rkuma265's blog

The organization of a children's party poses many tasks for loving parents. And one of the main questions is where to hold a family event ? At home, there is not always enough space for a large and cheerful company of restless children, who, of course, will not sit at the table all evening and decide to play. All ages love playing, whether they know about howmany days old I am i today, But you have to take them to a holiday in an interesting place. It is very popular to spend birthdays, school graduations and other events in a children's cafe or picnic in a picturesque place. Let's try to figure out which of these options is right for your family.



Now there are many cafes where you can have a children's party. Festive decoration of the premises, an abundance of entertainment, a children's menu - the cafe is very convenient for organizing a memorable celebration. Among the advantages of a holiday in a cafe, we highlight:

  •  a varied table, the ability to choose dishes for children, a beautiful birthday cake;

  •  your celebration will not depend on the whims of nature and other people, the cafe is completely comfortable, and the celebration hall is closed from other visitors during the event;

  •  the cafe can be decorated for every taste, decorated with thematic decorations;

  •  a minimum of trouble for parents, they do not have to worry about food and drinks, cleaning, noise, disturbing neighbors, and other household trifles that darken the holiday;

  •  in the cafe it is easy to organize the work of animators, a disco and any other show for children;

  •  there is enough space for guests, you can choose a cafe with any capacity.

There are few obvious disadvantages of celebrating in a cafe. Among them, we note the high costs of organizing and the inability to conduct certain types of activity, for example, sports games, which are more convenient to play in an open space.


What could be better than relaxing in the fresh air away from the dust of the city? Children love picnics, and the proposal to spend a birthday or other holiday in nature will be greeted with a bang. Pros of a children's party outdoors:

  •  picturesque landscape and good weather create a great mood for the participants of the event;

  •  there is enough space for any games and a large company, you can not be afraid that someone will not fit at the table;

  •  the opportunity to cook a delicious barbecue and make a barbecue, bring with you products appropriate for a picnic;

  •  it is easy to keep children busy by hiring animators who have special programs for spending a holiday in nature;

  •  wonderful outdoor activities for the family, new interesting places and a change of scenery.

However, a children's holiday in nature can be overshadowed by “non-flying” weather and other circumstances beyond our control. For example, there is no guarantee that other people will not occupy your favorite picnic spot. In addition, nature is usually not as easy to get to as a café. For a picnic, you need to accurately calculate the amount of products so that the holiday treats are enough for everyone, and after the feast you need to clean up everything after yourself, this will take timeand effort.


The choice of the venue for the children's celebration depends entirely on preferences. If your little princess wants a fluffy beautiful dress and a ball, and you are not averse to surprise guests with a luxurious table, then it is better to find a suitable children's cafe. This option will be more convenient for organizing a holiday at a time of year when you don't want to get out into nature at all.

The picnic is more suitable for summer holidays and an active entertainment program. Does your family prefer badminton and bicycles to small talk at the table? Then feel free to go with a cheerful company to the forest or to the reservoir. And do not forget - it is not a place that paints a person, but a person a place. If you have thought through the program of your event, armed yourself with a good mood and gathered a warm circle of friends, your children's holiday will be a plus!

During my more or less disastrous love life, I had the opportunity to make some rather alarming observations. Men know absolutely nothing about women.

They still fall for stereotypes that shouldn't even exist. Moreover, many men are attracted to women who have clearly toxic behaviors.

However, when a woman pleases him, a man will find all the excuses in the world, all the justifications he can imagine to explain her attitude.

For example, I will give you a concrete example. A week ago my best friend told me that his partner forced his hand to seriously engage with her.

His excuse? If he does not, she will return to her ex who is still chasing her and who wants to marry her. My best friend did what any sane man would have done: he asked for her hand in marriage.

Of course, I'm kidding. His reaction is unreasonable. This is completely crazy ! If a woman has a man in her life who she considers to be better than you, she is going to leave you for him.

But she only has to be pretty for everything to be forgiven. So yes, love is blind. But lust is blind and deaf and stupid. 

Thus, one can notice a big difference in the way that men and women approach romantic relationships nowadays. We women tend to choose our life partners with a lot more care and attention.

For example, it is very important to us that our family and friendsaccept and appreciate our man. Yes, we listen to their advice and suggestions. 

