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In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, testing plays a pivotal role in ensuring the quality and reliability of applications. Two predominant approaches, manual and automated testing, serve as the backbone of this process. This article aims to unravel the intricacies of both methods, shedding light on the key aspects that every testing enthusiast should be aware of.

Manual Testing: The Human Touch

Manual testing involves human testers executing test cases without the assistance of automation tools. While it may seem labor-intensive, manual testing offers certain advantages that automated testing struggles to replicate.

Exploratory Testing: 

Human intuition plays a crucial role in exploratory testing, allowing testers to uncover unexpected issues that automated tests might overlook.

User Experience Testing: Manual testing excels at assessing the overall user experience, capturing nuances that automated tests might miss.

Automated Testing: The Need for Speed and Repetition

Automated testing relies on scripts and testing tools to execute predefined test cases. It is particularly beneficial for tasks that are repetitive, time-consuming, or require rapid execution.

Regression Testing: Automated tests are excellent for quickly running regression tests, ensuring that new changes don't break existing functionality.

Performance Testing: Automated tools can simulate thousands of users, allowing for efficient performance testing under various scenarios.

When to Choose Manual Testing?

Manual testing is ideal in certain scenarios, such as:

Usability Testing: Assessing the user interface and overall user experience.

Ad-Hoc Testing: Exploratory testing to identify unforeseen issues.

Short-Term Projects:Where the upfront investment in automation may not be justified.

When to Opt for Automated Testing?

Automated testing is preferable when:

Repetitive Tasks:Test cases that need to be executed frequently.

Large Projects:Especially those with a long-term development lifecycle.

Regression Testing: Ensuring that new code changes don't negatively impact existing functionality.

Challenges in Testing: Striking the Right Balance

Both manual and automated testing have their challenges. Manual testing can be time-consuming, prone to human error, and may lack repeatability. On the other hand, automated testing requires significant upfront investment, and certain aspects of testing, like usability and subjective assessment, are better handled manually.

The Hybrid Approach:Finding Harmony

Recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of each method, many development teams adopt a hybrid approach. Combining the strengths of manual and automated testing can lead to a more robust and efficient testing process.

Conclusion: A Balanced Testing Strategy

In conclusion, the choice between manual and automated testing is not a binary decision. A thoughtful and context-aware approach is essential. Teams should evaluate their specific needs, project requirements, and resources to determine the most suitable testing strategy. Ultimately, a balanced testing approach, leveraging the strengths of both manual and automated testing, is key to delivering high-quality software.

Embarking on a career in manual software testing course  canbe a fulfilling and rewarding journey for anyone looking to enter the field of software testing. With the right skills, knowledge, and practical experience gained through a comprehensive manual testing course, individuals can position themselves for success in this dynamic industry. Continuous learning and staying updated with the latest trends and technologies will be crucial for staying competitive in the ever-evolving world of software testing. By honing their manual testing skills, professionals can pave the way for a successful and impactful career in the field of quality assurance. As the demand for skilled manual testers continues to grow, now is a great time to start a career in manual testing online course and take advantage of the abundant opportunities available in the industry.

Automation testing interview questions

Nowadays, automation testing is a full-fledged job in the software industry. Automation testing professionals collaborate with the development team to complete projects on time, which has resulted in various benefits and a lucrative career for modern-day professionals. 

1. When is it suitable to automate a test?

A test is worth automating if the following conditions are met.

  • The experiment can be repeated.

  • The behaviour of the tested functionality does not change on a regular basis.

  • A human tester requires time.

  • Complex computations are required for the test.

  • The test confirms that the old functionality was not affected by the current change.

2. When will you stop from using automated testing?

In terms of software testing, there are various situations in which a human tester can beat an automated test suite.

  • The software or functionality being tested changes on a regular basis. It indicates that you must keep your automated tests up to date on a regular basis. As a result, testing might quickly become obsolete and no longer useful.

  • Exploratory testing is likewise unsuitable for automated testing. A human tester can extensively explore software that a computer cannot.

  • The automated tests will not detect any UI problems unless they are programmed or set to do so.

3. Mention all the parts of a test automation framework.

Automation testing necessitates the usage of various software tools or frameworks. 

There are several options from which to select. Here are some features to look for while considering these tools.

Programmable (code-based) or code-free tools:

Some tools require programming skills, whilst others do not, allowing a non-coder tester to construct test cases visually.

Commercial vs. Open Source: 

The costs of the tools vary substantially based on the capabilities they offer. Commercial products can be expensive, but you get tech support when you need it. Even though open-source software is free, troubleshooting requires research.

