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In our opinion, the best home remedy to lose weight is ... a change in lifestyle! Is that one of the main causes of obesity and overweight is the modern lifestyle, too sedentary and with a diet rich in fat, salt and sugar. In addition, these factors are cause and at the same time consequence of increasing levels of stress.   You will be surprised to know how some small changes can become the best home remedies to lose weight. Cortexi Amazon Reviews

The formula to lose weight is very simple: you must burn more calories than you eat.

This result is achieved by combining two factors: eating fewer calories than usual, using a balanced diet, and burn more calories by increasing physical activity.

Notice that so far we have not talked about home remedies to lose weight like herbal teas or other concoctions!

It is that in reality, the home remedies to lose weight can help, but the most important thing is the caloric balance. There are many strategies, such as herbal teas, shakes and even tablets or food supplements available at the pharmacy, which we will analyze below. Cortexi Amazon

But these strategies, at the risk of your health, should not be the only ones or the main ones, but should privilege diet and exercise as key factors to lose weight.

Regarding the diets there are also many but not all have proven to be really effective. Some promise to lose weight fast but it is important to keep in mind that there are no magic solutions.

To lose weight in a healthy way, you must adopt a balanced diet, because our body needs all the nutrients, including a little fat that is the most important source of energy. And perform physical activity, for which it is not necessary to go to gyms, something that we cannot always do for lack of time or resources, but to adopt the habit of performing the most economical and easiest of physical exercises: walking. Cortexi Ingredients

Consultation with a nutritionist or your doctor will allow you to first know what your caloric needs, according to age, body type and normal activity. In fact, they have the same caloric needs an athlete or an office, or a young person or an elderly person. Based on this data you can compose a balanced diet with all necessary nutrients ... without exceeding your daily calories!

You should also know how many calories are burned with each physical activity. There is a normal caloric expenditure from the body's own activities, such as digestion, and calories that are burned simply by doing things every day, like housework. They are calories that you can count as burned before you start exercising. Cortexi

Both to avoid gaining weight and to avoid deficiencies with vegetarian menus is essential to adopt a diversified diet that provides all the necessary nutrients

Many people start a vegetarian diet with the intention of losing weight more easily. However, we must consider that vegetarianism, like other diets, has its rules. As we will see, it is possible to get fat with vegetarian menus, mainly when we exaggerate in the consumption of carbohydrates and fats.

What guidelines must be taken into account?

Does this mean that a vegetarian diet promotes overweight? Not necessarily, but reaffirms the need to maintain a balanced diet that meets the nutritional requirements of the body. A vegetarian person can also maintain an unhealthy diet if he does not plan his diet properly. Metanail Serum Pro Reviews

What do you do to not get fat with vegetarian menus?

The first thing we must do is demystify vegetarianism as a guarantee of healthy eating. In the same way that you can get fat with vegetarian menus, we can also get sick by not consuming the proper nutrients.

When removing meat from our diet, we must pay special attention to the consumption of iron and other minerals. Luckily, we have numerous vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals, such as green leaves. In addition, we can use dried fruits, cereals and seeds to improve the supply of protein, fiber and "good fats".

Moderate carbohydrate consumption

On the other hand, we must be careful not to increase the consumption of carbohydrates. Generally the meats provide a feeling of prolonged satiety, since their digestion is slow. The same happens with eggs and dairy products, although at a lower intensity.

By not eating meat, we look for this satiety in other foods, mainly in flours, rice, potatoes and other foods rich in carbohydrates. The first problem is that we need to consume almost twice as much carbohydrate to achieve the same satiety of a portion of meat. Metanail Serum Pro Amazon

And, as expected, this translates into a high caloric intake for the organism. Therefore, a vegetarian person needs to incorporate sources of vegetable protein into their daily diet. Among the healthiest we find:

·        Milk vegetables: soy, almonds, chestnuts, oats.

·        Soy derivatives: tofu, yogurt, "soy meat".