We pay particular attention to what the other men in our life have to say about our sweetheart. After all, they know how a man thinks.

But you gentlemen, you completely forget the word “caution”, because taking risks is romantic! In any case, in your mind. All that matters to you is that you like her physically and the rest is not important.

You don't think anyone understands your sweetheart like you. So his toxic behaviors aren't unhealthy, they're adorable. It's so cute ...

Or not ! In my opinion, this is mostly stupid and naive. Gentlemen, please stop falling for the manipulative woman. Find someone who doesn't play kid games.

To help you out, I've made a list of the 4 biggest traps you fall into. Now you won't be able to say that you didn't know! 

1. A hard-to-get woman shouldn't be a challenge for you.

I have noticed that men are particularly drawn to women who use the “follow me, run away from you” tactic; escape me and I will follow you". It can be fun for a while, but in the long run it's exhausting.

Moreover, romantic relationships that begin with this kind of game become immature and unstable relationships. And nothing can correct the situation.

So, are you looking for love or a playmate? Mature and emotionally intelligent people do not play with the feelings of others.

Why run after a woman who plays or who pretends she doesn't care about you? There are a lot of opportunities for you. And once you figure that out, you'll finally be happy.

The only guarantee we have in life is that we will spend it entirely with ourselves; so why not choose a partner who loves you for who you are?

On the other hand, if you don't love the person you are, no romantic relationship is going to be able to help you fill this void. There comes a time in life when those looking for a mate need to clearly ask themselves if they are looking for an adult relationship or if they are chasing an unhealthy emotional attachment. 

2. Not all women like glitter.

You are in a new relationship and she asks you to buy her some gifts. Initially, you have no problem with that, because its demands are not exaggerated.

But over time, its demands become more and more large and onerous. So stop right now! When I see a friend of mine behaving like this, I want to slap him.

You don't work to provide for your girlfriend'ssuperficial needs. Of course, if you have nothing to offer intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually, you don't have many options.

But a woman's heart shouldn't be bought. And if your sweetheart asks you to do it, go! There is nothing wrong with giving flowers, a restaurant or a small gift every now and then.

But it doesn't have to become a habit. And above all, the expenses should not be exorbitant. Especially when it comes to the early stages of a romantic relationship.

3. His constant attention is not because you are awesome.

Her constant attention means she has no life. The fact that her world revolves around you may seem flattering at first, but trust me… It will tire you quickly.

Likewise, the fact that she always wants to do what you want to do should be a major red flag. This means that she is too insecure to assert her own interests and needs.

Or worse, it means that nothing interests him outside of your relationship. And this kind of woman is extremely boring. Chiante! Even though she is super beautiful, the fact that she follows you around and says Amen to whatever you want isn't healthy.

This creates a strong codependency. Sooner or later you are going to feel like you can't breathe or move without it. And finally, you will understand that your partner is gradually becoming your child, and not the love of your life. 

Even though she's really, really sexy.

4. She's not jealous because you are so incredibly sexy.

How many times have you dated a woman who didn't like the fact that you were dating your friends? Who was harassing you with messages? Or who asks you hundreds of questions as soon as you leave your home?

And how many times have these women explained this behavior by saying that they loved you infinitely or that you were so awesome that they were afraid of losing you?

Well, that's a lie. She's jealous because she's insecure and neurotic, and no, you can't love her enough to heal it.

A strong, confident woman doesn't feel jealous unless she thinks you are untrustworthy. So, either you have hung on to someone who is unreliable or you have hung on to someone who doesn't trust you.

Neither of these situations is good. If she's not sure about herself, you're going to have a hell of a relationship. If she is sure of herself, she will leave you as soon as she is sure that she cannot trust you. 

The most important thing to know when looking for love is that you must first accept yourself and love yourself for who you are.

When you feel good about yourself, predators (yes, there are female predators!), Manipulators, and victims will not be attracted to you.

When you are not looking for someone to tell you that you are worthy of love and attention, this is where true love finds you.

once we have decided that our business needs to be on LinkedIn to establish relationships with users and other companies and work so that they become sales at a given moment, the big question comes:

How to do it? What is that LinkedIn presence based on?

