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The development of smart phone wireless networks has a great effect on increasing the speed of development. Mobile phones can solve network problems. Mobile phones play a more important role in people's lives, mobile communications and mobile Internet, among other aspects. Because of this, it creates a lot of problems, especially in the Internet, children are addicted to the Internet, mainly due to wifi networks. As a result, many gradually started installing mobile wifi blocker devices to block the network in order to control their children's online time.

Although wireless networks facilitate people's access to the Internet, the problems they cause cannot be ignored. It's not just a matter of access to the network, it's also a matter of network security. In order to maintain a good network environment, many places have begun to install this kind of desktop WiFi blocker to protect network security in certain places and prevent excessive use of the network. This kind of equipment has been widely used in various countries and regions around the world, and is typical representatives of schools, prisons, libraries, reading rooms and gas stations.

It is necessary to use a Wifi blocker. On the one hand, it ensures the security of the network. On the other hand, it can also control the time when children use the Internet. Don't indulge in the virtual world, which will cause serious harm to their body and mind. In addition, the radiation from the Wi-Fi transmitter will affect For human health, it is not suitable to use it for a long time. You can turn on the wifi jammer to block the wifi signal.

1. Is it inconvenient to turn it on and off uniformly?

When there are too many mobile phone signal jammers, it is difficult to turn them on and off in a centralized manner; even if the power cords are arranged uniformly, a dedicated person must be responsible for turning them on and off on time.

signal jammer

2. Unable to know the working status and failure of the jammer?

After all mobile phone signal jammers are activated, managers cannot immediately know whether the signal blockers at which points are working properly.

3. Is it not energy-saving, environmentally friendly and not conducive to equipment maintenance?

Generally speaking, all jammers are turned on all year round, which is not conducive to energy saving, environmental protection, equipment maintenance, and shortens the service life of equipment (factory areas, canteens, warehouses, etc. are unmanned at night, so there is no need to leave these locations The mobile phone jammer is turned on and runs continuously 24 hours a day);

4. Inconvenient for group control or point-to-point control?

It is impossible to perform precise timing switch control in arbitrary groups or point-to-point.

5. Can't the phenomenon of intentional damage to the jammer be prevented?

For intentional damage, power cut, etc. that affect the normal operation of the mobile phone jammer, the management personnel cannot immediately determine and know

6. The process of manually closing the jammer cannot be traced and investigated?

It is impossible to know which blocker has been maliciously turned off.

7. Can’t find the manufacturer for repair after the jammer is broken?

Are you angry that your jammer is broken and there is nowhere to repair it?

8. There are base stations around and the shielding is not complete?

There are base stations nearby that cannot be completely blocked, or affect the base station signal being notified?

9. Are large conference rooms still using multiple small jammers for regional shielding, causing budget overruns?

A large conference room of 1,000 square meters is shielded by small jammers in different areas, resulting in budget overruns?

1. What is a GPS jammer?

The GPS signal jamming system is designed to suppress the signals of the global satellite navigation GPS system in the 1500-1600MHz range. Jammers make it impossible for GPS satellites to monitor the location of cars and all vehicles via GPS, and gps jammer devices will not interfere with cell phones and other devices. The GPS jammer range can be from 5 to 15 meters, which is enough for cars and buses as the trackers are usually installed in the cab inside the car. After initiating the connection via the car's cigarette lighter, the device starts working immediately and generates radio noise (interference) in the range 1500-1600 MHz (L1/L2) within a radius of 15 meters.

gps jammer

2, there are different types of GPS jammers.

The GPS positioning and navigation system only requires a GPS jammer.

Dual-mode navigation: network positioning (mobile phone signal positioning) navigation + GPS navigation. For this kind of navigation you need GSM GPS jammer.

Network positioning (mobile phone signal positioning) navigation. For this you need a gsm jammer.

COMPASS system, GLONASS system and Galileo system.

These three systems are rarely used in civilian applications.

3. Car GPS Jammer

GPS devices all require a phone card. The current location information calculated by the GPS module is uploaded to the positioning server by the communication base station through this card for user query. The jammer uses radio electromagnetic waves to interfere with the connection between the card and the communication base station to achieve The GPS location cannot be queried by the user.