·        Nuts and seeds: walnuts, almonds, chestnuts, pine nuts, quinoa, sunflower seeds, chia, flax ...

·        Grains and cereals: lentils, chickpeas, beans, beans.

Maintain a diversified diet

Many people claim that the vegetarian diet is "boring" after a few months. However, this is a clear symptom of the lack of diversity in their diet. With the enormous variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds (and derivatives) we can use our creativity to make beautiful, tasty and different dishes.

In addition, a more diversified diet, in general, means a greater contribution of essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, many nutritionists say that our dishes must be well proportioned.

Prefer foods with high nutritional value

If we have little time and we need to make simple and practical menus, we must be smart when choosing our food. There is a huge variety of ideas.

·        For example, instead of consuming white rice or bread, we can prefer their whole versions.

·        We also recommend combining them with plastic foods, such as green leaves, to facilitate the digestion of carbohydrates.

In the same way, when making purchases for the home, it is important to read the nutritional tables of the food. The ideal is to avoid buying "empty calories", that is, foods with a lot of calories and saturated fats, but with low nutritional value. Metanail Serum Pro

In addition, an excellent investment in our health is to give preference to foods of organic origin. Currently, the relationship between fertilizers and various diseases is being reaffirmed by several studies.

Vegetarian menu ideas that do not get fat

In our day to day we can elaborate a diet based on vegetarian menus. Next, we will see some examples of dishes, rich in flavor and without any meat contribution.

·        "Vegetarian Paella" of wheat and vegetables to taste.

·        Risotto of brown rice, spinach and Portobello mushrooms.

·        Chickpea burger with green leaf salad.

·        Zucchini noodles with pesto sauce and cherry tomatoes.

·        Pumpkin and lentil meatballs with wholemeal pasta.

·        Sauteed vegetables and tofu.

·        Broccoli and potato omelet (for ovolactovegetarians).

It is necessary to consult the doctor before changing the lifestyle and eating habits. In addition, any nutritional change should be accompanied and guided by a nutritionist.

If our goal is to lose weight it may be that the solution is not based on reducing fat or calories.There are many factors that make us gain weight without our knowing it and that it would not cost us anything to change. Therefore, we must know how to adjust some eating habits to lose weight. Supreme keto acv gummies

Eating habits to lose weight

Strict diets are no longer one of the dietary habits for losing weight. Going hungry, controlling each ration or suffering in each meal not only causes us mental stress, but in the long run it causes a rebound effect and makes us gain weight more.

More and more nutritionists recommend learning to eat healthily to lose weight gradually. This, in addition, affects our health in a positive way, since we feel full of energy and good humor.

The important thing is to learn to lose weight. We must know the bad habits that cause us to gain weight without our noticing and replace them with others that are much more effective and healthy.

1. Choose the whole flours

We must reduce the consumption of flours, since they are a source of a lot of energy. If we do not spend it, all we do is gain weight. Supreme keto acv gummies reviews

However, whenever we go to cook with flour we recommend opting for the integrals. These are rich in fiber, favor intestinal transit and are more satiating.

2. Substitute bad fats for good

The good fats are fattening, but nourish us, activate metabolism so we burn fatter, especially around the abdomen. What healthy fats can we eat?

·        Coconut oil.

·        Olive oil.

·        Avocado.

·        Ghee

·        Nuts.

·        Seeds.

·        Yolk.

·        Blue Fish.

3. Eliminate sugar

Eliminating sugar is much more effective than counting calories or reducing fat. The sugar alters our body and promotes the accumulation of fat, especially around the waist. We can choose another type of sweeteners:

·        Coconut sugar

·        Stevia

·        Honey bee.

·        Xylitol.

4. Reduce the salt

Salt favors the retention of liquids.This makes us gain weight and volume. Therefore, we must reduce its consumption as much as possible and choose, whenever possible, sea salt instead of common salt.

We can enhance the flavor of our dishes with spices, vinegar, lemon, garlic, etc.