Having a presence on LinkedIn is not opening a profile and that's it. 

LinkedIn is the platform to generate conversation; conversation that leads to the sale. In a natural way.

But how do you get it? Thanks to the strategy.

In this article, I'm going to explain why and how to create an effective LinkedIn strategy

The strategy is the series of thoughtful actions, directed towards a determined end.

Let's see how to define this action path for LinkedIn.

Why a strategy is necessary to have an effective presence on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a powerful tool to generate conversation with your prospects to look for a sale to occur . 

But it is not about opening a profile and waiting for the contacts to rain; nor to attack all related profiles.

Not much less.

I want you to burn the following 4 words:


If you agree with me, THEN you will only be able to do two types of strategy on LinkedIn:

  • SEARCH = Prospecting Strategy: develop search actions for potential clients

  • BE FOUND = Attraction Strategy: develop actions so that potential clients find you.

The strategy to be developed on LinkedIn is based on THESE poles that complement each other.

Each of these two strategies will involve certain actions, which we will see little by little. 

At the beginning, the normal thing is to start prospecting, being proactive, looking for our ideal client ... but there will come a point in our presence on LinkedIn, that every time we will need less prospecting and we will establish more attraction strategies. 

So for now, the perfect combo is to do a combination of the two. 

But what do you think will be the goal of these two strategies? 

Well you establish strategies to be found on LinkedIn and to search for your client on LinkedIn, the final objective will be only ONE: 

Talk to YOUR potential client VIA MESSAGE .

The platform offers us four resources for this:

  • The LinkedIn Search Engine

  • Messaging through the Inbox

  • Your Profile and that of your company's employees (we cannot prospect with the COMPANY PAGES)

  • Content that you share from your profile and other employee and company profiles.

Therefore, the key lies in activating these four axes to get a conversation with your market.

How can you do it?

In order to achieve the objectives set with your presence on the platform, you have to define and clarify several issues very well:

  • Who you are and how you want to be perceived

  • What do you offer 

  • To who 

Markets are conversations. And from those conversations the sales will come, naturally. Therefore, the sale is a process, the consequence, the culmination .

How to develop this process taking advantage of these resources and tools that LinkedIn offers us?

I have a method for it

A proven method already in hundreds of clients, which seeks precisely that this process of starting a conversation, developing a relationship and that it culminates in the sale occurs naturally .

This is my CRAC method

What is the CRAC method and how does it work

As I have told you, my CRAC method has already been tested with my clients. Clients from various sectors and fields. It works for all types of B2B businesses, of any sector, activity, type and size.

What is the CRAC method based on?

CRAC responds to the acronym of:

C, from Known.

R, from Recognized.

A, from Admired and

C, for Purchased.

What do I want to express in these terms?

That any strategy to develop on LinkedIn in order to generate conversations that manage to close sales in a natural way are articulated around these four concepts.

Be Known First : LinkedIn is made up of people. People who through their profiles establish relationships on the platform and make themselves known.

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Therefore, in order to meet your goals on LinkedIn, you will have to make yourself known to the people in your circle of interest.

If you want to sell you have to make yourself known. Nobody buys something they don't know.

You can't pretend to sell to a prospect if they don't know you at all. If you are doing it like this up to now, you can change your tactic, because this is not going to work for you.

Therefore, your first strategy to develop on LinkedIn is to get visibility.

Then you will have to be Recognized : we move forward in the process. Your contacts already know you, you have already established a relationship with them. 

Natural progress is based on that knowledge turning into recognition, into positioning. Get valued in your niche as a specialist in what you do, that your contacts know how you help, what products or services you offer.

This process will occur thanks to the value you bring to your prospects.

Admired - Desired : when your market knows you, recognizes you as a person of reference in your area of ​​specialization and you are valued, you have to make what you are offering (your product or service) desired. 

Let them fall in love with you or your brand or your products and services.

That they wish to have what you are offering them. That they buy you and appreciate that you exist in the market

And, of course, that they value you for your transforming power regarding what they seek and need; not for your price. What's more, the price factor should not even be taken into account. Because they will gladly pay more to buy from the brand that has earned their TRUST. 

When you work on LinkedIn and execute these steps correctly, you will not even have to develop commercial actions, because your clients will come to you.