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Chronic health conditions like diabetes not only affects you physically but also your sexual health. Diabetes is a lifelong disease that is characterized by a high level of glucose in the blood. This is because during diabetes your body is unable to produce enough insulin required to regulate blood sugar level which in turn elevates the level of sugar in your blood. Among both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, the one which affects the most is type 2 diabetes. Though type 2 diabetes can be controlled with effective medications like Trajenta, a healthy diet and regular mild exercise is also required to get a hold on the situation.

Your brain and cardiovascular system play an important role in your sexual activities. High blood sugar levels may cause damage to your nerves and affect your cardiovascular system thus causing a hindrance to your sexual ability.

Effect Of Diabetes On Women Sexual Health 

High blood glucose levels cause damage to your tiny blood vessels and nerves which in turn affect the hormonal level and blood flow throughout the body including genitals. This further affects the ability of a woman to get aroused and also cause vaginal dryness. This may result in painful sex and create a hindrance to successful sexual intercourse.

Also, women with high blood sugar levels are more prone to vaginal and urinary tract infections and sexual dysfunction. All these conditions simultaneously lead to painful sex thus affecting sexual life. Though diabetes can't be reversed, managing it with effective treatments like insulin therapy and oral pills like trajenta will make you less susceptible to sexual dysfunction.

Impact Of Diabetes On Men Sexual Health

Diabetes and men's sexual health are often interconnected. High blood sugar levels can damage the small blood vessels that are supplying blood to your penis. This, in turn, restricts the blood supply to the penis thus causing difficulty in having erections leading to erectile dysfunction. 

Erectile dysfunction is one of the common sexual dysfunction found in most men across the world. Erectile dysfunction is characterized by the inability of a man to get or sustain erections that are firm enough to have a successful and satisfying sex drive. According to research, it has been found that around half of diabetes patients encounter erectile dysfunction at some point in their lives.

Also, studies suggest that high levels of sugar in the blood cause a decline in testosterone hormone levels in men. Testosterone is the male sex hormone that is required for maintaining masculine characteristics in men. Testosterone hormone is also responsible for sexual desire and sperm count in men. The decline in testosterone levels will result in low libido which in turn affects your sexual activity.

Diabetes may also give rise to various other risk factors of erectile dysfunction like:

  • Obesity

  • High blood pressure

  • Depression

  • Stress

  • Low self-esteem

  • Anxiety

Diabetes may also lead to retrograde ejaculation, another sexual dysfunction found in men. Retrograde ejaculation occurs when during ejaculation semen enters the bladder instead of flushing out of the penis. It happens because of the malfunctioning of your internal sphincter muscles. During diabetes, high blood sugar levels cause damage to these muscles thus leading to retrograde ejaculation. It is one of the complications of type 2 diabetes. Controlling type 2 diabetes with medicines like trajenta will help in reducing the chances of getting retrograde ejaculation.

Impact Of Diabetes On Both Sexes

Some of the common complications of diabetes found in both sexes which are affecting their sexual life are:

  • Low self-esteem

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Stress

  • Unexplained weight gain

Treatment Options

Getting your diabetes controlled on time will help in reducing the risk of any possible sexual dysfunction. Depending upon your condition, the doctor will prescribe the effective treatment method for you:

Treating Mental Health Problems 

For treating mental health complications of diabetes your doctor may prescribe medicines like selective serotonin re up take inhibitors. These medicines work effectively in curing mental health issues like depression but may also affect your sexual functioning by causing difficulty in having erections. 

Treating Sexual Dysfunction In Men

For curing sexual dysfunction in men doctors mostly prescribe oral pills like sildenafil, vardenafil, tadalafil and avanafil. These pills are PDE5 inhibitors that boost the blood flow to your penis thus helping you to stay harder and longer on the bed. If you don't find these pills useful due to some potential side effects then your doctor may prescribe other treatment methods based on the underlying cause and severity of your case.

Some of the most common treatment methods for treating sexual dysfunction in men are:

  • Penile implants

  • Vacuum pumps

  • Hormone therapy

  • Injections

  • Suppositories

  • Surgery 

Treating Sexual Issues In Women

For easing the pain during sexual intercourse women may use lubricants. Also, hormonal replacement therapies are found to be effective for women with diabetes and sexual dysfunction.

Treating Diabetes

Although one can not get his or her diabetes reversed but its progression can be slowed down with effective medications and lifestyle changes. For curing type 1 diabetes doctors suggest insulin therapy to patients. While for treating type 2 diabetes pills like trajenta are found to be effective. Trajenta contains linagliptin that helps in controlling blood sugar levels. Trajenta besides managing your diabetes also prevents you from the risk of diabetes complications like kidney damage and blindness. Your doctor may prescribe Trajenta alone or in combination with other anti diabetic pills like metformin based on your condition. Along with trajenta, your doctor may also suggest the following lifestyle modifications:

  • Have a healthy and balanced diet

  • Do exercise regularly

  • Maintain a healthy body weight

  • Keep your body cholesterol and blood pressure within normal range

  • Avoid drinking alcohol

  • Stop smoking 

These healthy habits effectively work for both men and women. These habits not only help in managing your blood glucose level but also help in reducing the risk of any physical, mental and sexual health problems.
