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Learning how to care for a stroke patient at home is all about putting yourself in the survivor’s shoes. Many stroke patients struggle with motor impairments after stroke, and these need attention when the patient goes home.

It’s also important to understand the medical complications that you can help manage, and american home health care will guide you through it.

If you see your loved one struggling to do something, only help if they ask or if absolutely necessary. Stroke patients need to do things on their own to keep getting better. Don't shortchange their recovery by being overbearing.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a neurodegenerative disease that causes the deterioration of nerves in the body. It often starts in a localized area such as the hands but then spreads to the rest of the body causing numerous challenges for the diagnose individual.

The disease affects around 5,000 people each year in the USA and is eventually fatal in all cases as there is no cure. Here https://myallamericanhospice.com/dying-process-like-als/ you can learn more about als life expectancy. As the nerves break down, they are unable to send signals to the muscles. This means, for example, that individuals will find their mobility severely impaired as the disease progresses.

It also affects areas such as speech and swallowing and even the ability to breathe. There is no functional part of the human body that is not served by nerves. Without them, they are unable to function. This is a progressive disease which ends in death, more often than not from respiratory failure.