisional, seasonal, or commission-based.

Employer Direct Recruitment Pathway It is meant for the international candidates having employment offers from the pre-sanctioned recruiters/job-providers of the province. A Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) agent and a qualified recruiter will take the interviews of the candidates outside of Canada even while those, who make the grade, will get an ITA, via the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP).


It is compulsory that every aspirant fulfills the different eligibility conditions for the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP).

Not less than 3 years during the past 5 years of employment experience pertinent to the profession being recruited, or other pertinent experience acknowledged by the recruiter; OR applicable experience accepted by the recruiter in case more than 3 years. Long-term, full-time job offer that meets the province’s employment & salary standards for the occupation is also what the visa pathway seeks from the candidates.

It is also required that the recruiter has a registered money-making firm/venture that has been running in the province for not less than 3 years immediately preceding the petition. It is necessary that the candidate’s working conditions are consistent to those of Canadian Citizens/Permanent Residents of the nation. Besides, his position must not be any of these, namely, home-based, freelance, temporary, seasonal, or commission-based.


It’s duly tailored to offer quicker pathways to provincial nomination to those international students who graduate in the province, and whose abilities meet the specific requirements of the region’s recruiters/job-providers.

To become effective in April 2018, the new class will have the graduates in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) schemes who are concluding their internships that well support business innovation in their chosen domains of study on the radar. The USP of the programme: under it, the various international student graduates from the different establishments of the province who have discovered a long-term employment opportunity in an in-demand line-of-work won’t anymore have to do a job, for a period of six months, prior to they submit an application for the MPNP.


Fox International Immigration can help & guide you make the grade under the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Programme. This well-known and highly trusted visa consultancy enjoys high respect and repute in the immigration industry even while you can rest assured that we deliver what we make a pledge for. We strongly believe in raw honestly and commitment to the cause of our esteemed clients even while our actions are driven by this philosophy.

Right from Pre-evaluation to Post-Landing Help & Support we will be with you at each and every step of the process.

Pre-evaluation — Each and every permit process requires you to fulfill the given eligibility prerequisites even as these typically cover your age, educational skills, financial status, experience & related background facts/data. Our visa experts thoroughly examine your profile against the given selection conditions of your preferred immigration hotspot. This pre-evaluation/profile assessment is done without any charge. Manitoba PNP-B Consultation — Our highly experienced and well qualified visa professionals engage their clients directly, to positively address their particular requirements. Hence, there is no fixed, and fit-all, approach to every visa & immigration case. Post a systematic examination of your specific situation & circumstance, customized solutions, that will increase the possibility of acceptance from the EOI pool, are recommended. Documentation — Offering incomplete information or papers may lead to long delays, or, at certain times, even outright permit refusals. We, at fox international, have an illustrious team of competent experts, who look into the credentials requirements which could be applicable in the particular visa arrangement of your destination. Right from the filling of the visa & immigration forms to including the mandatory supporting papers/documents, we do every needed thing for you. Business Plan — Having a good business plan helps, and it can play a decisive role in tilting the permit case in your favor when you present your case, through Business & Investor schemes. Whether you are inspired with Canada or UK or Australia or European business Programmes or the different Canadian Provincial Nominee Programmes–such as the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program–you can rest assured that we, at Fox International, have highly experienced and qualified global business experts & immigration specialists, to guide you accordingly. These professionals know well the conditions which a business plan has to fulfill. We specialize in getting ready successful and impressive business plans which are bound to get a green signal from the concerned organizations. Post-Landing Help & Support — Adaptation and adjustment into a new land may be some sort of a challenge-more so when you do not know anybody out there. But if you are our client-you do not need to worry! Even as we could not actually be present at your chosen immigration place, we are always there for you via our quality post-landing services even as these assist you settle nicely and comfortably. Able, Experienced Team — We have a wide network of offices and branches across major cities in India well entrenched with dedicated and experience staff. Besides domestic sources, we have knowledgeable and well versed professionals and international associates who are authorized to act as your representatives, lawyers and are well equipped with the in-depth intricacies of the relevant immigration laws pertaining to the various overseas hotspots, including Canada, almost in all hemispheres of the globe.

