jacque designs swimwear - Each piece found in the store has been designed by myself, Jacque Day, in numerous areas of Northern California. This collection is made up of trendy and fashionable items designed for many individuals and their differing styles.
I’m 24 years old and my work is inspired by culture, surreal art, and varying landscapes. In 2015, while studying fashion at my local junior college, I started Jacque Designs as a swimwear collection with five simple pieces. There are many reasons I felt compelled to begin my design career with swimwear, body insecurities and a deep connection to the ocean being the largest two. I was raised on a sailboat as a young child, most of my education being ‘home-schooled’. This meant that my creativity was challenged… and that I needed a lot of swimsuits. Shopping for swimsuits as a young girl was a dreaded occasion, and I wanted to change that experience for as many women as I could.