Group Info OSRS Gold for sale OSRS Gold for sale

The thing in osrs gold for sale that has changed the most, is the community. Over the past three years since PKing was removed, the majority of the older players who were part of clans with large numbers have grown up. There's no going back for the new era of players. the wilderness will not change anything. PVP has become a competitive nightmare I'm sorry to add.

PVP has become a series of insults about x, followed by an excuse for x. I find it difficult to find PVM players that don't have LS masses for me. This is due to the fact that I don’t play often enough to have a chaotic weapon or 160M available to purchase chaos.

I don’t mean to offend anyone. I'm just being a woman about it. But I feel that in the last 3-4 years people have gotten so much more serious about runescape and some even to the point of being a bit extreme. I don't have anything against anybody. I've played longer and have even had the pleasure of meeting some awesome 09ers.

It's a bit odd to me that for bossing at my level being able to purchase multiple levels that cost over 100 million is slowly becoming an essential requirement. It's a bit crazy that importing DKs with firebolt was a common practice. My level of play has been for less than 1/4 of the time that I have and they are really into runescape. I don't like being the random freeplayer that people see and say things like, "wow 99 mage you are a scumbag." However, I think things are getting too serious. I hope that people will be able to understand where I'm coming from.

Recently, I was thinking of minigames currently being played in the wilderness but are soon to be moved north to Falador. The idea in general is however, a disaster. They will just be put in a random place, rather than ensuring minigames get moved to the appropriate locations based on their backstory.

In any case I took an examination of the minigames that were played in the wilderness: Clan Wars. These minigames all seem to be very "wild-centred", meaning that they aren't logically buy 07 gold elsewhere.



  • Wuyahong
    Wuyahong created new group OSRS Gold for sale OSRS Gold for sale
    The thing in osrs gold for sale that has changed the most, is the community. Over the past three years since PKing was removed, the majority of the ol...
    Feb 6 '22
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