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New-Zealand is emerging as a popular destination to study abroad. Factors like a huge investment in its educational system and availability of unique ecosystem derive thousands of international students from across more than 100 countries to shape their educational careers in top-ranking New-Zealand universities. As being one of the greatest investors in research it gives you the freedom to penetrate the global market with your innovation. Enrolling in study New-Zealand program can lead your life towards incredible success. New Zealand bases its education programmes and degrees on the world’s most recognised and accredited education system-the British system.

Rise Consultancy Edu is leading to study visa consultants in India that can lead you through availing of NEW ZEALAND study visa

What is the New-Zealand Student Visa? The New-Zealand student visa is a legal permit that empowers international students to study at qualified educational institutions in New-Zealand. If you want to study a full-time course in New Zealand that’s longer than three months in total duration, you’ll need a student visa. Dependent on your visa conditions, you may be able to work up to 20 hours a week during the term and full-time over the holidays.

Studying in New-Zealand is way cheaper than studying in other English speaking countries like UK and US.

Documents Required A valid passport (valid up to 3 months from the date of your end of stay) Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (COA) Proof of funds Proof of acceptance issued from your educational institution Letter of explanation English proficiency level Study Permit

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2.6+ Cr.







Looking for a diverse, prosperous and perfectly located place to call home? Look no further than the U.K., an economic and cultural hub boasting one of the best and most sought-after standards of living in the world.

Apply for UK Business visa from India

Being the fifth largest economy in the world, UK is a hotbed for new international business talent, who wish to come to UK to establish or flourish their business, thereby benefitting the economic growth and development of the UK. The market of United Kingdom is highly developed and market oriented, making it a favorite among immigrants, who are seeking investment opportunities in one of the leading financial hubs of Europe.

If you wish to apply for UK business visa from India here are the pathways you can take:

UK Innovator Visa

As per a statement issued UK Immigration rules issued on 7th March, 2019 the Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa program has been swapped by the UK Innovator visa. This visa has been launched for qualified business professionals to set up an innovative business in their own area of expertise. The visa applications required for the UK Innovator Visa Program will be evaluated upon the factors of Innovation, Viability and Scalability of the business idea of the prospective candidate.

UK Startup Visa

This is a new category of UK Business Visa which has been substituted by Tier 1 Graduate Entrepreneur visa program. This type of business visa is designed for early-stage but high potential entrepreneurs looking to start a business in the UK for the first time.

UK Tier 1 Investor Visa

This UK Business Visa is created for high net worth business people who are ready to make an investment, and immigrate to UK to live, study and work, along with their family. This pathway is the most secure and swiftest route for UK citizenship.

How long can you stay on a business visa in the UK?

UK Innovator Visa — You can stay in UK for 3 years if you come here via the UK Innovator Visa or have switched to this visa from another visa. You can even apply for an extension for another 3 years when your visa is about to expire as there is no limitations on the number of times you can extend your UK Innovator Visa.

UK Startup Visa — With this Visa you can stay in the UK for up till 2 years, but will not be able to apply to extend this visa.

UK (Tier 1) Investor Visa — You can come to the UK with the Tier 1 Investor Visa for a maximum period of 3 years and 4 months. You can apply for an extension of this Visa for 2 years.