4. Working principle of GPS jammer:

Mainly by releasing radio interference waves, it can invalidate the GPS locator within the specified electromagnetic band, forming the same electromagnetic environment as the device, thereby blocking the signal.

Two methods to block GPS signal. First: The direct method is to remove the two cables of the GPS host. Second: Go to the electronics market to buy a GPS signal jammer, but first understand what signal tracking method the GPS in your car uses.

There are only two signal tracking methods: (1) Cell phone signal. (2) Direct satellite tracking signal.

Generally, most GPS tracking signals use mobile phone signals. GPS jammers can also interfere with car navigation. GPS used in car navigation is the same as mobile phone signals. It is easily interfered by electronic devices. The signal jammer can block the signals within a certain range. The signals are blocked, causing all communication devices within range to lose signals. However, such equipment also has disadvantages for the user. The signal jammer can only be turned on temporarily and cannot be turned on forever. As long as he turns off the jammer, the GPS signal will be available again.

Many schools have been very busy recently, because the days for the college entrance examination are counting down day by day, and they are working non-stop to prepare the materials and machines needed for the examination room. This is to allow candidates to take the examination in a stable and orderly environment.

This is also the responsibility of the school. So recently we can see that a kind of machine has been installed in the examination room. This is the examination signal blocker that has been vigorously promoted by many schools recently. It is an effective countermeasure against electronic signal cheating. Although it is so It is effective, but what is not known is that when it is actually put into use, its effect will be different depending on the installation place and situation.

cell phone jammer

Although the shielding range we see can be found in the instructions provided with the test signal jammer, this data is laboratory data and is for reference only. Actual use depends on different situations. First of all, whether there is a base station within 500 meters nearby is one of the reasons that affects the shielding range, and the impact is different depending on the distance.

This should be noted. Secondly, the test cell phone signal jammer cannot penetrate the wall. This will cause its shielding effect to be greatly reduced, and metal objects will also affect its shielding effect. Although these problems will affect the effectiveness of the test signal jammer, it is still the most effective helper in eliminating electronic cheating methods.

1. The antenna equipment is not tightened

If the antenna equipment is not tightened, the temporary phenomenon that occurs is that the occurrence of some frequencies cannot be blocked. If this symptom occurs during on-site installation, please first check whether the antenna equipment is tightened.

(1) Details of tightening the antenna: Since the antenna is composed of two parts of the activity (1 is the short connector; 2 is the antenna pole), you must hold the lower part of the antenna short connector tightly during installation. Tighten and screw on.

(2) Wrong antenna insertion: Each product currently has 4 wireless antennas, namely 800MHZ (China Unicom); 900MHZ (Mobile); 1800MHZ (Big Smartphone); 1900MHZ (Little Smart Phone) 4 types of wireless antennas, each antenna It must be consistent with the corresponding frequency socket on the server, and cannot be plugged in wrongly.

2. The best height-to-width ratio for installation is 1.7---1.8 meters long.

This distance is the height of the cell phone jammer from the ground. This distance has a better shielding effect in the classroom.

signal jammer for phone

3. The power plug connector has poor contact.

When connecting the cell phone signal jammer to the power plug, be sure to find the matching slot and do not force rough operation. In addition, if the power supply contact is poor at the installation site, the symptom is: the indicator light (green light) of the mobile phone signal jammer does not light up. To solve the problem of poor contact of the power plug on site: it is recommended to add a gasket to the power supply connector.

4. The switch power light does not light up:

There may be three reasons for this situation:

(1) Poor contact of the power plug

(2) The diode indicator light is broken

(3) The power supply itself is broken. The criterion for identification is whether the green light of the power supply is on. If it is not on, the power supply itself is broken.

5. The signal jammer may not block some signals. The reasons may be as follows:

(1) Antenna matching is incorrect

(2) The antenna socket is not tightened

(3) The signal displayed on the screen of the mobile phone is a false signal (this phenomenon mainly occurs on Samsung and Tianyu mobile phones). In fact, the signal has been blocked.

(4) There may be a problem with your own signal blocker.

