What are reversal Japanese candlesticks?
It is a Japanese candlestick pattern, which predicts the occurrence of reversals in price trends, which may be downward or upward reversals. Reversals generally depend on the general direction of price movement, and not on specific time periods in Japanese candlestick charts.
For example, when the general trend of prices is upward, the reversal will be downward, and vice versa. These reversals usually indicate the occurrence of major changes in price movement, and therefore traders tend to exit trades before these reversals occur or as soon as they see them in action, and they are often... This reversal occurs in day trading positions, but may occur in long-term trading for days or weeks.
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When the trader has the ability to identify these reversals, trading will then be easy, knowing that the presence of several rapid reversals and not making decisions quickly enough will lead to major losses.