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    ED is a side effect of medication in one out of every five cases. Keep an eye out for these, as they are so easy to resolve. Some of the most common offenses include: · Antidepressants. · Ibuprofen, naproxen, and Motrin are NSAIDs. · Most blood pressure drugs contain NSAIDs. Beta-blockers (metoprolol, carvedilol, atenolol) and diuretics (HCTZ) cause impair erectile function. The ARBs, The usual treatment is oral PDE-5 inhibitors. In addition to Viagra sildenafil citrate tablets 100mg, Levitra (vardenafil), Cialis (tadalafil), and Stendra (avanafil), they are all costly brand name drugs. visit us : https://readymedik.com/ #brand #sildenafilcitratetablets100mg #Sildenafil100mg #Sildenafil200mg#Sildenafil100mg #Sildenafil200mgED is a side effect of medication in one out of every five cases. Keep an eye out for these, as they are so easy to resolve. Some of the most common offenses include: · Antidepressants. · Ibuprofen, naproxen, and Motrin are NSAIDs. · Most blood pressure drugs contain NSAIDs. Bet...See more