UK Business Visa Requirements

UK Innovator Visa

Looking to set up run a business in UK Applicant must be outside European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland. Proficiency in English Minimum of 18 years age Sufficient savings to support yourself in UK business or business idea should be endorsed by an approved body. Investment requirement lesser than £50,000, along with an endorsement from the endorsing body. If your business is already established there will be no need of any investment funds from your end. Your business idea must be innovative and unique in itself. UK Startup Visa

At this stage there is no need to invest any funds sufficient funds to support themselves and their family Minimum of £945 in your bank account for 90 consecutive days before applying for this visa. Competent in English Minimum of 18 years age Have your business or business idea reviewed by an approved body. They will give you an endorsement letter if your business is viable. Must be endorsed by an authorized body which is either an UK higher education institution or a business organization with a history of backing up UK entrepreneurs. UK Investor Visa

Minimum investment of £2,000,000 or more in the UK outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland at least 18 years of age Open an account at a UK regulated bank for the use of your funds Sufficient funds to support and maintain themselves and family members in UK. English language proficiency Display how the source of funds if £2 million, has been held for less than 2 years (previously 90 days). Meet a minimum point score of 75 points How long can the application process take?

UK Innovator Visa, UK Startup Visa and UK Investor Visa

For all the above UK Business Visa application forms you must apply three months prior to travel and you should receive your visa within 3 weeks

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British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program for Entrepreneur) Strategically located in Canada’s west coast, British Columbia is the most diverse and beautiful Canadian province known for bustling cities, natural beauty, warm weather, and dense forests. As the most popular province, British Columbia is a center of cultural diversity and economic prosperity. British Columbia is also an attractive location to start a new business or manage an existing one. All thanks to its favorable investment policies, welcoming government, competitive tax regime, and a world-class quality of life. Having said that, one can consider British Columbia an ideal destination to leverage promising business opportunities around the world.

British Columbia PNP Entrepreneur Immigration

If you are an entrepreneur and planning for British Columbia immigration then you may apply for British Columbia PNP Entrepreneur Immigration. The visa pathway is designed for experienced businessmen who want to invest or manage an existing business in British Columbia. The BC PNP is an ideal choice for high-net worth entrepreneurs who have a proven track-record of success in business ownership and investment, and thus live in British Columbia.

The entire program can be divided into three categories:

Entrepreneur Immigration- This category targets senior business managers or business owners who wish to migrate to British Columbia. Under this pathway, entrepreneurs may further apply for Canada permanent resident status once they operate their business successfully for 550 days.

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Nova Scotia In-Demand Occupation List

Nova Scotia PNP Occupation List

With thriving opportunities in service sectors precisely in health and education industries, Nova Scotia offers enough opportunities for work to the highly-skilled. Having stated that there’s enough employment gap to be filled in service sectors, there are some occupation which need immediate attention. And skilled workers who meet the requirements of Nova Scotia PNP can contribute positively towards building the future of the province.

In the below table, you’ll come across the most prominent jobs of recent times in Nova Scotia. The Nova Scotia Occupation Demand List is classified under the National Occupations Classification (NOC) meaning that if your job falls in any of these occupation codes with enough experience and qualification to substantiate your profession, there is a good chance you might qualify for Canada immigration. But however, to apply for permanent residence via Nova Scotia Occupation List, the applying individual must have more than one year of work experience with educational credentials in the same field.

Check your occupation from the following Nova Scotia Occupation Demand List and have it verified from one of our immigration experts before applying for your Nova Scotia immigration:

Sr. No.Occupation ListNOCSkills1Financial auditors and accountants1111A2Other financial officers1114A3Professional occupations in advertising, marketing and public relations1123A4Administrative assistants1241B5Accounting and related clerks1311B6Civil engineers2131A7Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses3012A8Licensed practical nurses3233B9College and other vocational instructors4021A10Paralegal and related occupations4211B11Social and community service workers4212B

Processing Time of Nova Scotia In-demand Occupation

Nova Scotia Express Entry & PNP helps employers meet their labour shortage by enabling them to hire enough international workers and students from the employment pool. The time taken in processing applications with one of the occupations in-demand list depends on the strength of your profile. If you’re thorough with the documentation needed for the immigration process then you might have a better chance of receiving a faster approval, but ideally the standard time varies from 3-6 months.

The objective of the Business Immigration Program is to encourage investment and employment in Canada through the migration of people who have the ability to successfully establish or invest in a business in Canada.

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