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Are you planning to build a dream home instead of buying an already-built house? You might already be calculating the cost of construction and other associated expanse. For many, designing and building a modern home at a budget-friendly price can be challenging. It is where the affordable housing architects in Seattle come to your rescue.


An affordable architect in Seattle with proper planning and minimal to no design error will help you keep the cost down. They are evolving and transitioning the space design to align with industry standards and client goals. 




What Are the Key Principles of Affordable Home 


As per the architect, designing an affordable home is not different from designing any other house. They are just more mindful of the cost implications of their decision and look for strategies to reduce the cost without compromising the goal. 


When you build your dream abode, your initial instinct might be to look for an optimal location. The first step to reducing cost is excellent site planning that responds to site features, solar orientation, and local climatic conditions. 


After you have picked an ideal location for your future home, the entire focus shifts to home design. The affordable architect in Seattle will come up with an efficient floor plan to maximize usable space, eliminate redundant space and reduce unnecessary square footage. They will provide you with a simple design that will be efficient and easy to build with cost-effective materials. 


When your architect successfully implements the strategies mentioned above, they give you better project cost control. It will help in reducing the timeline and upfront construction cost associated with the project. Moreover, they also aid in lowering utility bills and maintenance costs. 


What Questions Should You Ask Your Affordable Housing Architects?


When building affordable housing with an architect, don’t forget to ask these key questions:


  • How can I reduce construction time and cost?
  • How can I lower the maintenance and operating cost?
  • How can I design a home that will offer the highest return on investment?
  • What strategies can I employ for cost saving without affecting my project goals?


 What Are The Strategies Recommended by Architects for Affordable Housing? 


Let’s have a look at some of the key strategies recommended by expert architects for affordable housing:

  • You must not rely on technology to address a problem that can be easily fixed with a good design.
  • You must install the water heater and HVAC system in a centrally located space. It will keep the piping and duct runs short, thus eliminating air leakage.
  • You must try to create a natural light entry whenever possible, especially in a small, enclosed space. A window into every room should be a must. 
  • The entire building envelope should be tightly sealed. It must include premium energy-efficient windows, careful flashing, and encapsulated attic. 


Bottom Line


The more you work up front with the affordable housing architects in Seattle to determine your goals and what results you expect, the more smart and cost-effective decisions you will make. They will ensure that the project is completed up to your satisfaction. 
