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Today mutual fund distributors face a lot of challenges in running their business including

  1. Regulatory changes
  2. Competition from direct platforms
  3. Low investor counts due to market volatility.

This has reduced the income of MFDs multifold. That is why MFDs need to look at various solutions to solve these problems:

  • Increasing their client base or
  • Increasing their AUM.

In this endeavor, Wealth Elite helps MFDs by providing unique products which help them get new clients and increase the AUM from new investmentsOne such unique offering includes global investment opportunities. In this blog post, we will explore the opportunities in global markets and how mutual fund software can enhance your ability to capitalize on them.

What is Global Investments?

Global investing is the process of investing in assets that are located outside of the investor's home country. This can include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Global investing can provide investors with a number of benefits.

Why do Global Opportunities Matter?

  1. Diversification: Investing in global markets allows you to diversify your clients' portfolios beyond domestic investments. By spreading investments across different regions and sectors, you can reduce risk and potentially enhance returns.
  2. Currency Appreciation: INR has depreciated 3.5-4.5% over the last 4 decades. This translates to diminishing returns on your clients’ domestic portfolio.
  3. Global Equity Market Capitalization: Indian markets make up for only 3% of the Global market capitalization. The U.S. markets on the other hand make up over 50%

Why Global Investments are important for Mutual Fund Distributors?

Wide Range of Investment Choices: First, global markets offer a wider range of investment choices than domestic markets. This means that distributors can provide their clients with a more comprehensive range of investment options.

Attract and retain clients: Second, global markets offer the potential for higher returns than domestic markets. This can help distributors to attract new clients and retain existing clients.

More commissions: Third, Distributors get their commissions in the currency of the country their investors invest in. For example, if their clients invest in the US, they get commissions in Dollars.


Global investment opportunities are an important part of the mutual fund landscape. By offering global investments to their clients, distributors can provide them with a wider range of investment choices and help them to achieve their financial goals. For more information, visit https://wealthelite.in/

What is White Labeling?

Company A provides a product or service to Company B, which then rebrands and sells it as its own. This enables the second company to provide a more personalized experience to its customers and increase trust in its services. It can enter a new market or broaden its offerings without investing in developing its own product or service from the ground up. In the case of mutual fund software, White labeling allows mutual fund distributors and other financial services providers to offer their clients a comprehensive suite of investment tools without having to develop their own software. This can save them time, money, and resources while also allowing them to stand out from their competitors.

How Does White Labeling Work in Asset Management Software?

Wealth Elite, a white-label wealth management software, offers a variety of features and functionality, including:

  • Portfolio management tools
  • Research instruments
  • 40+ reports
  • Online transaction
  • Goal GPS portfolio rebalancing and more

MFDs can then tailor the software to their specific branding and needs. They have the ability to modify the color scheme, logo, and other visual elements, as well as add and remove features.

MFDs can then onboard their investors and use the software as their own product once it has been customized.

Benefits of White Labeling in the Fund Management Software

There are several advantages to using white-label software, including:

Reduction in Costs. White-label software providers typically charge a monthly or annual subscription fee, which is typically much less expensive than developing and maintaining your own software.

Faster time to market. White-label software is usually ready to use right away, allowing you to get your business up and running faster.

Increased adaptability. You can customize white-label software to match your company's branding and needs. This gives you more control over the user experience and allows you to distinguish your company from the competition.

Enhanced Customer service. You can focus on providing excellent customer service to your clients by using white-label software. This can assist you in developing relationships and retaining clients.


Mutual Fund Distributors and other financial services firms can benefit from white-label investment software. It can help them save time, money, and resources while also differentiating themselves from their competitors. However, before making a decision, it is critical to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of various white-label software.

There are a few things to keep in mind if you are considering using white-label software:

Select a reputable software provider. In the market, there are numerous white-label software providers. However, Wealth Elite provides the best software in the industry. It is critical to select a provider with a good reputation and a track record of providing high-quality software.

Make sure the software meets your needs. Before you sign up for a solution, make sure it meets your needs. Consider the features and functionality that are important to you, as well as the cost of the software.

In the financial industry, mutual funds are a popular investment choice for individuals and businesses alike. Distributors play a crucial role in facilitating these investments. To enhance their effectiveness and efficiency, the best mutual fund software in India with robust reporting capabilities can be a game-changer. In this blog post, we will explore how such software empowers distributors and revolutionizes their operations.

  • Streamlining Information Management:

Distributors deal with a vast amount of data and information related to clients, investments, and market trends. Wealth management software with advanced reporting capabilities enables them to manage this information efficiently.

These software solutions offer centralized databases that

  1. Store and organize client details
  2. Present investment portfolios
  3. Check transaction histories

Distributors can easily retrieve and analyze this information, allowing them to make informed decisions and provide personalized investment advice to clients.

  • Real-Time Performance Monitoring:

One of the key benefits of using mutual fund software for distributors with robust reporting capabilities is the ability to monitor the performance of various investment portfolios in real-time.

Distributors can generate comprehensive reports that provide insights into the performance of different funds, asset classes, and individual investments.

With access to real-time data, distributors can identify underperforming assets, track market trends, and adjust investment strategies accordingly. This level of monitoring empowers distributors to offer timely advice to clients, ensuring that their investment portfolios align with their financial goals.

  • Enhanced Compliance and Regulation:

Compliance and regulation are critical aspects of the financial industry, and distributors must adhere to various legal and ethical requirements. Asset management software with advanced reporting features can streamline compliance processes for distributors.

These software solutions often come equipped with built-in compliance checks and reporting tools that ensure adherence to regulations.

Distributors can generate compliance reports, track transaction histories, and identify any potential anomalies or breaches. By automating these processes, the software minimizes the risk of errors and helps distributors stay on top of regulatory requirements.

  • Personalized Client Reporting:

Investment software enables distributors to provide personalized client reporting, which is a valuable service for investors. Distributors can generate customized reports that highlight the performance of specific investment portfolios, track progress toward financial goals, and provide insights into market trends.

These reports can be tailored to the individual preferences and requirements of each client, enhancing the overall client experience. By delivering comprehensive and visually appealing reports, distributors can build trust and strengthen client relationships.


Fund management software with robust reporting capabilities empowers distributors by streamlining information management, enabling real-time performance monitoring, enhancing compliance processes, and facilitating personalized client reporting.

Financial software solutions will revolutionize the way distributors work, it enables them to provide better services, make data-backed decisions, and meet the goals of their clients. By embracing these technological advancements, distributors can thrive in an increasingly competitive financial landscape.