This article on Position Stack should Bahrain Phone Number List interest you. Summary : Position stack, a professional geocoding API alternative to the Google Maps Geocoding API positio nstack api geocoding Positionstack, an alternative geocoding API to Google Maps Geocoding API In general, an API (from the English Application Programming Interface) is a programming interface that allows a given software to offer services to other software, generally via the Bahrain Phone Number List transfer of data in different formats (JSON , XML, HTML, …). apercu api position stack As a professional geocoding API, Position stack is a complete
solution for exploiting and transforming visitor Bahrain Phone Number List address data. A real cheaper alternative to Google Maps Geocoding API, the positionstack API allows geocoding which consists of retrieving and assigning geographical coordinates, in this case latitude and longitude, to a postal address. Reverse geocoding is also practiced on this geocoding API : here, it is a question of finding the address corresponding to the geographical Bahrain Phone Number List coordinates. As there are Bahrain Phone Number List many geocoding services out there, Position stack has offerings that go above and beyond what its competitors offer by adding a few cool features. In addition to the forward and
reverse geocoding API endpoints, the API Bahrain Phone Number List incorporates more advanced functions such as a map_url object that points to a map embeddable to your website and country data in case of customers foreigners: currency, language, flag… You just need to add the “country_module http GET” parameter. Due to its functionalities, Position Bahrain Phone Number List stack is an interesting Google API geocoding alternative . The additional country_module is included in Position stack. The Sun Module and the Time Zone Module Bounding Box Unit are provided. What are the use cases for the Position stack API? Position stack is a real-time