5. Increase the protein

Nutrients nuts

Protein helps us lose weight, increase muscle mass,accelerate metabolism and reduce the waist. However, we recommend not abusing animal protein and also incorporating plant protein into our diet. The vegetable protein, in addition to being of good assimilation, also gives us a large amount of fiber.

·        Vegetables.

·        Nuts.

·        Seeds.

·        Avocado.

6. Do not miss the salad

Accompanying each meal with a good salad is a highly recommended habit to lose weight without going hungry. The salads are very satiating and are rich in vitamins and minerals. Supreme keto acv gummies amazon

We recommend you try all the salad recipes there are. Some, if they carry many supplements, can even serve as a single plate of food.

7. Beware of dairy products

Milk and dairy products make us gain weight and, in many cases, we do not digest them well because of their lactose content. We can replace them with vegetable drinks that we can prepare at home or buy, based on the following ingredients:

·        Oats.

·        Rice.

·        Almond.

·        Hazelnut.

·        Spelled

·        Hemp.

8. Eat more and dine less

The breakfasts provide us with energy that we will burn throughout the day. In contrast, dinners tend to increase our reserves of fat in the body.

For this reason, to lose weight we must have a full and balanced breakfast and have dinner early and early. It is not about going to bed hungry, but to choose light foods that will satisfy we and we can digest well. Supreme keto acv gummies amazon reviews

9. Drink more water

We should drink every day, at least, a liter and a half of water. Drinking water throughout the day, fasting and outside meals helps us lose weight for the following reasons:

·        Accelerates the metabolism.

·        Combat fluid retention

·        Increase sweating

·        Improves digestion.

·        Avoid eating on impulse when we are not hungry.

10. Chew well

Chewing food well is one of the last food habits to lose weight very simple. By chewing well we get satiated before and eat less, as well as improve the assimilation of nutrients.

We must learn to eat slowly, without hurry and without anxiety, to enjoy the food while we lose weight eating. Have you already adjusted these eating habits to lose weight? We encourage you to incorporate them into your diet because they will change your life.

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, important for many bodily functions. For example, it is vital to maintain healthy vision, strong immune system, and good skin appearance.

There are two types of vitamin A that are available in food; the retinol and provitamin . Retinol is commonly found in meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. On the other hand, provitamin A is obtained by the body when it converts it through the carotenoids of plant foods such as red, green and yellow fruits and vegetables. Prostadine

Although vitamin A deficiency is rare in developed countries, many people in developing countries do not get enough of it. The population at highest risk includes pregnant and breastfeeding women, infants and children. Therefore, know 6 signs of vitamin A deficiency in order to prevent it and preserve your health for a long time.

6 signs of lack of vitamin A

1. Dry skin

Vitamin A is important for the creation and repair of skin cells. It also helps fight inflammation due to certain skin problems. Not getting enough may be the cause of the development of eczema and other conditions.

Eczema is a condition that causes dry, itchy skin and inflammation. Several clinical studies have shown that vitamin A supplement is effective in treating eczema . In a 12-week study, people with chronic eczema who took 10-40 mg of vitamin A per day experienced a 53% reduction in their symptoms.

Keep in mind that dry skin can have many causes, but chronic vitamin A deficiency may be the main reason.

2. Dry eyes

The eye problems are the best known related to vitamin A deficiency. In extreme cases, not getting enough vitamins A can lead to complete blindness.

Having the inability to produce tears, is one of the first signs of vitamin A deficiency. Young children in India and Africa who have diets lacking this vitamin have a higher risk of developing dry eyes. Prostadine Reviews

One study found that high doses of vitamin A decreased the prevalence of dry eyes by 63% in infants and children who took vitamin A supplements for 16 months.

3. Night blindness

The severe lack of vitamin A can cause night blindness. Several studies have reported a high prevalence of night blindness in developing nations. Due to the scope of this problem, health professionals have worked to improve vitamin A levels in people at risk of this condition.