There are many kinds of cell phone signal jammers on the market, and there are also various machines. Prices also vary. Maybe you may have purchased a cheap machine on a certain platform, but it was useless in actual use. In fact, when buying a mobile phone signal jammer, you don't have to care about its price, because the main buyer must buy it if it is useful. Otherwise, even if the useless machine is cheap, it will have no practical effect for consumers to buy it. When choosing a cell phone signal jammer, just make sure it is what you are going to use it for. Tell Honghu Communications’ professional cell phone signal jammer sales specialist your requirements and he will introduce them to you one by one. Recommend suitable styles to you so that you don’t fall into any trap.

cell phone jammerMobile phone signal blocking can generally be divided into two categories:

1. Ordinary mobile phone signal blocking

The technical characteristics of ordinary mobile phone signal shielding are mainly based on the shielding principle, using a large number of low-power or high-power devices to fight, and staying on simple technical solutions.

Ordinary signal blockers for phone are far lower than high-quality mobile phone signal jammers in terms of price, quality, or work efficiency, because their parts cost is also low. Especially temperature control. Ordinary mobile phone signal jammers basically have no temperature control technology. Under poor heat dissipation, ordinary mobile phone signal jammers will not reduce the power to maintain their own problems, causing the machine to crash or spontaneously ignite. . Therefore, it is really not recommended for everyone to use ordinary mobile phone signal transmitters. Even the price is favorable. It is not recommended for consumers to use

2. Shielded by high-quality mobile phone signal jammer.

The technical characteristics of high-quality mobile phone signal jammers are the use of strong signal digital point frequency hopping technology, which reduces radiation 150 times compared to ordinary shielding technology; it is mainly based on outdoor shielding, reducing indoor radiation power hundreds of times; it adopts multi-channel combining technology, The full-frequency antenna replaces N divided-frequency antennas, which is suitable for wireless remote control and lays the foundation for distributed antennas. It adopts distributed antenna technology to reasonably allocate shielding power, disperse the power signal, reduce antenna radiation, provide dozens of times of efficiency, and at the same time eliminate Dead spots and leakage points; the unique TD synchronization technology only blocks downlink pilot time slots for China Mobile's 3G (TD-SCDMA) and 4G (TD-LTE) networks, eliminating signal source shielding and obtaining mobile and radio management Commission approval while reducing radiation dozens of times.

Ordinary mobile phone signal jammers are far lower than high-quality mobile phone signal jammers in terms of price, quality, or work efficiency, because their parts cost is also low. Especially temperature control. Ordinary mobile phone signal jammers basically have no temperature control technology. Under poor heat dissipation, ordinary mobile phone signal jammers will not reduce the power to maintain their own problems, causing the machine to crash or spontaneously ignite. . Therefore, it is really not recommended for everyone to use ordinary mobile phone signal transmitters. Even the price is favorable. It is not recommended for consumers to use

High-quality mobile phone signal jammers are far better in quality than ordinary mobile phone signal jammers. After all, in terms of workmanship and parts, high-quality chips are used for installation. It can also work in harsh environments for a long time. The temperature control part is also quite stable. When the machine reaches a certain temperature, Jinyuda's mobile phone signal jammer. It will automatically reduce the power to ensure that the machine does not burn out and also ensures the operation of the machine. Moreover, high-quality mobile phone signal jammers use gain antennas whether they are built-in antennas or external antennas. The coverage is also greatly improved.

Therefore, consumers should be rational and reasonable in choosing a machine for the right location, rather than giving priority to the price of a mobile phone signal jammer.

The emergence of signals can be said to have brought a lot of convenience, but sometimes in order to prevent the negative effects of signals, cell phone signal jammers are often used in examination rooms to block signals so that students cannot use mobile phones to cheat. Use it What are the precautions?

1. The antenna and other accessories are installed correctly;

2. To ensure sufficient power, the handheld indicator light turns yellow or red to indicate that the power supply is down, and the shielding effect of the mobile phone signal jammer is not as good as usual;

signal blocker

3. The mobile base station is more than 200 meters away;

4. The shielding effect depends on the surrounding environment. The interference effect of mobile phones used in suburbs is better than that in cities. Due to the higher density of mobile base stations in cities and the close distance between base stations, the signals emitted by urban mobile base stations are many times stronger than those in suburbs;

5. When using a signal blocker, there should not be any metal objects or wall obstructions around the antenna and between the jammer and the phone to block signal transmission;

6. Strong magnetic field and strong electromagnetic wave environment will affect the interference effect of use;

7. The installation height of the mobile phone signal jammer should be as high as possible at the same level as the device you want to block;

