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Mutual fund distributors (MFDs) face the challenge of retaining assets under management (AUM) due to a significant number of investors redeeming their investments within a year.

However, the emergence of mutual fund software offering loans against mutual funds presents a solution that can help MFDs retain their AUM.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of loans against mutual funds and why MFDs should consider suggesting this option to their clients.

Benefits of Loan Against Mutual Funds:

  1. Liquidity without Selling Investments:

One of the primary advantages of loans against mutual funds is that investors can access liquidity without selling their investments.

This feature is particularly beneficial for investors who require immediate funds but do not want to disrupt their long-term investment plans.

By availing themselves of a loan against their mutual fund holdings, investors can meet their financial needs while keeping their investments intact.

  1. Lower Interest Rates:

Compared to traditional loans, loans against mutual funds often come with lower interest rates. This affordability makes them an attractive option for investors who require funds for short-term purposes, such as emergencies or planned expenses. The lower interest rates make it easier for investors to repay the loan without incurring excessive financial burdens.

  1. No Impact on Credit Score:

When investors avail themselves of loans against mutual funds, it does not impact their credit score. This is because the loan is secured against the mutual fund units, and the investor's creditworthiness is not a determining factor. This feature is advantageous for investors who may have a lower credit score or limited credit history, as they can still access funds without worrying about their creditworthiness.

Why MFDs Should Suggest Loans Against Mutual Funds:

  1. Retaining AUM:

By suggesting loans against mutual funds, MFDs can help their clients meet their immediate financial needs without redeeming their investments. This approach allows MFDs to retain the AUM and continue earning management fees on those assets. It also helps maintain a long-term relationship with clients, as they appreciate the flexibility and convenience offered by this option.

  1. Enhanced Client Satisfaction:

Offering loans against mutual funds demonstrates that MFDs are proactive in providing comprehensive financial solutions to their clients. By suggesting this option, MFDs can address their clients' liquidity requirements while ensuring their investments remain intact. This approach enhances client satisfaction and strengthens the trust and loyalty between MFDs and their clients.

  1. Diversification of Services:

By incorporating loans against mutual funds into their service offerings, MFDs can diversify their range of services. This diversification allows MFDs to cater to a broader client base and attract new investors who value the flexibility and convenience of accessing funds without selling their investments. It also positions MFDs as comprehensive financial advisors, capable of addressing various financial needs.


Fund management software offering loans against mutual funds presents a valuable opportunity for MFDs to retain their AUM and enhance client satisfaction. By suggesting this option to their clients, MFDs can provide liquidity without selling investments, offer lower interest rates, and maintain a long-term relationship with their clients. Furthermore, incorporating loans against mutual funds into their service offerings allows MFDs to diversify their services and attract new investors. Overall, embracing this innovative approach can help MFDs navigate the challenge of investors redeeming their investments within a year while providing a win-win solution for both MFDs and their clients.

Financial planning and risk profiling are crucial aspects of investing in mutual funds. Without a proper financial plan and risk assessment, investors may make impulsive decisions, such as redeeming their investments due to emergencies or market fluctuations.

This article explores how financial planning and risk profiling in mutual fund software can help Mutual Fund Distributors (MFDs) guide their clients toward more informed and strategic investment decisions.

The Significance of Financial Planning

Financial planning involves creating a roadmap for an individual's financial goals, taking into account there:

  • Income
  • Expenses
  • Investment objectives.

For MFDs, utilizing fund management software with robust financial planning tools allows them to assess their clients' financial situations accurately. By considering factors such as income, expenses, liabilities, and future goals, MFDs can develop personalized investment strategies that align with their client's needs.

This comprehensive approach helps clients understand the importance of staying invested and avoiding impulsive decisions that may hinder their long-term financial growth.

Risk Profiling for Informed Decision-Making

Risk profiling is a crucial step in the investment process. It involves:

  • Evaluating an investor's risk tolerance
  • Understanding their willingness to take risks
  • Determining their capacity to bear potential losses.

Investment software equipped with risk profiling tools enables MFDs to assess their clients' risk appetite accurately. By understanding their clients' risk profiles, MFDs can recommend suitable investment options that align with their client's risk tolerance.

This helps clients make informed decisions and avoid panic selling during market fluctuations, as they have a clear understanding of the potential risks associated with their investments.

The Role of Financial Software

Asset management software plays a vital role in facilitating financial planning and risk profiling for MFDs. These software solutions provide comprehensive tools and calculators that enable MFDs to create detailed financial plans, analyze investment scenarios, and assess risk profiles accurately.