Simple to operate: 

Some automated testing solutions are notoriously difficult to use and require extensive instruction before providing any value. Some are easy to use and can be put to use right immediately.

4. Should all testing be automated?

Although test automation has advantages, it is impractical to automate all types of testing. Some types of testing can only be performed by a human tester, such as user interface testing, usability testing, and accessibility testing.

5. What exactly is a test environment?

A test environment is a computer or server that can be used to test software. To imitate the production environment, the tester installs the team's newly built software, complete with all of its dependencies, on this workstation. As a result, the programme can be tested in the real world.

6. What  is browser automation?

The process of automatically running a web application in a browser and doing further operations is known as "browser automation."

7. What exactly is cross-browser testing?

The tester analyses whether or not the web application will run properly on different browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, and others, in cross-browser testing, a type of automated browser testing.

8. Why is cross-browser testing required?

When employing web apps, you have no control over the browsers, platforms, or devices that your users may use to access your programme. Cross-browser testing, on the other hand, guarantees that your online application will work across several platforms and devices utilising various iterations of common web browsers.

9. What does automated regression testing entail?

A tester uses the Regression testing method to confirm that no functionality from previous features has been broken. Its one-of-a-kind goal is making sure that tested and developed functionality continues to function once new code is implemented.

10. What are some of the greatest test automation practices?

Here are a few recommended practices that a software development and testing team should follow to ensure high-quality software.

  • Choose which tasks to automate.

  • Assign exam situations based on your knowledge and expertise.

  • Remove the doubt.

  • Choose the best tools and frameworks.

  • Maintain test records in a bug database.

11. What  is the test automation pyramid?

Martin Fowler created the test automation pyramid, which was first published in 2012. It is a technique for determining how to use various types of testing automation most efficiently. The core premise of the test pyramid is to have a lot of user interface (UI) unit tests and a lot fewer complete UI tests.

12. What is the definition of Automation Testing?

Automation is often defined as any process that reduces human labour. Automation testing is the act of performing repeating processes with software, bots, or any other means in order to eliminate errors, defects, or vulnerabilities in the script.

When multiple changes are required on a frequent basis, automation testing plays a critical part in the software development process of continuous testing and continuous delivery. Though testing is a different discipline in the software development process that involves specialised individuals and the usage of testing tools.

13. What are the general types of Automation tests used in the industry?

Depending on the need, many types of Automation tests are there:

  • Unit Testing is performed at the development stage to find and overcome bugs in the process.

  • Graphical User Testing (GUI) is performed to test the front-end or user interface of the application.

  • Functional Testing is performed to test the ability of the functions present in the applications.

  • Smoke Testing is performed to check if special feature stability with the overall product is feasible or not.

  • Integration testing is done to ensure that the new module is logically integrated with the overall application and that communication is easy throughout the process.

To avoid conflicts, regression testing is performed on recent work that affects existing application functionality.

14. What are some excellent automation testing practices?

Some of the best industry practices are as follows:

  • Using suitable comments and following to naming conventions 

  • Avoiding redundant cases by separating codes based on use.

  • Coding conventions are strictly followed in test scripts.

15. What is the definition of an automation testing framework?

An automated testing framework is a programme or component of software that follows principles and best practices in order to facilitate the automation process. To supplement testing, this framework includes a variety of functional libraries, object details, test data sources, methods, and reusable models.


Finally, going into the world of automation testing interview questions provides an in-depth look into the ever-changing nature of software testing. The demand for qualified automation testers is increasing as organisations increasingly adopt automation to improve the efficiency and accuracy of their testing operations. Navigating these interview questions not only prepares candidates for future hurdles, but it also highlights the need of remaining current on the newest developments and technologies in automation software testing.

To start a career in manual and automation testing courses and looking for the real time projects in the automation testing  industry check out ourautomation software testing courseto become a perfect software tester.

Also understanding Interview questions on manual testing for freshers is an essential component for freshers going to succeed in the ever-changing field of software development. With these insights, you’ll be able to handle interviews while showing your expertise and talents. Remember that ongoing learning and practice are essential not just for landing a job but also for excelling and progressing in your manual testing profession. Best wishes for your success in the field of manual testing!

Test Automation Frameworks and Types

All software must undergo testing before being made available to users. Software testing is an essential step in the development process since it guarantees that users will receive products of high quality. Every business prioritizes testing, and the majority of them prefer automation testing to manual testing.

This is because each feature is manually tested throughout the manual testing process, during which the testing team creates a variety of test cases. If a flaw is discovered, the developers are informed so they can correct the mistakes. Once more, the procedure is repeated until a defect-free product is obtained.

Manual testing takes a lot of time. Planning, issue tracking, and reliability analysis are required for managing the testing process, which adds to its complexity. 