In one study, women with night blindness received vitamin A in the form of food or supplements. Both forms of vitamin A improved the condition. As a result, women's ability to adapt to darkness increased by 50% during the 6 weeks of treatment. Prostadine Amazon

4. Difficulty conceiving

Vitamin A is necessary for reproduction in men and women, as well as for the proper development of babies.

The deficiency of vitamin A can cause infertility in both men and women. Studies show that female rats with little vitamin A have difficulty becoming pregnant and may have embryos with birth defects.

Other research suggests that infertile men may have a greater need for antioxidants due to the high levels of oxidative stress in their bodies. The lack of this vitamin is also related to spontaneous abortions. In turn, a study that analyzed blood levels of different nutrients in women who had recurrent miscarriages found that they had low vitamin A levels.

5. Delay in growth

Children who do not consume enough vitamin A may experience growth retardation. This is because this vitamin is necessary for the proper development of the human body.

Several studies have shown that vitamin A supplements, alone or with other nutrients, can improve growth. The majority of these studies were conducted in children from developing countries. In fact, a study in more than 1,000 children in Indonesia found that those with a lack of vitamin A who took high doses of supplements for 4 months grew more.

However, a review of studies found that supplementing with vitamin A in combination with other nutrients may have a greater impact on growth than supplementing only with vitamin A. Prostadine Consumer Reports

6. Respiratory tract infection

Frequent infections, especially in the throat or chest, can be a sign of vitamin A deficiency. Supplements of this vitamin can help with respiratory tract infections.

An investigation in children in Ecuador showed that those with low weight who took enough vitamin A per week had less respiratory infections. On the other hand, a review of studies in children found that vitamin A supplements can increase the risk of developing throat and chest infections by 8%. Therefore, the authors suggested that supplements should only be given to people with a true deficiency.

Trying to decide how many carbohydrates to ingest is one of the main problems that diabetics face.

While some agencies such as the American Diabetes Association say that 45% of daily calories can be consumed through carbohydrates (135-230 grams of carbohydrates), other medical sources have opined, through various studies, that This figure is still high, not to say erroneous.

It is a confusing picture, because not everyone processes carbohydrates in the same way.

However, analyzing the various studies that have been done about low-carbohydrate diets for diabetics, you can draw a few useful considerations that everyone can apply. Glucoberry

What are the differences between diabetics and prediabetics?

As has been said, not all people process carbohydrates in the same way and this applies especially in the case of diabetics.

The first thing to keep in mind is that there are different types of people that face diabetes: prediabetics and diabetics, and the latter are divided in turn between those with type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes.

Although both prediabetics and diabetics have in common their difficulty in producing or storing the hormone insulin and thus processing glucose (a type of blood sugar essential in many functions), the differences between them are notorious.

Diabetes type 1

The pancreas lacks beta cells, which are responsible for producing insulin, which must be injected into the patient. It is usually diagnosed when the patient is still a child, but can appear at any age.

Type 2 diabetes

It is the most common type of diabetes and is linked to obesity. It occurs when the cells of the body are resistant to insulin or the pancreas does not create enough insulin.


A patient is prediabetic when his blood sugar concentration is 100-125 mg / dL or HbA1c (monthly glycosylated hemoglobin control) between 5.7-6.4%. 70% of them progress to type 2 diabetes, and suffer the same health risks as heart disease, obesity, kidney failure or high blood sugar.

How do carbohydrates affect sugar levels?

The levels of sugar, of diabetic patients or not, affect by diverse factors like stress, illnesses or lack of exercise, but mainly by the bad feeding.

Of the three macronutrients (fats, proteins and carbohydrates), carbohydrates are the ones that raise blood sugar the most, because during digestion the body turns them into sugar and this happens with all of them: from fruits, rice or vegetables , even cookies and refined sugars. Glucoberry Reviews

Now, for people who do not suffer from diabetes, some carbohydrates are not harmful, especially fruits because they contain fiber. For diabetics, this does not apply, because even healthy carbohydrates can cause their blood sugar levels to rise dramatically, especially in the case of those with type 1 diabetes: they must inject insulin several times a day, regardless of the type of carbohydrate they consume.

