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Real-Time Data Integration: Konnect 3D allows for seamless integration of all project data, enabling teams to work from a single source of truth, drastically improving collaboration.

Saber Belghith is the founder and CEO of Konnect 3D, a cutting-edge data and 3D platform designed to enhance project execution through artificial intelligence and digital twin technology. With a Master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering, a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Numerical Analysis, anda seasoned private pilot, Saber brings a unique perspective to his work, blending technical expertise with a passion for aviation. A serial entrepreneur with a long-standing career in the oil and gas industry, Saber has been a member of the Construction Industry Institute since 2012 and actively participates in advisory panels with major EPCs and operators. His journey in project execution highlighted challenges such as data silos and communication gaps, which inspired him to create Konnect 3D as part of the Konnect xD suite under his company, TWINTECH. Saber’s commitment to innovation extends beyond the industry, with a focus on corporate social responsibility and bridging the gap between academia and industry.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series. Before we dive into our discussion about disruption, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you share with us the backstory about what brought you to your specific career path?

My journey began with a deep fascination for both technology and aviation. I pursued a Master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering, with a child’s dream to become a pilot, so now I fly single engine planes for leisure. =, My professional path led me into the oil and gas industry. It was during my years in corporate method centers that I encountered the persistent challenges that still plague the industry today—data silos, communication gaps, and inefficiencies in distributed teams, clients, contractors and sub-contractors across the globe. These issues, combined with my entrepreneurial spirit, led me to create Konnect 3D. I envisioned a solution that would integrate data and improve project management efficiency using AI and digital twin technology. That’s the vision behind Konnect 3D, and it’s what drives me to innovate every day.

What do you think makes your company stand out? Can you share a story?

Konnect 3D stands out because it is not just a software; it’s a transformative platform designed to bridge gaps between teams, data, and communication in large-scale projects. One standout example is our collaboration with a client that are a Chinese-American joint venture. Projects are facing chaotic changes in design, data and materials in real-time, affecting a possible lean execution. Konnect 3D allowed them to visualize and synchronize their project workfront seamlessly, providing the kind of real-time data insights that gave them peace of mind in complex situations. Our ability to handle such complexities is what sets us apart.

You are a successful business leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?

  1. **Visionary Thinking**: I’ve always been driven by the desire to see the bigger picture. When I noticed inefficiencies in project execution, I didn’t just want to solve one problem; I wanted to create a system that would revolutionize the entire process. That’s how Konnect 3D was born.


  1. **Resilience**: Building a company like Konnect 3D, especially one that challenges traditional methods, requires an unshakeable ability to push forward despite setbacks. Early on, many didn’t believe that real-time data integration in construction projects was achievable, but my persistence ensured that we stayed the course.

  1. **Adaptability**: The fast-paced evolution of technology requires constant learning and adaptation. I’ve ensured that Konnect 3D evolves alongside industry advancements, incorporating AI, real-time data, and digital twin technology to keep our platform at the cutting edge.

Leadership often entails making difficult decisions or hard choices between two apparently good paths. Can you share a story with us about a hard decision or choice you had to make as a leader? I'm curious to understand how these challenges have shaped your leadership.

One of the hardest decisions I faced as a leader wasn’t about technology or strategy—it was about people. Early on in Konnect 3D’s journey, I realized that no matter how innovative our ideas were, they wouldn't succeed without the right team in place. We had incredibly talented individuals, but the challenge was bringing together people with different perspectives and skill sets to work as one cohesive unit.

Instead of focusing on just finding solutions myself, I made the decision to empower my team to lead. We created a culture where everyone had a voice, and the best ideas came from collaboration. It wasn’t easy—there were different opinions and approaches—but we learned to trust each other and work towards a common goal. That decision to focus on building the right team, fostering open communication, and embracing diverse perspectives is what truly set Konnect 3D on the path to success. It taught me that, as a leader, it’s not about having all the answers, but about creating the right environment where your team can thrive and drive the innovation forward.

Ok, thank you for that. Let’s now jump to the primary focus of our interview. Let’s begin with a basic definition so that all of us are on the same page. In the context of a business, what exactly is “Disruption”?

Disruption, in the context of business, is about challenging the established norms and creating new pathways that redefine the industry. It’s not just about improving something that exists; it’s about creating a transformative shift that forces everyone to rethink how things should be done. Disruption often involves leveraging new technologies, business models, or processes to deliver more value in ways that weren’t possible before.

How do you perceive the role of 'disruption' within your industry, and how have you personally embraced it? Is it a necessity, a strategy, or something else entirely in your view?