On the other hand, automated testing uses testing technologies to automate standard testing procedures, which speeds up, reduces costs, and increases the effectiveness of the development process.

Enterprises are striving to unify their testing setup even though automation testing is still in its infancy in order to properly automate their legacy, desktop, online, and mobile programs with a single tool. The test automation framework can be seen here. No matter the tools they employ, it allows them to standardize all of their test automation assets.

The Automation Framework is what?

Automation Framework is a group of tools and procedures that operate together to provide automated testing of any application. It is not a single product or procedure. It combines many features, including libraries, test information, and numerous reusable modules.

Automation Framework's Importance in Software Testing

As a technical implementation standard, the framework facilitates automation testing. Consider the case of a testing team that consists of individuals depending on various automation testing codes. Additionally, they are unable to understand how common scripts and pieces of code are changed by a team member in a project work.

The automation framework not only allows for the reuse of the code in many scenarios, but it also aids in the standardization of the test script writing for the team. As a result, the test automation framework takes care of every problem. The following are a few more advantages of adopting automated framework testing:

  • Keep a consistent approach throughout the test suites

  • accelerated pace of test execution

  • The test code will be simple to maintain.

  • It is possible to accurately test the URL or application.

  • Coding and delivery will be continuously tested.

When you need to run the same test scripts repeatedly with various builds to analyze the application and verify output, a test automation framework can be useful. Since creating an automation script takes time, it is best to avoid automating functionality testing that you have just used once.

Types of test automation frameworks:

Every automation framework has a unique architecture, benefits, and drawbacks. Here are a few of these frameworks:

  • Framework for Linear Automation

  • Framework Driven by Modules

  • Behaviorally driven framework

  • Framework Driven by Data

  • Framework Driven by Keywords

  • Framework for Hybrid Testing

Initial Linear Automation Framework

Small application testing frequently makes use of the linear Automation framework. A record and playback framework is another name for this system.

Benefits:Because there is no need to build proprietary code, test automation skills are not required.

Cons:Because the data is hardcoded in the test script, it is impossible to run the test cases again with other sets of data. If the data is changed, you must make certain adjustments.

Modular-driven framework

In this Framework, the tester can write test scripts independently by segmenting the entire program into smaller parts in accordance with customer requirements.

Pros: A framework that is powered by modules ensures that scripts are divided, which makes maintenance and scalability easier. Independent test scripts can be written.

Cons: It takes more time to analyze the test cases and find reusable flows with the modular-driven structure.

 Framework for Behavior-Driven Development

The goal of the Behavior Driven Development framework is to build a platform that encourages active participation from all users, including developers, testers, business analysts, etc. Additionally, it improves cooperation on your project between the developers and testers.

Advantages:When using behavior-driven testing, test specifications can be written in plain, non-technical language.

Cons: Working with this framework requires both significant technical know-how and prior expertise in test-driven development.

 Framework for Data-driven Testing

The test script typically reads test data from external files such as Excel files, text files, CSV files, ODBC sources, and DAO objects, and loads that data into variables. We can write test automation scripts using the data-driven architecture by passing various test data sets.

Benefits:It requires fewer scripts overall. This allows for the testing of many scenarios with less code.

Cons: To fully utilize the concept, you will require a highly skilled tester who is knowledgeable in a variety of programming languages.

The Framework for Keyword-Driven Testing

Table-driven testing is another name for the keyword-driven testing framework. This framework is only appropriate for small applications or projects. The keywords listed in the project's Excel sheet serve as the basis for the automation test scripts that are executed.

Advantages: Because a single term can be used in numerous test scripts, code reuse is possible.

Cons: Setting up the framework requires a significant initial investment and is difficult and time-consuming. 

The Framework for Hybrid Test Automation

The advantages of keyword-driven and data-driven frameworks are combined using hybrid frameworks.

Benefits:This kind makes use of the advantages of many connected frameworks.

Cons: A hybrid testing framework fully scripts tests, which increases the automation effort.

All of these test automation frameworks can be used successfully to handle the code in a methodical manner that is simple for a third party to review. The framework can be chosen based on the needs of the project, the team's experience, available time, and financial constraints. The standardisation of test automation frameworks increases productivity. Adopting the framework will ensure that your development process has the most test coverage possible.

GroTechMinds is your gateway to a promising testing career. We offer comprehensive online manual testing courses, tailored for beginners, covering both manual and automation testing. Dive into the dynamic world of software testing with hands-on experience through real-world projects. Join us today to develop your testing skills and set yourself on the path to success. Don't miss out on this opportunity – sign up now for GroTechMinds and take the first step towards a lucrative testing career.


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