It is because of these complexities of nutrition that carbohydrate restriction diets are so popular among diabetics.

What does science say about the restriction of carbohydrates for diabetics?

Due to the importance that the adequate consumption of carbohydrates poses for diabetics, there are many investigations that have been done in this regard.

Encompassing the results of different investigations, according to the level of carbohydrate restriction, these are some of the conclusions that can be drawn.

1. Ketogenic diets for diabetics

(20-25 g of carbohydrates a day): used to cause ketosis (condition in which the body uses acetone and fat instead of sugar). These diets have been shown to be effective in weight loss and to reduce HbA1c by up to 0.6% in a short-term study. Glucoberry Amazon

2. Low carbohydrate diets

(100-150 grams of carbohydrates per day): in a 12-month study, the participants' HbA1c went from 8.3% to 6.3%.

How many carbohydrates should diabetics ingest?

Although studies have shown the effectiveness of low-carbohydrate diets for diabetics, this is not the only factor that should be addressed.

A strict and restrictive diet such as ketogenic, for example, despite giving good results in a short time on the control of blood sugar, may be difficult to follow long term, and the truth is that not all diabetics can get to need it, as there are some who process carbohydrates better than others.

A good method so that each person with diabetes can decide how many carbohydrates to eat, is to use a glucose meter: measuring our levels one hour before and two hours after each meal, we can keep track, remembering that the highest level of sugar in the blood should reach 139 mg / dL.

By making constant measurements of this type, one can better notice how each one processes the carbohydrates and make necessary corrections, eliminating certain foods. Glucoberry Ingredients

What carbohydrates should a diabetic not eat?

Regardless of the ability of each diabetic to process carbohydrates, there are certain harmful foods that everyone should avoid to the extent possible, such as the following:

·        Breads, puddings or donuts.

·        Pasta, rice and corn

·        Potatoes, sweet potatoes and taro.

·        Legumes such as peas or lentils (except green peas and peanuts).

·        Sweet dairy

·        Most fruits, except for berries.

·        Cookies, feet and ice cream.

·        Fruit juices, sodas, soft drinks or teas with sugar.

·        Beer.

Although some of these products, such as fruits or legumes, are not harm in general, for a diabetic they can be harmful, so one option would be to opt for other products such as low carb vegetables, nuts, seeds, avocados, meat, fish, eggs, natural dairy and others, is an option to make changes without the body feeling restricted.

Are you losing weight without wanting it and do not know why? Unintentional weight loss may be warning of a serious problem, such as the existence of a systemic disease.

Therefore, although we can be happy to lose a few kilos, it is important that if we are not doing anything to lose weight, we go to our doctor.

Some reasons why you are losing weight without wanting it

We will discover some reasons that make you lose weight involuntarily and that can cause serious health problems. Exipure reviews

1. Consumption of certain drugs

Although medicines often provide relief of a symptom or the solution to a problem, sometimes can have a negative impact on our weight.

·        The drugs that usually cause unexplained weight loss are usually those that are used in treatments for cancer, due to chemotherapy, or those destined for the thyroid.

However, within drugs we cannot avoid talking about drugs. The consumption of cocaine or amphetamines can cause involuntary weight loss, in addition to having a negative effect on health.

2. Stress, anxiety and depression

The emotional problems are often one of the reasons why you're losing weight unwillingly, because our emotions have a great effect on our body.

The loss of appetite and feeding in an inadequate way are some of the reasons that make you lose weight.

·        In cases of anxiety or depression, the drugs can also induce that lack of appetite that favors that weight loss. Therefore, we must attend to their contraindications.

3. Persistent infections

Due to a weakened immune system, you may be exposed to flu, gastroenteritis and a series of infections that may be causing you to lose weight.