8. Long-term use of interference opportunities will cause high heat and affect the interference radius;

9. When the phone is on a call, the jammer does not easily block the signal;

10. It is normal for the radio waves emitted by the jammer to accumulate and cause the machine to heat up;

11. There is a lag in the refresh of the signal display grid on the mobile phone. Interference may have been turned on but the mobile phone still displays the signal status;

12. To test the function of the GPS jammer, please download the GPS signal detection software to test the shielding effect, or open the car navigation function test;

13. The wifi jammer device with WIFI jamming function will also block other appliances with WIFI.

Although mobile phone signal jammers are easy to use and can identify mobile phone signals and general frequencies, we should also pay attention to the points listed above to truly make full use of them and not abuse them. Stay away from electronic products during normal use.

Mobile phone signal jammers are mainly used in various examination rooms, schools, gas stations, churches, courts, libraries, conference centers (rooms), theaters, hospitals, governments, finance, prisons, public security, military areas and other places where the use of mobile phones is prohibited. It is understood that the cell phone signal jammers currently on the market can limit mobile phone signals that are 500M meters away from the transmitting station and have a radius of >20 meters. The shielding radius is adjustable, it only blocks mobile phone signals and does not affect other electronic devices. Save electricity, power is 20W--480w.

When a mobile phone works, it operates within a certain frequency range. The mobile phone and the base station are connected through radio waves to complete the transmission of data and sound at a certain baud rate and modulation method. In view of this communication principle, the mobile phone signal jammer scans from the low-end frequency of the forward channel to the high-end at a certain speed during the working process. This scanning speed can cause garbled interference in the message signals received by the mobile phone. The mobile phone cannot detect normal data sent from the base station, making it impossible for the mobile phone to establish a connection with the base station. Mobile phones show symptoms such as searching the network, no signal, and no service system.

signal jammer

Common signal jammers for sale on the market have operating frequencies: 869~894MHz; 825~960MHz; 1805~1880MHz and 1900~1990MHz, etc. The applicable frequency bands are CDMA800, GSM900, DCS1800, and PCS1900. It can control a range of about 40 meters in diameter, using a DC-DC converter input voltage and 5V output voltage.

basic skills:

1.Slow start function

After the shield is powered on, the working power rises from zero to stable within 4 seconds.

2.shielding function

After activation is completed, mobile phones within the range will be blocked within 35 seconds.

Basic performance:

Transmission frequency range: 860-960MHZ 1.800-1.990GHZ

Transmitting power: 1W±200mA

Ambient temperature: -20-+55℃

Relative humidity: 30-95%

Functional frequency bands: CDMA800, GSM900, DCS1800, PCS1900, PHS.

Control range: about 40 meters.

How to use mobile phone signal jammer

1. Select the area where you need to cut off the cell phone signal and place the cutter on the table or wall in this area.

2. After installation is complete, turn on the power to the disconnector and turn on the power switch.

3. After the equipment is connected, press the power switch disconnector to work. At this time, all powered mobile phones on site are in the search network state and lose the base station signal. Neither the calling party nor the called party can establish a call connection.

Mobile phone signal jammers have become standard equipment in examination rooms. Not only for high school and college entrance examinations, but also for postgraduate examinations, civil service examinations and various qualification certificate examinations, cell phone jammers are needed to prevent candidates from contacting the outside world through wireless signals. In the examination room where Dazhan Electronics' mobile phone signal jammer is used, various mobile phone signals (2345G), wireless intercom signals, Bluetooth WiFi signals, etc. will be blocked by interference.

So let’s talk about mobile phone signal jammers. Why can they interfere with your mobile phone signal?

signal jammer

We can temporarily compare a mobile phone to a radio. The radio often buzzes or the channel is simply messed up and cannot be heard. This means that the signal is interfered. Since the radio can be interfered, the same can be said for the mobile phone, which can be naturally and interference through some devices.

Mobile phone signal jammers have many different names, jammer, mobile phone jammer, signal jammer for sale, mobile phone signal jammer, mobile phone signal blocker, mobile phone isolator, mobile phone interceptor, mobile communication signal jammer, mobile phone signal leveler Shielding device, mobile phone jammer, signal jammer, mobile phone blocker, signal blocker, mobile phone signal isolator, signal isolator, mobile phone signal cutter, radio signal jammer.