By leveraging these software solutions, MFDs can offer their clients a holistic view of their financial journey, educate them about the importance of long-term investing, and guide them toward making informed decisions.

Investment management software also allows MFDs to track and monitor their clients' investments, ensuring that their portfolios remain aligned with their financial goals and risk profiles.


Financial planning and risk profiling are essential components of successful investing in mutual funds. By utilizing portfolio management software with robust financial planning and risk profiling tools, MFDs can guide their clients toward more informed and strategic investment decisions.

This approach helps clients stay invested, avoid impulsive decisions, and achieve their long-term financial goals.

The mutual fund industry in India has been experiencing steady growth over the past few years, with the average assets under management (AUM) of all mutual fund schemes reaching a record high of Rs42.95 trillion ($521 billion) in May 2023, growing by 14.93% compared to May 2022. The industry is evolving, and mutual fund distributors need to stay ahead of the emerging trends to remain competitive. In this blog, we will discuss the key trends observed in the mutual fund industry in India in 2023 and how mutual fund distributors can stay ahead of these trends with mutual fund software.

Emerging Trends in the Mutual Fund Industry in 2023 India

Based on data from the Association of Mutual Funds of India (AMFI), here are the main trends observed in the mutual fund industry in India in May 2023:

  • Shift in AUM Mix: There has been a shift in the AUM mix from active debt to active equity funds. The market share of equity-oriented funds has increased from 49.1% to 51.3% of the overall AUM mix between May 2022 and May 2023.
  • Individual Investors: Individual investors are playing a bigger role in mutual fund investments, with their share in the overall AAUM composition rising from 55.0% to 57.7% between May 2022 and May 2023. The share of institutions and corporates has decreased from 45.0% to 42.3%.
  • Retail Investors: Retail investors account for 91.1% of the total folios, indicating a strong retail appetite for mutual funds. The number of mutual fund folios has grown by 273% since September 2014.
  • Smaller Towns and Cities: Smaller towns and cities (B30 cities) are showing an increased interest in mutual funds, with 17% of the overall AUM coming from these cities. Individual assets in B30 cities account for 26% of the total, indicating growing investment awareness and the impact of SIPs.

How Mutual Fund Distributors Can Stay Ahead of These Trends?

Mutual fund distributors can stay ahead of these trends by adopting the following strategies:

  • Focus on Equity-Oriented Funds: With the shift in the AUM mix from active debt to active equity funds, mutual fund distributors should focus on equity-oriented funds to remain competitive.
  • Cater to Individual Investors: As individual investors are playing a bigger role in mutual fund investments; mutual fund distributors should cater to their needs. Distributors should provide personalized investment advice and offer a wide range of mutual fund schemes to suit their investment goals.
  • Leverage Technology: Mutual fund distributors can leverage technology to stay ahead of the competition. Fund management software can help distributors automate their processes, reduce manual errors, and provide real-time insights into their clients' investments.
  • Expand to Smaller Towns and Cities: With the growing interest in mutual funds in smaller towns and cities, mutual fund distributors should expand their reach to these areas. Distributors should educate investors in these areas on the benefits of mutual funds and how they can help them achieve their financial goals.

How Can Mutual Fund Software like REDVision Technologies Help?

It can help mutual fund distributors stay ahead of the emerging trends in the mutual fund industry in India in 2023. Here are some of the ways:

  • Automate Processes: It can help mutual fund distributors automate their processes, reducing manual errors and increasing efficiency.
  • Provide Real-Time Insights: Software can provide real-time insights into clients' investments, helping distributors monitor their performance and provide regular updates.
  • Offer Personalized Investment Advice: It can help mutual fund distributors offer personalized investment advice to their clients, based on their investment goals and risk appetite.
  • Expand Reach: Financial software can help mutual fund distributors expand their reach to smaller towns and cities, educating investors on the benefits of mutual funds and how they can help them achieve their financial goals.


The mutual fund industry in India is evolving, and mutual fund distributors need to stay ahead of the emerging trends to remain competitive. By focusing on equity-oriented funds, catering to individual investors, leveraging technology, and expanding their reach to smaller towns and cities, mutual fund distributors can stay ahead of the competition. Portfolio tracking software can help distributors automate their processes, provide real-time insights, offer personalized investment advice, and expand their reach, making it an essential tool for mutual fund distributors in India in 2023. For more information, visit https://wealthelite.in/