·        In cases of gastroenteritis, for example, diarrhea can cause, in addition to dehydration, weight loss.

Also, we would have to monitor if they have changed our habits to go to the bathroom. For example, if before we suffered constipation often and now diarrhea, or if there are periods in which they are interspersed. Occasionally, it may be an indication of colon cancer. Exipure amazon

4. Oncological surgery

If you have recently undergone oncological surgery in which part of the small intestine has been removed, it is very likely that you are losing weight due to energy consumption and fatigue after the operation.

Many surgeons already warn that it is totally normal that there is a loss of weight after surgery. However, this should be temporary.

If the problem lasts over time, we should find out what is causing this weight loss.

5. Addison's disease

Have you ever heard of Addison's disease? This disease occurs when there is a lack of hormones, especially cortisol , which affects the adrenal glands.

When the disease is advanced there may be weakness, nausea and vomiting.An alteration in the gastrointestinal function is also added, and loose stools may arise.

All these conditions may be one of the reasons why you are losing weight without wishing it.

Beware of changes in diet

In many cases, a change in diet can cause us to lose weight in an inexplicable way. For example, introducing more vegetables and fruit can lead to this weight loss. Exipure side effects

Also if we radically modify our habits. For example, opting for vegetarianism or veganism could lead to weight loss.

·        Many times, during the period of adaptation of our body, we suffer changes in our gastrointestinal function.

·        Our body may not be able to absorb the new nutrients correctly until they get used to it.

·        If we introduce new foods that we have never eaten, we have to give our body’s time to get used to them.

In the first weeks it is normal to go to the bathroom more. Many people call this "detoxification period."

The important thing is to detect if our unexplained weight loss is momentary or lasts over time.

In any case, it will be necessary to go to the doctor to reassure us about it, and tell us which of the previous reasons is behind that weight loss.

For centuries, long pepper has been used as one of the spices in cooking. Long pepper contains several nutrients such as fats, proteins, sugars, carbohydrates, calcium, vitamins C and A, dietary fiber and sodium ions. This pepper has a strong spicy flavor that adds flavor to food. The spice grows like a fragrant plant that contains hairy branches. All its parts are used for various benefits for human consumption and health.Strictiond Reviews


·        1.COLD TREATMENT:

Long pepper is used to treat a variety of cold symptoms such as headache, mucus, fever and cough. It is better as a home cold treatment as a remedy for the mentioned cold symptoms.


The diabetes is a special phenomenon for people who have difficulty regulating the level of blood sugar. Pepper regulates the amount of glucose that is released in the blood. Unregulated blood sugar levels can cause diabetes. Therefore, the prevention of diabetes is one of the benefits of long pepper in the human body. Regular consumption of this food spice also increases the rate of insulin production in the body. It can prevent all types of diabetes that affect humans.


Regular consumption of this pepper can control allergies such as asthma. The piperine element of this plant helps relieve multiple allergies. The presence of pepper elements in the body causes the decongestant effect that helps treat allergies that cause respiratory disorders in the body. In addition, the spice affects the reduction of the frequency and intensity of asthma attacks.


Most health problems originate in the food that people eat. Having a weak digestive system can cause unbalanced levels of nutrients in the body. Pepper treats digestive disorders such as heartburn and nausea. The element also increases the rate of digestive metabolism causing a smooth digestion of food. This is achieved through the improvement of the secretion of digestive enzymes. In addition, pepper helps the digestive system avoid chemicals that endanger the body by producing carcinogens.


The cancer is one of the most deadly diseases in the world. It has claimed the lives of many heroes and heroines in different parts of the world. Researchers have spent sleepless nights looking for ways to fight this enemy of life. Research shows that pepper contains Piperingomerine that acts as an anti-cancer. The element slows the growth rate of cancer cells by cutting off the energy supply to cancer cells and, therefore, causes them to experience self-destruction. However, pepper's ability to prevent cancer is subject to more research.