It uses frequency multiplication, frequency division, frequency hopping filtering and other technologies to analyze the required shielding frequency for the uplink and downlink channels of the mobile phone system; it customizes a spherical shielding space according to the power of the shielder, and automatically forms a shielding magnetic field within the specified range. Make mobile phones (including PHS - PHS, GSM - China Unicom, China Mobile, CDMA - China Telecom) invalid in this space. When the jammer is in working condition, it can disable the signal sending and receiving functions of mobile phones within the specified range, making it impossible to make outgoing and incoming calls, thereby achieving the purpose of mandatory disabling.

The principle of radio communication: Within a certain frequency range, mobile phones and base stations are connected through radio electromagnetic waves, and data and sound transmission are completed with a certain baud rate and modulation method.

The communication principle of the mobile phone signal jammer is that the jammer scans from the low-end frequency to the high-end frequency of the forward channel at a certain speed during the working process. This scanning speed can cause garbled interference in the message signals received by the mobile phone. The mobile phone cannot detect normal data sent from the base station, making it impossible for the mobile phone to establish a connection with the base station. Mobile phones show symptoms such as searching the network, no signal, and no service system.

Since we know that the communication method of wireless communication is to use electromagnetic waves to communicate.

The functional properties of electromagnetic waves are determined by their frequency.

Different communication systems use different frequencies so that everyone can live in peace and not interfere with each other. The basic principle of cell phone jamming devices is to emit the same radio frequency signals as cell phones. Because the frequencies are the same, mobile phones cannot tell which signal is a regular base station signal, thus achieving "interference". As long as there is a machine on the same frequency as the phone, it will make a lot of "noise" when the base station tries to connect to the phone. You will find that the signal from the phone is unrecognizable, so you will refuse to communicate with the phone.

In the early days, jammers only blocked one set of frequencies, such as 2G, while complex jammers could block several types of networks at the same time, such as 2-3-4-5G. So how is this multi-network interference achieved?

It's actually simple. That is to say, the interference bands corresponding to these three signals are repeated in a cyclic manner, covering these three interference bands at the same time. The intervals of this cycle are so small that the mobile phone has no chance to speak and can only sit down and do it quietly. A brick.

It covers 2/3/4/5G, but what about Bluetooth and wifi? It doesn’t matter, it can be easily handled as well.

The jammer has evolved again, adding Bluetooth and WiFi frequency bands to the scanning range, so that several common communication methods in society are completely covered.

Many people do not understand the differences between Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and mobile data. They seem to be wireless communication technologies. In fact, the main difference between them is the frequency band. In mobile communication technology, 2G mainly works in the 900-1700MHz frequency band, 3G works in the 1900-2100MHz frequency band, 4G works in the 2300-2500MHz frequency band, and 5G works in the 3400-3600MHz frequency band. Bluetooth and WiFi work at 2.4GHz.

There is a law in economics: the law of value is the basic economic law of commodity production and commodity exchange, that is, the value of commodities depends on socially necessary labor time, and commodities are exchanged with each other according to the principle of equal value. In a private ownership society, the law of value spontaneously regulates production, stimulates the improvement of production technology, and accelerates the differentiation of commodity producers. In a socialist society, since the socialist economy is a planned commodity economy based on public ownership, the socialist market economy must consciously base and apply the law of value to promote the development of the socialist economy. This law is particularly evident in the field of cell phone jammers.

Looking at past signal shielding projects, the part that best reflects the value is the real needs of customers. In other words, the real factor that determines the price is the needs of customers. For example, in a 50m*50m indoor area, the cost of building a nearby base station without a base station will be lower than that of a base station; the cost of an open indoor area without obstruction will be lower than the cost of an area with obstruction; the cost of 24-hour uninterrupted full-band shielding will be lower than the cost of an intermittent one. The price of partial frequency band shielding is lower; the price of rough test shielding (only center shielding) is lower than the price of precise shielding; etc.

signal jammer for phone

In the signal blocker project, according to the customer's needs, the layout of the site and the strength of the radio signal, the shielding system is often built in the form of shielding host + antenna distribution. This is a reliable technology that is more professional and focuses on results in the field of shielding. Military The shielding method preferred by police government units and security agencies. Compared with a single device, the system is more reliable. Its price also changes with the size of the shielding area and the on-site environment.