In my industry, disruption is an absolute necessity. The oil and gas sector, as well as construction, has long relied on traditional methodologies that are no longer sufficient in today’s fast-paced world. At Konnect 3D, we have embraced disruption not as a strategy, but as our core philosophy. We use digital twin technology and AI to solve the inefficiencies of traditional project management, bringing real-time insights and predictive analytics to the forefront. Disruption is the catalyst for survival and growth in an increasingly digital world.

What lessons have you learned from challenging conventional wisdom, and how have those lessons shaped your leadership style?

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that challenging conventional wisdom often requires patience and persistence. You must be prepared to educate stakeholders and gradually earn their trust. This has shaped my leadership style to be more collaborative. I lead by listening, by presenting clear data-driven insights, and by building a culture that encourages questioning the status quo. As a leader, I’ve come to understand that innovation is not just about having the right ideas but also about bringing others along on the journey.

Disruptive ideas often meet resistance. Could you describe a time when you faced significant pushback for a disruptive idea? How did you navigate the opposition, and what advice would you give to others in a similar situation?

When we first introduced Konnect 3D to major players in the EPC sector, we faced scepticism regarding the feasibility of integrating real-time data into large-scale projects. Many believed that such an approach would be too complex to manage. I navigated the opposition by presenting small, digestible pilots that demonstrated the platform’s value incrementally. My advice to others in similar situations is to start small, build proof points, and let the results speak for themselves. Change is hard, but success is the ultimate persuader.

Ok super. Here is the main question of our interview. What are your “Five Innovative Approaches We Are Using To Disrupt Our Industry”? If you can, please share a story or an example for each.

  1. **Digital Twin Technology**: We are leveraging digital twins to create live replicas of physical assets, allowing teams to simulate and optimize project execution in real-time.


  1. **AI-Driven Predictive Analytics**: AI helps our clients foresee potential project issues before they happen, leading to proactive management and reduced downtime.


  1. **Real-Time Data Integration**: Konnect 3D allows for seamless integration of all project data, enabling teams to work from a single source of truth, drastically improving collaboration.


  1. **Advanced Visualization Tools**: We provide enhanced 3D and 4D visualization, which gives clients the ability to see complex projects unfold in real time, making communication far more effective.


  1. **Flexible Data Models**: Our platform’s flexible data models allow us to adapt quickly to project changes, giving clients the agility needed in today's fast-paced environment.

Looking back at your career, in what ways has being disruptive defined or redefined your path? What surprises have you encountered along the way?

Disruption has been the cornerstone of my career. It redefined my path when I chose to create Konnect 3D, moving away from traditional project management and into the realm of innovation. One of the biggest surprises has been the resistance from within the industry—sometimes innovation is hardest to sell to those who need it most. But, the satisfaction of seeing a disruptive idea transform an entire workflow is unparalleled.

Beyond professional accomplishments, how has embracing disruption affected you on a personal level?

Embracing disruption has made me more open to change in all aspects of life. It has taught me the importance of adaptability and resilience, and this has translated into my personal life, where I now embrace challenges as opportunities for growth rather than setbacks.

In your role as a C-suite leader, driving innovation and embracing disruption, what thoughts or concerns keep you awake at night? How do these reflections guide your decisions and leadership?

What keeps me awake at night is the rapid pace of technological change and ensuring that we are always ahead of the curve. I constantly think about how we can maintain our competitive edge while staying true to our mission. These reflections guide me to prioritize continuous learning, both for myself and my team, ensuring that we remain agile and prepared for the future.

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

If I could start a movement, it would be focused on bridging the gap between academia and industry, creating stronger pipelines for talent and innovation. I believe that by fostering collaboration between these two worlds, we can drive technological advancements that benefit not just companies, but society as a whole.

How can our readers further follow your work online?

Readers can follow my work through the Konnect 3D website at www.konnect3d.com

or connect with me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/saberbelghith

Thank you for the time you spent sharing these fantastic insights. We wish you only continued success in your great work!

About the Interviewer: Cynthia Corsetti is an esteemed executive coach with over two decades in corporate leadership and 11 years in executive coaching. Author of the upcoming book, “Dark Drivers,” she guides high-performing professionals and Fortune 500 firms to recognize and manage underlying influences affecting their leadership. Beyond individual coaching, Cynthia offers a 6-month executive transition program and partners with organizations to nurture the next wave of leadership excellence.

Source: Driving Disruption: Saber Belghith of Konnect 3D On The Innovative Approaches They Are Taking To Disrupt Their Industry | by Cynthia Corsetti | Authority Magazine | Sep, 2024 | Medium

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