A considered number of men and women suffer from various disorders of the reproductive system. It is painful for a couple to live without children considering the kind of joy a baby brings to the family. Pepper is one of the known aphrodisiacs that are responsible for increasing the functionality of the human reproductive system. It also stimulates sexual capacity in both men and women.

·        7. WEIGHT LOSS:

Overweight is one of the disorders that are common in today's world. People use various approaches and medication methods to reduce their weight. An overweight person is prone to different health difficulties that can be minimized through the treatment of obesity. Lose weight It is one of the benefits of long pepper. The spice is combined with honey to treat overweight people. Piperine in the plant causes increases in thermogenesis in the human body. The increase in thermogenesis increases the rate of heat production through oxidation and, therefore, the reduction of body fat. In addition, pepper helps improve the bioavailability of nutrients in the body such as amino acids, B6 pyroxide, beta-carotene, glucose and curcumin selenium. These nutritional elements help stimulate the metabolism in the body.


Insomnia is the strange lack of sleep. People who have insomnia can get help by regularly consuming pepper. The treatment of health disorders due to lack of sleep is one of the best benefits of long pepper. In most cases, people have insomnia as a result of stress. Pepper reduces the stress caused by insomnia.

·        9. NERVOUS SYSTEM:

Another benefit of long pepper is its ability to strengthen the body's nervous system. According to some research studies, the fruit of this plant produces piperine that helps improve the brain's memory power. Consequently, the functioning of the nervous system that originates in the brain is optimized. When you have an improved nervous system, the risks of contracting neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's are minimized.

·        10. LIVER TREATMENT:

Pepper helps in the treatment of an overloaded liver by eliminating toxins that could be in the organ. By doing this, the liver works slightly, and the risks of developing liver disorders such as hepatitis are significantly reduced.

Long pepper has a list of health benefits in the body. Consider adding it to the list of your food spices and consume it regularly for best results.


Chia water is a very fresh and delicious drink, and the seed of this plant, provides fiber, protein, antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins, provides more than its flavor, provides very useful benefits to the body.

One of the best ways to consume this nutritious seed, is preparing chia water, and in a simple way, has a healthy, refreshing, and nutritious drink, in addition, it helps you lose weight. Commonly consumed and prepared lemon water with chia.

What are the benefits of drinking chia water?

The chia seeds have a high nutritional value, the main benefits it will provide:

·        Excellent way to hydrate and nourish the body at the same time

·        Its consumption helps in appetite control, providing satiety

·        Chia water is a great alternative to provide the body with antioxidants, which will help prevent cellular oxidation and premature aging 

·        Vegetarian people can safely add chia water to their diet

·        It is recommended as a great option, to complement the diet and / or plans to lose weight, stimulating, due to its content to achieve that goal in a natural and healthy way. This, promoting the elimination of adipose (fat) tissue accumulated in the body.

·        It is a rich source of fiber

·        They help you improve your digestion thanks to the high fiber content

How to prepare healthy and rich chia water to lose weight

Before preparing the chia water, you have to keep in mind that you like thick drinks so much. metabo flex

If you like very thick drinks, you should add more tablespoons of chia, the fewer spoonfuls, less thick.

The second question you should ask yourself is: What is my favorite drink? Or, what do I want to drink right now?

The beauty of chia is that you can continue with all the drinks you can imagine, from all the types of tea that exist, to all the fruit waters that you can crave, even with coffee you can do it.

Well, I have chosen to make chia water with jamaica, I particularly love jamaica, besides being a diuretic it has a sour taste that I like very much.

The first thing I do is prepare the chia, so that it has that thick touch that I like, so for each cup of water I add 3 tablespoons of chia.

Since we have the measures, we only combine both ingredients, water and chia, and we can do two things, leave it overnight in the refrigerator or wait 10 to 15 minutes to thicken, it's a matter of taste, the longer it solidifies more.

We wait a few minutes. We can prepare the water that you like the most, in my case, I prepare Jamaica water.