In families, some parents are worried that their children will consider buying jammers if they are addicted to mobile phone networks. They often secretly purchase signal jammers worth hundreds or even thousands of dollars. These devices will directly interfere with the use of mobile phones in the neighborhood. The three major operators will conduct investigations after receiving complaints. If found, they may be subject to illegal penalties.

Therefore, the determining factor in the price of mobile phone signal jammers is user demand. If the shielding requirement is high, the price will be high, and if the shielding requirement is low, the price will also be reduced. However, the original intention of shielding is to achieve results without affecting third parties, so a relatively perfect shield will not be too cheap, due to the law of value.

The higher the power of the cell phone signal jammer, the better the effect. In fact, this is not the case. For example, if a space is about 400-500 square meters, you should choose a mobile phone signal jammer that can block about 600 square meters. It’s not that the higher the power, the better. After all, the power of a mobile phone signal jammer has a safe power range. Some customers expressed why most merchants' machines have poor shielding effects when the signal source is very close, while some merchants have very good effects. In fact, the poor signal shielding effect when the signal source is close actually proves that these The merchant is a legitimate merchant. Is to comply with safety is the power range. On the contrary, when the signal source is very close, the shielding effect is very good and the power is quite high. It is important to pay attention to these machines, because such machines have exceeded the safe power of normal use. Not only will it affect the uplink signal source, but there are also potential safety hazards, so customers who purchase it should pay attention. Therefore, the bigger the power of the mobile phone signal jammer, the better.

cell phone blockerSeveral parameter issues that are helpful for mobile phone signal shielding effects:

1. output power

The output power of the shielder

Antenna radiation performance (antenna gain, directivity, etc.)

2. How shielding works

Nowadays, mobile phones use digital signals, and digital signals have strong anti-shielding capabilities. Generally, the effect of shielding digital signals using analog signal technology is poor, so digital signals must be used to shield digital signals. Digital shielding signals and analog shielding signals of the same power have a negative impact on mobile phones. The shielding effect is very different. The signal jammer for sale using digital signal shielding technology has lower power and higher efficiency than the jammer using analog signal shielding technology.

3. Indoor and outdoor are different

The analysis of synthesis, attenuation, and reflection of indoor mobile phone signals and shielded signals is very complex.

4. Before shielding, the strength and quality of local mobile phone signals have a great impact on shielding. Different mobile phones have different effects. Generally, mobile phones with strong ability to receive weak signals may not necessarily have a good anti-shielding effect.

5. The direction and distance of the signal source and the direction of the mobile phone shielding area also affect the shielding effect.

6. Shielding distance and radio signal transmission distance characteristics. Now we will briefly discuss the shielding distance based on the attenuation of radio signal transmission in free space. According to the transmission theory formula, every time the radio wave transmission distance is doubled, the signal strength is attenuated by 6db (the signal power is reduced by 4 times). . Let's take a certain mobile phone signal jammer GSM 900MHZ as an example. If the mobile phone signal strength in a certain area that needs to be blocked is -50dbm, and the effective shielding distance of the jammer is 10 meters, the change in mobile phone signal strength will directly affect the shielding distance. , see the table below for details:

Note: dbm is the abbreviation of dbmw, which represents the power intensity unit of radio equipment or signals, that is, decibel milliwatts

Generally, the signal strength in space is around -60 to -70dbm, and the maximum within a few hundred meters of the base station can reach around -40dbm. The mobile phone reception strength range is generally between -35 to -95dbm.

The higher the signal power intensity of space mobile phones, the shorter the shielding distance.

The above discussion is based on the rules of radio signal transmission in free space (the so-called free space is similar to space). In reality, there are many obstacles on the ground that affect radio wave transmission. The above conclusion can only be used as a qualitative reference, especially The above rules are very different from reality indoors. Therefore, this issue is difficult to calculate accurately at the moment and can only be determined based on the actual situation on site. Accurate construction projects must conduct preliminary research and signal testing, and then design specific solutions. In the later stage, timely tracking and testing are required, and certain corresponding supplements must be made to be foolproof, that is, to achieve a strict shielding effect.