Once we have the water of Jamaica and the chía already ready and thick, we begin to combine both ingredients; the advantage in this case is that you can give it the thickness you like.

How to prepare chia water with Jamaica:

Preparation time: 5 mins


·        10 grams Chia

·        Jamaica flower

·        Water


1.     In ½ cup of water, soak the chia seeds (it is advised that this soaking be at least half an hour or longer, before preparing chía water with Jamaica.

2.     In a pot add the flower of Jamaica with water, boil it for 15 minutes. The amount of Jamaica varies in taste, I like to put 50 grams per 2 liters of Jamaica, this gives a very strong flavor and color, as you can see in the photographs.

3.     Once the water of Jamaica is cold, we add the previously soaked chia seeds and if you like you can add a sweetener such as stevia or splenda

4.     Serve, and want, decorate with soaked Jamaica flower, and add ice to taste.

In this preparation / recipe, the caloric intake of chia water, is very low, only 29 kcal per serving, there is no doubt, of being a great alternative to healthy, low calorie, nutritious and delicious drink, which will accompany the daily food.

How to prepare chia water with lemon

This recipe is very simple too; it is practically making lemon water and adding the chia mixture soaked in water. metabo flex reviews

First we squeeze the lemons in a glass, and let the chia soak.

Mix the chia with the lemon juice.

At the end we add water to taste to control the thickness of the drink, and decorate it with a slice of lemon.

Chia water with lemon

Preparation time: 10 minutes

The most popular and rich way to prepare chia water, is with lemon, thus intensifying the beneficial effects to health, since, this citrus is very nutritious


2 tablespoons of chia seed

12 pieces of lemon

1 liter of water

½ cup natural stevia sweetener

Ice to taste


1.     In ½ cup of water, soak the chia seeds (it is advised that this soaking be at least half an hour or longer, before the preparation of chia water with lemon.

2.     Once the lemons are washed and well dried, cut them in halves, reserve some slices for the final decoration if desired.

3.     With the help of a juicer or manually, extract the juice from all the pieces.

4.     Blend this juice mixture, along with water, sweetener and chia seeds, previously soaked.

5.     Serve, and want to, decorate with a few slices of lemon, previously reserved, and add ice to taste.

And to enjoy the water of chia with lemon, it should be noted that there are various recipes to prepare this delicious beverage, in some cases, only add the chia, without grinding along with the other ingredients, or, you can take advantage of the skin of the lemon, and you can grind it. In short, the idea is to make the most of the benefits they bring to the organization.

How to prepare cold coffee with orange, lemon and cinnamon

This coffee is very easy to prepare, basically it is a cold American espresso with an orange, lemon and 1 tablespoon of cinnamon, all totally stirred and ready to be enjoyed. metaboflex

Cold coffee with tangerine, orange, lemon and cinnamon

Preparation time: 10 minutes


·        1 cup of coffee

·        The juice of an orange

·        The juice of a tangerine

·        One lemon's juice

·        1 Tablespoon chia

·        1 envelope of stevia


1.     Prepare a cup of coffee with the preferred method (In my case it was aeropress).

2.     Add a 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon to coffee

3.     Squeeze the juice of an orange, tangerine, and lemon over the coffee.

4.     Strain the coffee to filter any type of seed

5.     Add a spoonful of previously prepared chia (chia with lemon).

6.     Enjoy this rich coffee with citrus, cinnamon and chia

 These are some recipes that you can prepare with chia, I hope and enjoy it, you can combine the chía with how many juices and waters you know, I have done it with countless recipes that I have been experimenting.

We have another guide with 5 recipes of how to take the chia to lose weight, from the chia gel to the chia smoothie click here to read it.

How to lose weight if you are over 35

After 35 years the metabolism of each person changes. You do not have the same metabolism as when you were 20 years old. You can not eat the same and do the same as a person of 20 years, you should limit yourself more with the calories and the type of foods that are in your diet, and chia is an excellent food to include in your daily diet.